What essential part of the operating system communicates with the BIOS, device drivers, resource managers, and APIs to coordinate operating system functions?


Answer 1


The answer for the part of the operating system communicates with the BIOS, device drivers, resource managers, and APIs to coordinate operating system functions is theKernel.


The Kernel is the part of the operating system that is most visible to users.

It provides a reference point for activities in the operating system and coordinates operating system functions.

The kernel communicates with the BIOS, device drivers, and the API and handles the hardware, timing schedule, peripherals, memory, disks and user access.

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Which printout will result from the snippet of code?supplies = ["pencil", "notebook", "backpack", "pen", "calculator"]
print("These are the supplies in the list:\n", supplies)
[‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]
These are the supplies in the list:
[‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]
These are the supplies in the list: [‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]
These are the supplies in the list:\n
[‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]



These are the supplies in the list:  

[‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]


The line return (\n) character will be in the output (so there will be a change of line), but it will NOT be visible as it would have been interpreted as a special character.

So the output will be on 2 different lines, with no \n visible.

If the command would have been: print('These are the supplies in the list:\n', supplies), with single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") then then \n would have been printed but not interpreted as a special character.  At least in most computer language.  Since we don't know of which language the question refers to, we can't be sure at 100%.


[‘pencil’, ‘notebook’, ‘backpack’, ‘pen’, ‘calculator’]


If you enter a command and want to terminate its execution before it is finished, you can press ____ to do so.



The answer to the given question is "Ctrl+break" shortcut key.


To terminate the execution before it is finished we use the Ctrl +break shortcut key. This shortcut key is a part of the Microsoft Visual Studio that is used for Switch between maximum-screen and remote desktop sessions with windows.

This key also known as break key that is available on the keyboard that is used for play/pause.

That's why the answer to this question is "Ctrl+break".

if you mean on the phone you can press the home button. if you mean on the computer you could press esc

The best grounding method when arc welding is to connect the welding machine grounding cable to


the material you are welding other wise an arc will not be created 


What it is you are welding


If vertical welding, place above weld as a general rule.

Clean the metal you place the clamp on.

When connecting clamp, most machines work better when the cable is facing up unless stated otherwise.

Never ground on a stool in which you intend to sit.

Ground as close to the weld as possible.

Never put stinger on the ground clamp.

Can someone help me with this electricity question


"Cutoff" means that the base current is biased in such a way that the
collector-emitter current is cut off ... zero current through the transistor.

"Saturation" means that the base current is biased in such a way that
the collector-emitter current is the most it can be ... max possible
current through the transistor.

-- In order for the motor to run, there has to be some emitter current.

-- The transistor is a current amplifier. In order to get any emitter current,
you'll need a little bit of base current.

-- The way the circuit is built, there's no way to get any base current.
Grounding it doesn't do anything.

-- Leave the switch where it is.  But disconnect the resistor from
ground, and connect it instead to the top of the battery (the collector
terminal is a convenient place).  Then, when the switch is closed, the
base gets some current from the battery through the resistor, big current
appears through the collector-emitter, and the motor spins up.

Reversing the elements of an array involves swapping the corresponding elements of the array: the first with the last, the second with the next to the last, and so on, all the way to the middle of the array. Given an array a and two other int variables, k and temp, write a loop that reverses the elements of the array. Do not use any other variables besides a, k, and temp.



// Assume that all variables a, n, temp have been declared.

 // Where a is the array, n is the array length, temp is a temporary

 // storage location.

 // Cycle through the array a.

 // By the time the loop gets halfway,

 // The array would have been reversed.

 // The loop needs not get to the end of the array.

 // Hence, the loop ends halfway into the array i.e n/2.

 for (int k = 0; k < n / 2; k++) {


  // Swap first and last, second and next-to-the-last and so on

  temp = a[k];

  a[k] = a[n - k - 1];

  a[n - k - 1] = temp;



Carefully go through the comments in the code.

Hope this helps!

What are 3 machines or divices that depend on gravity to work


There are very many machines that depend on gravity to work. Apart from the ones mentioned here earlier, the other three machines and devices include, gravity powered solar tracker, water powered cable trains, human powered Ferris wheel and gravity powered lights.

Gravity-Powered Solar Tracker - Using gravitational power and water, this solar powered tracker ensures a solar panel follows the sun throughout the day, producing clean drinking water

Water powered cable trains - They are energy - efficient modes of transport out there. Majority of these machines are powered by water and gravity.

satelite, weight scale, and shower sar, running shoes, bowling ball. lawn mower, chair, frying pan. table cloth, playground swing, watering can.