HELP FAST!!!!! DUE IN A HOUR In 300 words or less, explore how the external events of the plot affect an internal change within Sanger Rainsford.


Answer 1


what book is this about

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They wanted to go on an adventure together. They decided to visit the South PoleA. Compound verb
B. Compound object
C. Compound subject


this is Compound Verb ( A compound verb is a verb  that uses multiple words to form a single verb ) there are four type of compound verb :-
prepositional  :- when a preposition combine with a verb  to add detail in it.
                               ( like :- believe in , care for )
Phrasal   :-  when a verb combine with a prepositional adverb .
                           (like :-  tear off , run out)
Auxiliary :-    when a verb combine with helping verb . and often used when talking in different tense . ( like :- was walking , will meet ) 
Combine single word :-  when single verb made from multiple words .sometimes they are joined sometimes differently. 
                    ( like :- babysit   , water proof , stir fry )

The coach’s remarks to the team were upbeat and inspiring ___ “You can always win if you try your best.” [L.9-10.2.b]A. :

B. ;

C. —

D. …


I believe the correct answer would be choice A, the colon (:).

Seasons are celebrations. A year's a Ferris wheel. Both honor our world's habit of spinning 'round a star. In the first line of the poem, the poet uses a


you don't even have to look it up it's a simile , the poet is comparing a person place or thing to the world itself 

I lay the pen on the table yesterday Is it a correct sentence?​



The sentence "I lay the pen on the table yesterday" is not correct in standard English. The correct past tense form should be: "I laid the pen on the table yesterday."

Answer: No

Explanation: In english there's a certain order to how you say things, as well as the fact that since this is a past tense statement (i.e. "yesterday") you would use the past tense of lay, "laid". So in order for the sentence to be correct it would need to be changed to "Yesterday, I laid the pen on the table."

In what ways is eva smith exploited in the play an inspector calls 'but these girls aren't cheap labour-they're people'


In the play An Inspector Calls, we learn that the character of Eva Smith is abused in a great variety of ways. She represents the oppressed lower classes of Edwardian England. Often, girls from a lower class struggled a lot throughout their lives. They needed to make a living in a world that provided them very few opportunities.

In the case of Eva Smith, she is first abused as a worker. She works long hours and gets paid very little. She is also abused due to her class, as several members of the Birling family believe themselves to be entitled to treating her badly. Eva Smith is also sexually abused, a crime that is left unpunished due to her gender and social position. This long line of abuses and exploitation lead to her eventual suic.ide.

First off, Eva Smith along with other people working in Mr. Birling's company was looking for higher wages, as they were paid very little. Mr. Birling refuses to increase their salary because he says it will cost him a lot. In order to show the other workers what will happen if a revolt takes place once again, he fires Eva Smith.
Then, Eva Smith gets a job in a clothing store, but Mr. Birling's daughter, Sheila, was jealous of her and angrily told the manager he should fire her (saying she wasn't doing her job correctly etc).
Later, Eva Smith changes her name to Daisy Renton and meets Geralds (Sheila's fiancé). He decides to take her as a mistress, providing her a place to stay, but ultimately tells her their relationship will have to end as socially it would never be accepted and he was already going to get married to Sheila.
She then becomes sexually abused by Eric, who drunkenly uses and impregnates her. He wants to help her by stealing money from his father, Mr. Birling, and offers to marry her to take care of the child, but she refuses when she finds out that he stole the money.
Finally, she decides to turn to charity, an association where the head was Mrs. Birling. She tries to lie about her past, using Mrs. Birling's name, which causes Mrs. Birling to refuse to help her despite clearly seeing that Eva/Daisy was alone and pregnant.
In the end, every member of the family ends up using Eva/Daisy, whilst still blaming her for what happened.

Write short note on Oral traditions.


Oral traditions are traditions that not written down. They are passed down by one generation to the next through song, dance, or spoken language. 
 a cultrual material and traditional passed oarlly to one generation from another