What did the word frightened mean , according to jonas?


Answer 1

Answer: According to Jonas, the word "frightened" means "that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen" (Lowry, 1).


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Which statement about Randy Pausch's Last Lecture is correct?
+ A Community Park It was Friday, and as she walked home from school, Samara thought about what she would do that weekend. Everyone would be at the fund-raiser for new sports equipment at the high school on Saturday. As she was trying to remember if any good movies were coming out this weekend, she noticed a group of kids playing tag. Samara thought they looked comical running around in circles on a small plot of land between two houses. “Well, they certainly seem happy,” thought Samara as the light turned and she crossed the street. On the opposite side of Cherry Street, Samara saw Mr. Peters sitting on a bench. He was reading his newspaper as the heavy traffic of the town’s main thoroughfare whizzed by him. She wondered how he could concentrate. Later, as she took the last turn onto her street, Samara saw her neighbor planting her annual vegetable garden. Every year, Mrs. Yang grew eggplant, cucumbers, and bok choy, because that’s all she had room for. “The garden looks good so far, Mrs. Yang,” Samara called. “Thank you, dear,” Mrs. Yang said. “You know, if I had room, I would plant enough vegetables to feed the entire neighborhood! My mother had a garden that was one square acre when I was a little girl in Korea.” As Samara nodded and waved goodbye, she started thinking about what she had seen on her walk home that day. She realized that Pine Grove did not have any open public spaces where everyone could go to relax and enjoy nature. The only unused space was a vacated plot on Cedar Avenue that was completely overgrown. Suddenly, Samara had a great idea. She decided to spend her summer campaigning for a new community park. The only problem was that she had no idea where to start. That evening, she went to the library and learned about what she would need to do in order to get the idea in front of the town zoning board. It was all a little intimidating, but Wanda, the reference librarian, helped Samara break it down into manageable steps. When Samara mentioned the Cedar Avenue plot, Wanda’s eyes lit up. “That is a perfect spot,” Wanda said. “It’s right in the middle of town, and better yet, the town owns it.” Samara spent many afternoons over the next few weeks at the library with Wanda and a few other librarians drawing up a detailed plan to present to town officials. Samara and the librarians even planned and priced out irrigation necessary for the area that was designated as a garden. When the day of the zoning board meeting arrived, Samara felt nervous, but Wanda and the other librarians were there for moral support. Samara thought she at least sounded confident as she presented her idea to the board. When she finished her presentation, she was ready to wait patiently for an answer; Wanda told her that this kind of decision might take weeks, so Samara was surprised when the board members asked her to stay while they deliberated. The president of the board explained that Samara’s presentation had been the last order of business for the day, and he wanted his board to be able to agree on one thing before they left. After about 15 minutes, Samara was informed that the community park had been approved. Samara had been telling her neighbors and friends about the park from the moment she thought of it, and it seemed as though everyone wanted to be a part of making her vision a reality. As soon as her idea was approved, Samara called a meeting for anyone interested in collaborating. At the meeting, residents voted on what would be included on the land: a playset for young children and one for older children, a swing set, several park benches, and a dog run. It was also decided that there would be a cooperative organic vegetable garden and an herb garden at the north end of the park. Residents agreed that Mrs. Yang would manage the gardens. At Wanda’s suggestion, Samara asked a representative from a nearby horticultural society to come and advise the group on the design of the park, the best native shrubs to plant, and where to put them. Samara also asked local businesses to sponsor the park by the square foot so that the community would be able to afford equipment and plants. Surprised by the response, Samara went to the bank to open an account where the surplus would be saved for next spring. In a few weeks’ time, the space had been cleared and residents were beginning to roll out sod and plant small vegetable plants and summer flowers. By midsummer, the community was able to enjoy the new, peaceful space. Samara was happy to have been part of creating not only a beautiful space, but a common area where residents could come together. How does the information in paragraph 5—when Samara goes to the library—affect the plot
In "The Red-Headed League," why does Sherlock Holmes want to see the knees of Vincent Spaulding's pants? A. to prove to Watson that Spaulding is innocent B. to see whether his knees are shaking from fear C. to see if his legs are straight or bent D. to see whether the knees show any wear
What does pacify mean

