Which type of RNA carries the genetic information from DNA to the site of protein synthesis?


Answer 1
Answer: Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to theribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.

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Phosphorylation of the CTD of RNA polymerase II occurs during which phase of transcription?





As alluded to above, the CTD undergoes dynamic changes in phosphorylation during transcription elongation. Very simply, the CTD is phosphorylated on Ser2 by CDK9, while Ser5-P is removed by Ser5 phosphatases, and, toward the end of genes, the CTD is dephosphorylated by Ser5 and Ser2 phosphatases.

Final answer:

Phosphorylation of the CTD of RNA polymerase II occurs during the initiation phase of transcription. It 'activates' the RNA polymerase II and is crucial for the transition to the elongation phase.


The phosphorylation of the CTD (C-terminal Domain) of RNA polymerase II happens during the initiation phase of transcription. This process is crucial for the transition from the initiation to the elongation phase of transcription.

Specifically, when the RNA polymerase II prepares to read the DNA strand and start RNA synthesis, the CTD, a part of the RNA polymerase II which is composed of many repeats of a seven-amino-acid sequence, undergoes phosphorylation.

The phosphorylation essentially 'activates' the RNA polymerase II and aids in the recruitment of various factors necessary for effective and correct transcription.

Learn more about Phosphorylation of CTD here:



Which of the following nitrogen bases is unique to RNA?uracil



The right option is (A).


The RNA gets its information from DNA to synthesise the proteins. It is different from DNA also due to the difference in one nitrogen basis as uracil. The thymine, the nitrogen basis that is only present in DNA is replaced with uracil to form RNA coding. The uracil also contains the same features as thymine has in DNA strains. Uracil makes a double H-bond with the adenine but does not contain CH4 group which is present in thymine.

The unique nitrogen base in RNA is uracil.
DNA has the nitrogenous bases of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G), while the only differing nitrogenous base in RNA is uracil (U), which replaces thymine (T).

The part of the ear that vibrates first when sound waves enter the ear is the


The answer is the eardrum. The eardrum is connected to 3 ossicles, the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup or malleus. It is the part of the ear that vibrates first when sound waves enter the ear.

Which of the following aspects of society is the least affected by limiting factors? a. location b. health c. behavior d. stability



c. behavior


-If the presence or absence of a factor limits the growth of the ecosystems elements, it is called a limiting factor . There are several abiotic factors that limit ecosystem growth, including temperature, precipitation, sunlight, soil configuration, and soil nutrients.

-Behavior is the aspect of the society that is least affected by limiting factors as it is constant.

The aspect of society that includes behavior is the least affected by limiting factors, since regardless of all the other actors, behavior tends to be a constant. 

What does a gene do ?


They are found in almost every cell's nucleus and are made from strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Segments of DNA called "genes" are the ingredients. Each gene adds a specific protein to the recipe. Proteins build, regulate and maintain your body.

4. Translate to English: ¿Cómo lo pasaste? 5. Ustedes______ temprano.
A. salí
B. salimos
C. salisteis
D. salieron
6. How would you say "I visited Carlos" in Spanish?
A. Visité a Carlos.
B. Visitó a Carlos.
C. Visitamos Carlos.
D. Visitan Carlos.


4. How did it go?
5. D. salieron
6. A. Visité a Carlos.