Which literary technique is evident in these words from beowulf? fain of his fell spoil faring


Answer 1




The literary technique used is Alliteration. This is because in this sentence, the first letter of each word is the same. It has an "f" in almost each letter so its Alliteration.

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A pronoun is used to substitute a noun. In order forit to substitute, it must have a clear antecedent. Personal pronouns are usedto substitute nouns with ownership. There are three persons point of view.1stperson is when the subject is the one who is speaking (e.g. I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours).2nd person is when the subject is the one being spoken to (you, your, yours). 3rdperson is when the subject is the one spoken about (he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs).

The answer is C. their. You use it when it's plural

Your answer is:

B. its

Just took the test and passed with this answer.

For future students looking.

Which words in the sentence make up the prepositional phrase? We saw a brightly colored bluebird fly into the birdhouse.

bluebird fly

We saw

into the birdhouse

a brightly colored bluebird


The answer is C. into the birdhouse. The preposition in this sentence is "into" and the full phrase would be "into the birdhouse."
C because of the preprosition "into" and the noun at the end

A famous chocolate company have chosen you as the winner of their online competition to suggest an interesting new flavour for their chocolate.the prize is a visit for you and a friend to their chocolate factory in switzeland . write an email at least 100 words and:-thank the company for choosing your suggestion as the winner
- say how you feel about the prize
-ask about dates,travel arrangements and accommodation
- ask for confirmation that your friend will also travel and stay for free

writting focus
An email asking for information and clarification
*Start the email politely
- Dear Sir or Dear Madam
*do not use
- abbreviations: thank you (must not: thanks)
-informal phrases :several, a number of (must not : lots of)
-contractions : I am (not must: I'm)
*if the first paragraph refer to the letter / email/advert you are resposing to and say why you are writing .
-thank you for your letter/emailinforming me that ../reading....
- I am could you clarify to enquire about .../ask for...
*In the main body paragraphs , use polite expressions ( e.g.indirect questions) to ask for information.
-I would (also) like to know what need to bring ...
-could I ask about the dates and times of the next course?
* If something is unclear ,ask for clarification.
- contacting you which levels are available?
-Could you confirm/explain /when/where/what/how/whether/if...?
*If the final paragraph mention that you would like a reply
-I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
-I hope to hear from you soon,


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this email to thank you for awarding me the first place within your competition. I am humbly grateful to have been given such an opportunity. Let me express my sincerest gratitude for choosing my suggestion as the winner.  It is such an extraterrestrial feeling to come to visit the chocolate factory in Switzerland. This is so, as chocolate is my favourite snack and I have never been outside of my country of residence. I have been longing to visit Switzerland, thank you for making my dream come through. I look forward to visiting your factory soon. Additionally, I am seeking clarification and confirmation on two conditions within the prize which was granted.  

Firstly, I would like to be given clarification on the date of my departure, what travel arrangements were made for me and the accommodations of my tenor in Switzerland. Finally, it was made mention that I have the opportunity to bring a friend along with me. Could you please confirm if both travelling and accommodations would be free of charge for my friend also. I look forward to receiving a favourable response in a timely manner. Thank you in advance.    

Yours respectfully.

Hey! I really like writing things like these, but if you would, please make changes so that it is in fact YOUR writing, if not, please let them know I made it, sorry for the inconvenience...

Dear [Brand Name] Company,

Thank you very much for this new, fun, interesting prize! I am very excited to help you on this new opportunity in which to help your company. I feel that this job is going to be a serious, yet fun, experience, but I would like to ask some small things before I am able to completely help.

First of all, I would like to ask [your question]. This is a sight problem for me, if we cannot [restate question]. I would like to [what and why].

Next, I hate to ask but can you please [whatever you need] (Let's say you need more details on sales, allergies, and ect...) This information is very crucial in the fact that [Whatever is wrong]. 

Lastly, [State new problem if any more are needed]. [State why]. 

As you can see, I am in a small problem with helping out at this very moment. Again, thank you so much for this exciting ooportunity, and I hope we can work again together soon.Thank you, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

-[Your name]

This email with only my add-ins is 185 words. I hope I helped!
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