1. "Adip/o-" is the combining form for "skin."


Answer 1

The statement is false. 'Adip/o-' is associated with 'fat', not 'skin'. For 'skin', use 'Derm/o' or 'Dermat/o'. The statement: "Adip/o- is the combining form for 'skin'" is false.

The combining form "adip/o-" is not associated with the term "skin." Instead, "adip/o-" relates to adipose tissue, which is the medical term for body fat or fatty tissue. Combining forms are used in medical terminology to create words related to specific body structures or functions.

In contrast, the combining form for "skin" is "derm/o-" or "cutane/o-." So, "adip/o-" is specifically related to fat, not the skin itself. Accurate medical terminology is crucial for precise communication in the healthcare field.

Learn more about combining form here:


Answer 2




adipo means fat/fatty

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There is no definite answer to how tall one should be for their age. This answer will vary from person to person, from gender to gender and from age. One can talk to their doctor to find out the exact height that is approximate for their age and gender.

A 12 year old girl who is 5 feet tall should weigh between 80 and 110 pounds. Of course some girls will weigh more and some will weigh less, it does not mean that they are fat or too skinny. A 12 year old boy who is also 5 feet tall should weigh between 75 and 100 pounds. These are the weights that would place the child in the 50 percentile of all children their age

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The multi-store model of memory is a conceptual idea about how memory in our species works.

In short, the multi-store model of memory proposes three different types of memory - Sensory memory; very short, few second long stimulus retainment of what we see and what we're actually attentive towards. This is then forwarded to what we call short-term memory where memory is being stored for a bit longer. With information we're storing in short-term memory we then transfer it to the so called long-term memory where supposedly it can stay for very long. 


The multi store model of memory theory was first developed by Richard Atkinson and Shiffrin. There are three different memory stores in the theory: sensory memory, short term memory and also the long-term memory. They all differentiate from each other by their capacities and duration. Information is processed through our sensory memory first (what we sense, the first piece of information gathered) and is then passed onto the short term memory, where the information it has received only stays for a short amount of time, this is unless it is rehearsed continuously, then it will go to the long term memory where the information is stored and is rehearsed again and again to make sure it stays in the LTM.

The sensory memory is all of the information from your senses, it has a duration of 0-2 seconds unless you pay attention to it. Short term memory is where memory is stored for a short period unless it is rehearsed, it has a duration of 18-30 seconds and a capacity of 7+/-2 (7 items). Finally, the long-term memory is the final store of the multistore memory model, duration is infinite unless forgotten, and capacity is also unlimited / infinite. Both the STM and LTM need to be constantly rehearsed otherwise they will be forgotten; this is according to the multistore model.

A Strength of the multi store model of memory is that it is supported by research, for example, Baddeley shows that sometimes we mix up words that sound similar when we use our STM, whereas we mix up words that have similar meanings in the LTM. This is a strength because it tells us the coding in STM is acoustic and coding in LTM is semantic. Meaning they are different; this supports the view that STM and LTM are two memory stores and are separate and independent.

Another strength to the MSM is that it gives us a good understanding of the structure and process of the STM. Allowing researchers to expand on this model. This gives researchers the opportunity to do more experiments on how to improve the MSM and make it more valid. Therefore, the model is influential and gives researchers more opportunity to generate a lot more research into memory.

According to the MSM, what matters is the rehearsal and the amount of rehearsal you do. The more you rehearse the more information that will be stored into the long-term memory and remembered for a long time. But, according to Craik and Watkins, this is wrong. What actually matters is the type of rehearsal done. There are two types of rehearsal: maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. The Maintenance Rehearsal is described in the MSM, it does not help with rehearsing in the LTM, only the STM. Elaborative rehearsal is used for the LTM, referring to when you link information to the knowledge you already have. This is a weakness because the MSM cannot explain this research.


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Logic comes handy here you breathe by your nose

You inhale and outhale there

Hope I helped




Our nose is part of our respiratory system because it absorbs air to our lungs.

There are 3 major parts of the respiratory system: the airway, the lungs, and the muscles of respiration. The airway, which includes the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles, carries air between the lungs and the body's exterior.

Please help! (I don't know if the two I have answered are correct)


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False, true, true. In that order.