Read the passage and answer the question:1 In the traditions of Sacramento Valley Native Americans, mysterious figures were transported over water in a raft to create the world. One dove from the raft into the water and came up with dirt. From that soil the world was formed. 4 Passengers were moved by stagecoach. By 1854, many of the stage operators were merged by James Birch into the California Stage Company. Birch's stage line controlled eighty percent of the stagecoach traffic over 3,000 miles of routes connecting the western portion of the United States. In 1856, Birch lobbied Congress to establish a national wagon road. He presented Congress with a petition from Northern California with 75,000 signatures. As one of the largest petitions yet received by Congress, they responded by establishing three wagon roads to the Pacific Coast and appropriating $600,000 for a twice-weekly overland mail service from St. Louis to San Francisco. 6 Great wealth was to be gained by a wagon toll road over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to Virginia City and even greater fortunes in a transcontinental railroad. The railroad would offer enormous opportunities for California and the Sacramento region to grow. The potential bounty of Sacramento Valley agriculture was to be realized with faster and more efficient transportation. Sacramento merchants would organize and build the western half of that railroad. 9 As urban areas developed, streetcar systems evolved, first pulled by horses and later using electricity. For those in urban areas, it was the first experience at the freedom of cheap efficient public transportation. Urban transportation led to interurban systems that would ultimately evolve into an electric passenger railroad system, linking the Bay area with Sacramento and smaller Valley communities all the way to Chico.

A student is planning to use information from this passage in a research paper. Which paragraph contains information that should be cited?

A) Paragraph 1
B) Paragraph 4
C) Paragraph 6
D) Paragraph 9


Answer: The right answer is the B) Paragraph 4.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that paragraph 4 is the one that contains a significant amount of specific and factual information, primarily data, that wouldn't be easily paraphrased (written using one's own words), and, therefore, should be cited. The information contained in the other paragraphs could be more easily paraphrased, so it would not have to be cited.      

How do paragraphs 1-2 contribute to the development of ideas in the text? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.


In Jewish Refugees on the St. Louis, paragraphs 1-2 contributed to the development of ideas in the text because they drew parallels between the wars in the Middle East today and the war led by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

How the paragraphs develop the idea

The paragraphs develop the idea by explaining how the wars in the Middle East today have led to many seeking for refuge in different parts of the world the United States inclusive.

Such was the case of the Jews who were targeted in the war by Adolf Hitler and set out on a journey to escape the country to safer climes.

Learn more about Jewish refugees here:



Complete Question:

How do paragraphs 1-2 contribute to the development of ideas in the text? Source; Jewish Refugees on the St. Louis use paragraphs 1 and 2 to answer this qestion


we need the article


Select the correct answer.What are the steps, in correct order, for researching a literary analysis?
A. Finding good sources, taking notes, developing your argument
OB. Taking notes on your sources, synthesizing their ideas, gathering bibliographic information
C. Developing your argument, finding good sources, taking notes
Finding good sources, gathering bibliographic information, synthesizing their ideas​



Finding good sources, gathering bibliographic information, synthesizing their ideas​


C. Developing your argument, finding good sources, taking notes


"Linda is developing her argument, the first step in writing a research–based literary analysis."


Which sentence is written in the passive voice? A. The soccer practice was cancelled because of the unexpected rains. B. The city council got the roads repaired before the rains. C. The dogs chased the stray cat for hours on end. D. Riley made pancakes for his sister by reading the recipe in a cookbook.


The dogs chased the stray cat for hours on end is the sentence is written in the passive voice. Hence, option C is correct.

What is meant by written in the passive voice?

