Two equal point charges QQQ are separated by a distance ddd. One of the charges is released and moves away from the other due only to the electrical force between them. When the moving charge is a distance 3ddd from the other charge, what is its kinetic energy?


Answer 1


The kinetic energy K of the moving charge is K = 2kQ²/3d = 2Q²/(4πε)3d = Q²/6πεd


The potential energy due to two charges q₁ and q₂ at a distance d from each other is given by U = kq₁q₂/r.

Now, for the two charges q₁ = q₂ = Q separated by a distance d, the initial potential energy is U₁ = kQ²/d. The initial kinetic energy of the system K₁ = 0 since there is no motion of the charges initially. When the moving charge is at a distance of r = 3d, the potential energy of the system is U₂ = kQ²/3d and the kinetic energy is K₂.

From the law of conservation of energy, U₁ + K₁ = U₂ + K₂

So, kQ²/d + 0 = kQ²/3d + K

K₂ = kQ²/d - kQ²/3d = 2kQ²/3d

So, the kinetic energy K₂ of the moving charge is K₂ = 2kQ²/3d = 2Q²/(4πε)3d = Q²/6πεd

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In this particular case, where car is moving through curvature, so it is moving in circular motion, force acting on car is centripetal force which holds car not to fly out. Centripetal force is always pointed in the middle of circle. Here frictional force has role of centripetal force. If frictional force is to weak, car would fly out of curvutare.

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The property of physical changes that explains why matter is conserved in a physical change is - the bonds between atoms do not break; it is only the arrangement that changes.

Answer: it's D


an input force of 50 Newtons is applied through a distance of 10 meters to machine with mechanical advantage of 3. If the work output for the machine is 450 newton x meters and this work is applied through a distnace of 3 meters, what is the output force of the machine


The output of the machine is

                                      (output work) =  (output force) x (distance)

                                        450 N-m      =  (output force) x (3 meters)

Divide each side
by  3 meters:                Output force = (450 N-m) / (3 m)

                                                           =    150 newtons .

With all the information given about the output work, we don't need
to know anything about the input work, or even the fact that we're
dealing with a machine.

It's comforting, though, to look back and notice that the output work
(450 N-m) is not more than the input work (500 N-m).  So everything
is nice and hunky-dory.

Well, my goodness !
I didn't even need to go through all of that.


-- The input force to the machine is 50 newtons.

-- The mechanical advantage of the machine is 3 .

That right there tells us that

-- The output force of the machine is 150 newtons.

We don't need any of the other given information.

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Density → Mass and Length.

Acceleration → Length and Time.

Force → Mass, Length and Time.

Pressure → Mass, Length and Time.

Work → Mass, Length and Time.

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In which space, outdoors or in your classroom, would it be easier to hear a musician? Explain



It is easier to hear a musician in the classroom than outdoors


It is easier to hear a musician in the classroom due to the improved acoustics provided by the walls of the classroom whereby along with the direct sound of the musician, which is the lead source of the sounds, there is an increased number of indirect sound reaching the ear in the classroom than outdoors and due to precedence effect, all the sound appear to come from the musician

In music played outside, along side the direct sound from the musician, the indirect sound that reach the ear is echoed from maybe by only the ground while the majority of the sound from the music wanders away with the wind and in other directions as well as being absorbed such that speakers will be required to improve the sound of the music outdoors.