True or False: Blackhall et. all claim that advanced care directives and the concern about too much care at the end of life are the most important concerns for all segments of the population?


Answer 1

The correct answer is False

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According to the lesson, the lessening of punishment for a wrongdoing is called a (an) _____.
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The correct answers are:

1) Cultures

2) Relgion, Culture, Economics and Politics

3) Indulgence


1) Culture, which comprises set of beliefs, values, norms, symbols etc., through times of conflict and cooperation. Due to globalization and cooperation, many cultures have adopted things of other cultures. One simple example could be symbols in culture. LOL, ROFL, YOLO etc. They were not cropped up as the universal phenonema. Such symbols have been adopted by other cultures. For the conflict part, you can think of two countries have conflict with each other and their beliefs about one another. How things have changed for France and Germany in terms of their beliefs about each other. I can go on, but I hope you get the gist.

2) Four distinct characteristics of any society are:

1. Religion

2. Culture

3. Economics

4. Politics

Religion is the fundamental characteristic for few societies. For example, those living in Israel or Pakistan. Without culture, a society cannot survive; so it is the integral characteristic of any society. Economics and politics also is the fundamental characteristic of any society (Examples could be the societies that support capitalism or communism or democracy or dictatorship).

3) The lessening of punishment for a wrongdoing is called an indulgence. Historically, in the Roman Catholic Church, the pope could cancel or lessen the punishments for the wrongdoings or sins, and the phenomenon is called indulgence.

In the first sentence you have a gap, and I think it should be filled with "cultures: individuals, cultures and societies".

The distinct characteristics of any society are: culture, economics, religion, politics (but these might be different from the kinds we see today)

I think that the lessening of a punishment here is called indulgence - it was the forgiving of sins that the Church practiced.

It is impossible for those who have good intentions to have a cultural misunderstanding.a. True
b. False


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "FALSE." Tolerance is not considered as this one, 'It is impossible for those who have good intentions to have a cultural misunderstanding.' So that makes the statement false.

Why was Prohibition considered a joke?



1. Widespread Disregard

2. Increased Criminal Activity

3. Ineffectiveness of Law Enforcement

4. Rise of Moonshine

5. Social and Cultural Impact


During the era of Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933), when the production, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages were prohibited, Prohibition was often considered a joke for the following reasons:

1. Widespread Disregard: Despite the ban, there was a widespread disregard for Prohibition laws, leading to the rise of illegal activities such as bootlegging, speakeasies (secret bars), and organized crime. Many people continued to consume alcohol in secret, making Prohibition appear ineffective.

2. Increased Criminal Activity: Prohibition inadvertently fueled criminal activities, as underground networks emerged to produce and distribute alcohol illegally. Gangsters like Al Capone became notorious for their involvement in the illegal alcohol trade, and violence and corruption associated with bootlegging and speakeasies escalated.

3. Ineffectiveness of Law Enforcement: Prohibition posed significant challenges for law enforcement agencies, as it required a massive effort to enforce the ban and prosecute violators. The limited resources and corruption within law enforcement agencies hindered the effective enforcement of Prohibition laws, further undermining its credibility.

4. Rise of Moonshine: The ban on legal alcohol production led to the rise of homemade alcohol known as "moonshine." Moonshine was often of questionable quality and potency, leading to health risks and even deaths due to poorly distilled or contaminated products.

5. Social and Cultural Impact: Prohibition had unintended social consequences, as it contributed to a shift in societal norms. It led to the rise of a rebellious attitude against government regulations and an increase in secret social gatherings where alcohol was consumed, fostering a sense of excitement and defiance.

Overall, Prohibition was considered a joke because it failed to achieve its intended goals of reducing alcohol consumption, instead resulting in increased criminal activities, law enforcement challenges, and social defiance. The widespread disregard for the ban and the emergence of illegal alcohol networks contributed to its perception as an ineffective and impractical law.

If your fitness evaluation score is not satisfactory, set a new goal for the assessment and train for that goal.


True.  Fitness evaluations can be a major requirement in some jobs.  Apart from the advice given above, it is also recommended that you target weak points in your  game and concentrate on improving them through specialized exercises.  Diet and amount of rests can also be a factor that you should take into consideration.

The correct option is TRUE.

Further explanation:

An individual needs to set a new goal for assessment and train himself for that goal if his fitness evaluation score is unsatisfactory. Fitness evaluation has become a major requirement in jobs. Fitness evaluation helps in targeting your weak points and work on it.


Fitness evaluation is basically referred to the series of measurements which determines an individual’s physical fitness and health status. There are various measurements and tests which coaches and trainers use to measure his baseline fitness level.

Fitness evaluation helps in identifying fitness goals and interests. It also motivates an individual for exercising. It also determines an individual’s current health conditions. It also helps in identifying appropriate training options and tracking his progress.  

Fitness evaluation helps an individual in targeting his weak points and by which he can concentrate on improving through exercises and can set a new goal.

Learn more:

1. Which statement is true about the factors affecting physical fitness?

2. Compare and contrast lifestyle choices that positively affect physical fitness with those that negatively affect physical fitness.

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Fitness Evaluation

Keywords: fitness, evaluation, assessment, measurement, goals, interests, exercise, health

In ________ children live with both parents, dividing their time equally between separate households


I believe the answer is: joint physical custody

In joint physical custody, both divorced parents have an equal rights upon the custody of the children, which make them legally required to equally divide the time that they spent with the children and preventing them from moving the children to another cities/states without mutual agreement.

The kremlin, red square, and st. basil’s cathedral can be found in _________. moscow volga siberia st. petersburg


          i had tht answer just now and got it write hopefully it helps ya