A piece of a newly synthesized material of mass 25.0 g at 80.0◦C is placed in a calorimeter containing 100.0 g of water at 20.0◦C. If the final temperature of the system is 24.0◦C, what is the specific heat capacity of this new material? 1. 1.20 J/g ◦C 2. 7.46 J/g ◦C 3. 4.76 J/g ◦C 4. 0.30 J/g ◦C 5. 0.84 J/g ◦C


Answer 1


1.Cp₁ = 1.2 J/g.⁰C


For new material:

m₁  = 25 g

T₁ = 80⁰C

specific heat of water = Cp₁

For water :

m₂ = 100 g

T₂ = 20⁰C

The final temperature T=24⁰C

We know that specific heat of water Cp₂ = 4.187 kJ/kg.K

The heat lost new material = Heat gain by Water

m₁ Cp₁ ( T₁ - T ) = m₂ Cp₂ (T- T₂)

25 x Cp₁ (80- 24 ) = 100 x 4.817 (24 - 20 )

Cp₁  x 56 = 4 x 4.187 x 4

C_(p1)=(4* 4.187* 4)/(56)\ kJ/kg.K

Cp₁ = 1.19 kJ/kg.K

Cp₁ = 1.2 J/g.⁰C

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The potential energy can be given as

E = mgh. m is mass, g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s, h is the heigh, given as 100.0m

E = m x 9.8 x 100 = (980m)J

E = (980m)/10^9GJ = (0.000000980m)GJ to 3 significant figures


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Our planet is closed system because there is a limit of how much matter could be exchanged.

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5°C  =  41°F  =  278 K .


278 K


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generosity and helpfulness
consideration and compassion
kind-heartedness and flexibility


Scientific models or explanations are a way of interpreting and analyzing huge amounts of data. Scientists must be able to find patterns in this data, and this requires originality and creativity (this is the correct answer), as they need to look at the data through different metaphorical lenses.


originality and creativity


Whats the answer



repel each other


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In which situation is the acceleration of the car negative?


When a car is slowing down, it has a negative acceleration.  Although it is not going a negative speed, it is decreasing in velocity, which is the definition of a negative acceleration.

Hope this helps!

The car's acceleration is negative if ...

-- it's going slower and slower in the direction that you call 'positive',

OR . . .

-- it's going faster and faster in the direction opposite
to what you call 'positive',

OR . . .

-- it's driving around in a circle AND you call the direction
OUT from the center of the circle the 'positive' direction.