Important factors in determining the credibility of a health product manufacturer includeA. recalls, location, and doctor's recommendationB. location, clinical trials, and quality controlC. recalls, location, and quality controlD. clinical trials, doctor's recommendation, and quality control
Important factors in determining the credibility of a health product - 1


Answer 1
Answer: option d. clinical trials, doctor's recommendation and quality control

Everyone's journey is different, we need to find the right doctor, the right hospital and the right care.For human subjects, things need to be evaluated biomedical or health-related outcomes. The outcomes needs to be verified and maintained a desired level of quality in an existing product by careful planning, use of proper components and corrective action as required.
Answer 2




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B. Indirect contact transmission
C. Vaccinations
D. None of the above


Answer: A


In direct transmission, an infectious agent is transferred from a reservoir to a susceptible host by direct contact or droplet spread


B.) Indirect Transmission

Explanation: The answer is B because there is no direct touching so it is indirect transmission.

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It represents an agreement where all parties involved reach consensus on the issue.

Answer: consensus of an opinion on a specific topic


How can a person maintain a healthy body image? What forces work to make people feel bad about their body images



People can maintain a healthy body image through good nutrition, regular exercise, emotional control and good mental health. Low self-esteem, physical inactivity, poor diet and psychological problems are the forces that work to make people feel bad about their body images.


Body image is a multidimensional construct that involves thoughts, attitudes and perceptions about physical appearance. A positive body image (or body satisfaction) implies feeling and confident in your body, recognizing that physical appearance is a part (and not the whole) of what your value as a person is.

Most important for maintaining a healthy body image is maintaining good self-esteem and stabilized physical health, so that one can have emotional control and understand that their physical appearance does not necessarily determine their happiness. In addition, practices such as healthy eating and physical activity are very effective in maintaining a healthy body image in the mind of the individual.

On the other hand, poor mental health, low self-esteem, physical inactivity, and inappropriate diet can make an individual feel uncomfortable and sad about their body image.

Good diet, exercise, emotional management, and mental wellness maintain a healthy body image. Low self-esteem, inactivity, poor nutrition, and psychological issues cause body image issues.

Body image encompasses ideas, attitudes, and impressions of appearance. A good body image (or body satisfaction) is feeling secure in your body and acknowledging that physical beauty is only half of your value.

Maintaining strong self-esteem and stable physical health is crucial to having emotional control and understanding that one's physical appearance does not define their happiness. Healthy nutrition and exercise also promote a positive body image.

However, poor mental health, low self-esteem, physical inactivity, and bad diet can make a person unhappy about their body image.

Learn more about body image, here:


I WILL MARK YOU BRAINLIEST IF YOU HELP ME ASAP1. ____ involves the use of stress management, relaxation, and coping skills as an appropriate substitution for smoking.

a. Stimulus control

b. Response substitution

c. Nicotine replacement

d. Withdrawal

2. Even people who use tobacco casually can form a(n) _____ and have a difficult time quitting.

3. What are two products a former smoker can use to ease the withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation?



1. nicotine replacement

2. Addiction

3. Bupropion, sustain, release.


I hope it helps and I hope I get brainliest!


1. Withdrawl

2. Addiction

3. Nicotine patch or Nicotine gum

Noah has set some goals for his fitness. He decided to start a weightlifting routine that consists of lifting weights for one hour three days a week. What area of fitness is Noah specifically targeting, and what is his potential for a positive change?


He is focusing on building his Muscular system. For a positive change he will become more built and strong.


Muscular Strength; the type and frequency of activity are on target for success in this area


Describe the important of striving for wellness


Describe the importance of Striving for wellness:

-help fight against stress, beneficial to health, maintain good fitness and good functioning of the body, but also to limit and reduce the risk of diseases.

helps keep your body well and helps you live longer. 
The answers to those health questions are on on Health: chapter 1 section 2