When two or more substances combine, but each keeps its own properties, what is the new combination called A) Element B) Mixture C) Compound D) Homogeneous substance


Answer 1
Answer: hi.
your answer is b.
hope this helps!!!

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i) sugar solution wil not show tyndall effect , as the particle size is too small to reflect light , nut starch solution will show tyndall effect .

Btw i donno why but i feel like we study in the same school like the u have are so similar ......

The box in the picture begins motionless, and then both forces are applied at the same time. Describe the resulting motion of the box. A) The box will not move. B) The box will move to the left. C) The box will move to the right. D) The box will move to the left and then the right.


It seems that you have missed to attach the given image for us to answer this question, but anyway, here is the answer. Based on the picture of a box which is motionless, the resulting motion of the box would be option B. The box will move to the left. Hope this answer helps.

The force being applied toward the right is greater. So the box will move in the direction of the greater force being applied. The box will move toward the right. Hope this helps!!!

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Each mineral has its own properties different from other minerals because minerals are made up of different elements. Different elements which can be found on the periodic table all have unique properties, therefore, gold will have distinct properties in comparison with zinc or aluminium for example because they are made up of different elements :))))
I hope this is helpful
have a nice day

What is the answer to question 5??


As the solid wax melts and combusts, the wax combines with oxygen and turns into a gas, carbon dioxide among other things. The mass of the wax and wick are converted into gases and the mass is conserved. 

What powers the lights of the vampire squid ?
A.The sun


The vampire squid is almost entirely covered in light-producing organs called photophores, capable of producing disorienting flashes of light ranging in duration from fractions of a second to several minutes.

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Well porcupines have quills and they shout the quills out when felt threatened or scared!
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