In the early 1990s, Dean & Summers Inc. marketed three brands of car fresheners,Coral, White Springs, and Autumn Breeze. The car freshener industry is typically described as a low-growth industry. In 1993, Dean & Summers spent $5.1 million to advertise Coral and was rewarded with sales of over $112 million. In the same year, it spent nearly $5 million marketing White Springs, but the car freshener had disappointing sales of less than $23 million. Autumn Breeze, with hardly any promotion at all, had $1.2 million in sales. According to the BCG Portfolio Model, which of the following statements about these three products best describes them? A. Coral is a star, White Springs is a cash cow, and Autumn Breeze is a dog.
B. Coral is a cash cow while White Springs and Autumn Breeze are both question marks.
C. Coral and White Springs are cash cows and Autumn Breeze is a dog.
D.Coral is a cash cow while White Springs and Autumn Breeze are both dogs.


Answer 1


C: Coral and White Springs are cash cows and Autumn Breeze is a dog.

Explanation: Coral and White Springs both made a lot of money, meaning the profit far exceeded the amount of money spent on advertisements. Even though White springs didn't make as much as Coral in terms of profit, it's profit margin still exceeded the money spent on it.

Answer 2

Final answer:

According to the BCG Portfolio Model, 'Coral' can be classified as a 'cash cow' due to its high market share in a low-growth industry; 'White Springs' and 'Autumn Breeze' can be regarded as 'dogs' due to their low market share.


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Portfolio Model categorizes products into four categories based on their market growth and market share: stars, cash cows, question marks, and dogs. Stars are products with high market share in high growth markets, cash cows products with high market share in low growth markets, question marks products with low market share in high growth markets, and dogs, products with low market share in low growth markets.

In the context of this question, 'Coral' with high advertising spend resulting in high sales in a low-growth industry could be considered a cash cow. Despite substantial marketing effort, 'White Springs' underperformed in sales, making it a dog. 'Autumn Breeze', with minimal promotion but sales nonetheless, could also be classified as a dog. Therefore, option D. 'Coral is a cash cow while White Springs and Autumn Breeze are both dogs', best describes their status according to the BCG Portfolio Model.

Learn more about BCG Portfolio Model here:


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Hope this helps!

Answer is-

“The Forgotten Birthday” is about a girl named Lexie on her 16th birthday. Lexie wakes up excited for the day, but she is disappointed again and again. First, she expects her mother to prepare her favorite breakfast. But her mother has left for work early. Then she discovers that her friends at school have also forgotten her birthday. The final blow comes when her favorite teacher, Mrs. Fields, forgets her birthday. Feeling terrible, Lexie decides to go home and take a nap. Waiting for her at home are her mom, teacher, and friends. They’ve planned a surprise party for Lexie, and she is thrilled. By the end of the story, Lexie is happy again.

Btw sorry I'm late this is just for the people that have it! :)

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More details please...


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See below


First, let’s define trash and then we’ll get to Boo. Atticus’s definition of trash is someone with no integrity or regard for another race. Alexandra on the other hand, defies trash as anyone born to lower class families. While Atticus thinks that prejudice is bad, Alexandra encourages it. In the context of Boo Radley, this means that Boo is viewed as trash by Alexandra and not by Atticus.

I'm always happy to help :)

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