A sentence written in the passive voice results in the subject being given an action. As opposed to passive voice, active voice results in a statement in which the subject takes action. Active voice produces crisper, more concise statements than passive voice, which frequently results in confused, indirect, and wordy sentences.

For instance, the ball receives the action of the verb in "The ball was thrown by the pitcher," and was thrown is in the passive form. The same statement would read, "The pitcher tossed the ball," if it were written in the active voice.

The active voice is used when the actor—who may be a person or an object—comes before the action in a sentence. When the actor enters the scene after the action or when the actor is entirely.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about written in the passive voice, click here:



I believe that it's C, since the action word "chased" is in a past tense form. I know it's not D, since that's an active voice. I hope I'm correct, and I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

Agree or disagree?
What we find barbaric at first, we often come to think of as exotic.



Trick question possibly?


I think it's a trick question because it seems like it's a question that depends on your opinion. Therefore, there is no right or wrong answer.

Give me brainliest if I'm correct! I hope this helps :)

(If it doesn't help, then my apologies)

Fill in the blanks 1the son of my brother is my____
2my brothers mother is my________
3your grandfathers son is your _______
4your fathers new wife is your _____
5her aunts children are her_______
PLIZZ (thank you)


1. nephew

Your siblings children are nephews (boys) or nieces (girls).

2. mother

If your brother is your full-blood brother, you would both have the same mother. If you had different fathers, you'd still have the same mother, but he would be your half-brother since you are only related by half your blood.

3. father OR your uncle

This is tricky because you have two grandfathers - one on your mother's side and one on your father's side. If it's your grandfather on your father's side, his son is your father. If it's the grandfather on your mother's side, his son is your uncle.

4. Step-Mom

The word goes before any immediate family member that has joined the immediate family due to a parent's marriage. This includes step-sister, step-brother, step-father.

5. cousins

Cousins are the children of your parents' siblings. You share the grandparents from that side of the family. For example, your cousins on your mother's side of the family call your mom's parents grandparents, just like you would.

1. The son of my brother is my nephew.____
2. My brothers mother is my mom.________
3. Your grandfathers son is your dad._______
4.Your fathers new wife is your step mom._____
5. Her aunts children are her cousins._______

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What can you infer about Sarah's parents based on this poem? Explain.Here is the poem:“SARAH CYNTHIA SYLVIA STOUT WOULD NOT TAKE THE GARBAGE OUT”by: Shel SilversteinSarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would not take the garbage out! She'd scour the pots and scrape the pans, Candy the yams and spice the hams, And though her daddy would scream and shout, She simply would not take the garbage out. And so it piled up to the ceilings: Coffee grounds, potato peelings, Brown bananas, rotten peas, Chunks of sour cottage cheese. It filled the can, it covered the floor, It cracked the window and blocked the door With bacon rinds and chicken bones, Drippy ends of ice cream cones, Prune pits, peach pits, orange peel, Gloppy glumps of cold oatmeal, Pizza crusts and withered greens, Soggy beans and tangerines, Crusts of black burned buttered toast, Gristly bits of beefy roasts. . . The garbage rolled on down the hall, It raised the roof, it broke the wall. . . Greasy napkins, cookie crumbs, Globs of gooey bubble gum, Cellophane from green baloney, Rubbery blubbery macaroni, Peanut butter, caked and dry, Curdled milk and crusts of pie, Moldy melons, dried-up mustard, Eggshells mixed with lemon custard, Cold french fried and rancid meat, Yellow lumps of Cream of Wheat. At last the garbage reached so high That it finally touched the sky. And all the neighbors moved away, And none of her friends would come to play. And finally Sarah Cynthia Stout said, "OK, I'll take the garbage out!" But then, of course, it was too late. . . The garbage reached across the state, From New York to the Golden Gate. And there, in the garbage she did hate, Poor Sarah met an awful fate, That I cannot now relate Because the hour is much too late. But children, remember Sarah Stout And always take the garbage out!