TOHow does the "one just man" theme tie in with Lines 565-70?
One man is not strong enough to subvert the worldly strong.
One good man, though weak, can accomplish great things.
A man should be worldly wise but never weak.
One good man should not be made to suffer for Truth's sake.


Answer 1


One good man, though weak, can accomplish great things.


John Milton's Paradise Lostis an epic narrative about the saving of men by God's only son Jesus Christ. This epic poem revolves around the Biblical story of the fall of man from the Garden of Eden, and thus their banishment from Paradise.

The one just man is a reference to Noah, who built an ark alone and led to the safety of the human race. Likewise, the theme of the "one just man" with the given lines show that a good man may be weak but he is also capable of saving the whole world. This is also a reference to the saving act of Jesus Christ by dying for the sinners of the world on the cross.

Answer 2

Merciful over all his works, with good

Still overcoming evil, and by small

Accomplishing great things, by things deemed weak

Subverting worldly strong, and worldly wise

By simply meek; that suffering for Truth’s sake

Is fortitude to highest victory,

A man should be worldly wise but never weak.

Answer: Option C.


In the excerpt which has been given above, it talks about the strength of a man. According to this, a man should be very strong, he should not be weak. But this does not mean that he can speak without thinking what to speak and can speak what ever he wants to.

A man should think before he speaks. He should be very wise while choosing his words but this does not mean that he should not show his strength through words.

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1. Which statement best summarizesthe main idea of “Double Daddy”??
A Fathers need to work hard.
B Mothers don't need help.
C Kids should help parents more.
D Fathers are helping out more
than before.



Correct answer is D.

Today, dads are struggling to manage between the responsibilities at work and the families needs.

Double Daddy shows how fathers are earning a bigger place on the family Society. They want to be there for their families and be part of all their children’s lives.  


D. Fathers are helping out more than before.


The term 'Double Daddy' refers to the current-day fathers who try to maintain the balance between work and personal life. Earlier in the past, men are the sole bread-winners of the family. Therefore, they did not take part in their children's lives as much as mothers do.

But these days, the fathers are present in their child's life equally as the mothers. They try to balance the work stress with personal life; thereby, they are the equivalent of mothers these days.

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There are a lot of risks that are associated with her, She may harm herself, as she is not in her senses. She can also harm others as well. She can get unconscious and fall away and can get injured. She can also get some car accident etc. She can also be easily harassed by other people.

To legally enjoy the celebration safely, she should abstain from any kind of drink and drugs that can cause harm to herself and others. And she can also hire some driver or anyone who could safely drop her at her place after party.

Your friend may face health risks, for example overdosing on drugs or mixing drugs and alcohol, she may harm herself if she gets behind the wheel, and she may harm others as well, for example if she gets into an accident. To safely and legally enjoy the celebration, she can choose to abstain from these substances and thus eliminate the risks. If not, she can at least have a designated driver who will pick her up at a specific time to safely bring her back home and cause no harm to others.

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It means that either you could be lucky or not. (you could be successful or unsuccessful) 


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b)there_____good nightlife.
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B) There is a lot of good nightlife.
C) There are a lot of good restaurants.
D) There is a lot of traffic.
E) There is a lot of pollution.
F) There are a lot of bookshops.
B) there is a lot of good nightlife
C) there are a lot of good restaurants
D) there is a lot of traffic
E) there is a lot of pollution
F) there are a lot of bookshop

Jacob is writing an argument in support of this claim.Although multiple-choice tests give a good indication of students' performance and eliminate grading bias, they do not promote a complete critical thinking process or allow for testing of higher-level thinking.

Which reason should Jacob include in his argument to support his claim?

A. Short response items, on the other hand, require the test taker to fully analyze the issue under study and provide a clear answer in his or her own words.

B. Most standardized tests rely on the multiple-choice format, so they accurately reflect students' performance.

C. Because a multiple-choice format provides conclusions, inferences, and evaluations within the answer choices, the test taker does not have to do all the thinking.

D. Without the multiple-choice format, administrators would have difficulty standardizing the grading of tests, which is a necessity given the importance placed on the results.


the correct answer is c.

A is the correct answer