Please help 15 points to who answers the correct answer gets brainliest
Please help 15 points to who answers the correct answer - 1


Answer 1


The answer is 11


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I have a 10 page essay and i have no clue wat my topic should be any ideas



Well maybe the topic should be about your life.


Probley something your really instrested in

What is cognitive grammar?


It means to characterize into groups

Which sentence is written in second-person point of view? He had never been as scared as he was now.
Hyun had never been as scared as he was now.
I have never been as scared as I am now.
You have never been as scared as you are now.


D You have never been as scared as you are now

He had never been as scared as he was now.

2. What is the best summary of this passage?In July of 1799, over 200 years ago, French soldiers came upon a block of stone in the Egyptian town of el-Rashid, or Rosetta. The stone was inscribed with three translations of the same message from priests of Ptolemy V. The message itself, having to do with taxes on priests, is rather unimportant for us today. However, the Rosetta Stone, as it has come to be called, provided scholars with the key to translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. Two of the languages on the stone are Egyptian, one of them being hieroglyphics and the other being Demotic. The second language is Greek. Therefore, linguists familiar with Greek were able to roughly translate the meaning of the hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs were a formal writing system in Egypt that used picture symbols. Such writing is found in many of Egypt’s most famous structures, including the Great Pyramids. These symbols were able to be translated after the discovery and translation of the Rosetta Stone.

A. The Rosetta Stone, which made translating Egyptian hieroglyphs possible, was discovered over 200 years ago in el-Rashid, Egypt.
B. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone finally made possible the translation of many examples of hieroglyphs in places like the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
C. The message on the Rosetta Stone dates from the time of Ptolemy V and is a declaration of important tax information for priests near el-Rashid.
D. The Rosetta Stone was inscribed with a message in three languages, including Greek, making translation of Demotic and hieroglyphs possible.


for  the second paragraph it might be it was translated to egypt over 2000 years ago




What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?


a stamp on an envelope
A stamp can travel the whole world

In Poe’s poem, the raven taps on the door of the speaker’s chamber. How does the raven get into the house?


In the Poe's poem, the raven taps on the door of the speaker's chamber and the narrator opens the shutters and the raven came in, so that, the raven comes in through the window.

Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,

In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;"

"The Raven" is a poem written by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe.

"The Raven" deals with an unnamed narrator on a dreary night in December who sits reading "forgotten lore" by a dying fire as a way to forget the death of his beloved Lenore.

The raven comes in through the window