Classify each of the following statements as an experiment, a hypothesis, a scientific law, an observation, or a theory. For example, Joseph Gay-Lussac reacted hydrogen and oxygen to produce water vapor, and he reacted nitrogen and oxygen to form either dinitrogen oxide (N2O) or nitrogen monoxide (NO). Gay-Lussac found that hydrogen and oxygen react in a 2:1 volume ratio and that nitrogen and oxygen can react in 2:1 or 1:1 volume ratios depending on the product. In 1808, Gay-Lussac published a paper in which he stated that the relative volumes of gases in a chemical reaction are present in the ratio of small integers provided that all gases are measured at the same temperature and pressure. In 1811, Amedeo Avogadro proposed that equal volumes of all gases measured at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. By midcentury, Rudolf Clausius, James Clerk Maxwell, and others had developed a detailed rationalization of the behavior of gases in terms of molecular motions


Answer 1


Classify each of the following statements as an experiment, a hypothesis, a scientific law, an observation, or a theory.

(1) For example, Joseph Gay-Lussac reacted hydrogen and oxygen to produce water vapor, and he reacted nitrogen and oxygen to form either dinitrogen oxide (N2O) or nitrogen monoxide (NO). Gay-Lussac found that hydrogen and oxygen react in a 2:1 volume ratio and that nitrogen and oxygen can react in 2:1 or 1:1 volume ratios depending on the product.

(2) In 1808, Gay-Lussac published a paper in which he stated that the relative volumes of gases in a chemical reaction are present in the ratio of small integers provided that all gases are measured at the same temperature and pressure.

(3) In 1811, Amedeo Avogadro proposed that equal volumes of all gases measured at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules.

(4) By midcentury, Rudolf Clausius, James Clerk Maxwell, and others had developed a detailed rationalization of the behavior of gases in terms of molecular motions

The correct answers to the question are as follows

(1) An experiment

(2) A scientific law

(3) A hypothesis

(4) A theory


(1)  An experiment

A scientific experiment involves the development of procedures to verify an hypothesis

(2) A scientific law

A scientific law is a description or general rule to explain an observed phenomenon using a mathematical or verbal statement without attempting to provide an explanation

(3) A hypothesis

An hypothesis is an explanation of an observed phenomenon which can then be tested through the performance of experiments

(4) A theory

A theory in science is an explanation of naturally occurring phenomenon backed up by the results of experiments and observation

Answer 2

Final answer:

The given statements have been classified as experiment (1), observation (2), scientific law statement (3), hypothesis (4), and theory (5) respectively in the context of Chemistry.


1. Joseph Gay-Lussac reacted hydrogen and oxygen to produce water vapor, and he reacted nitrogen and oxygen to form either dinitrogen oxide or nitrogen monoxide: This is an experiment.

2. Gay-Lussac found that hydrogen and oxygen react in a 2:1 volume ratio and that nitrogen and oxygen can react in 2:1 or 1:1 volume ratios depending on the product: This is an observation.

3. In 1808, Gay-Lussac published a paper in which he stated that the relative volumes of gases in a chemical reaction are present in the ratio of small integers provided that all gases are measured at the same temperature and pressure: This is a statement of a scientific law.

4. In 1811, Amedeo Avogadro proposed that equal volumes of all gases measured at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules: This is a hypothesis.

5. By midcentury, Rudolf Clausius, James Clerk Maxwell, and others had developed a detailed rationalization of the behavior of gases in terms of molecular motions: This is a theory.

Learn more about Scientific Statements Classification here:


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1 According to the kinetic-molecular theory, what happens to a liquid when it is transferred from one container to another?A The volume and the shape stay the same.
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2 Which of these correctly defines the pH of a solution?
A the negative log of the hydronium ion concentration
B the log of the hydronium ion concentration
C the negative log of the hydroxide ion concentration
D the log of the hydroxide ion concentration


Answer 1 : The correct option is C.

Explanation :

The property of liquid is, they have fixed volume but do not have fixed shape. when a liquid is transferred from one container to another then the volume remains the same, but the shape changes according to the shape of the container.

Answer 2 : The correct option is A.

Explanation :

pH : It is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydronium ion concentration.

The expression of pH is,


1) C
2) A
I just took the quiz
Hope this helps you and others in the future!

6. Explain why the boiling point of water is a characteristic physical property, but the temperature and volume of a glass of water are not.


The physical property is a physical characteristic of a substance at some given conditions

for example

The density of water is 1 g/ mL at STP

The boiling point of water is 373K at 1 atm pressure

so boiling point of water is its physical property. It does not change with amount of the substance. The boiling point of water will remain the same for 1g and 1kg etc

now temperature is an instant measurement, the temperature may vary from sample to sample. Some water sample can be cool or some can be hot. So we cannot define that temperature of all water sample at a given pressure will be the same.

similarly the volume is a not a physical property. It will change from amount to amount.

1g of water sample will have different volume and 100g of water will have different volume while the density of water will remain the same.

A physical property is a property that does not change the original substance, meaning that it does not break any bonds, nor for any new ones. Though, a physical property can be changing the substances state of matter. 

When you are boiling water, you are changing its state to go from a liquid to a gas. The temperature is not a characteristic physical property because it doesn't help us know a lot about that substance, in other words, it isn't significant to the substance. Same goes for volume. 

For the substituted cyclohexane compound given below, highlight the groups – by clicking on atoms – that will sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion.


The atoms that would sterically interact with methyl group located axially are highlighted in pink color in the attached image.

Further Explanation:

The stereoisomer of a molecule that has same chemical formula and connectivity of bond but differs in the arrangement of the atoms in space is known as conformer. The rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond can lead to the formation of conformer of a molecule.

There are four conformers of cyclohexane molecule as follows:

  • Chair conformation
  • Boat conformation
  • Twist boat conformation
  • Half chair conformation

Chair conformation is considered as the best conformation of cyclohexane. The hydrogen in blue denote the axial positions and the hydrogen in pink denote equatorial positions. (Refer to the attached image)

The stable conformation is that in which the bulky groups such as hydroxyl, methyl, and nitro group occupy the equatorial positions while the relatively small groups such as hydrogen atoms occupy axial positions. The reason is that the axially placed substituents suffer more steric repulsion and that generates strain in the molecule. The strain leads to high energy and thus less stability.

While writing the chair conformation the bulkier groups are preferentially placed at equatorial positions. The conformation that has bulky group at equatorial position is more favorable than the conformation that has bulky group at axial position. The reason for the stability of the conformation is diaxial interactions.

1,3-diaxial interaction: The 1,3-diaxial interactions occur among the axial substituent present at 1 and 3 positions.

The conformation in the problem has axial substituent hydrogen and bromine at the two positions 3 and 3’ which lead to 1,3-diaxial strain in the molecule and makes it unstable. (Refer to the attached image)

Learn more:

1. Balanced chemical equation

2. Oxidation and reduction reaction:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Conformation of cyclohexane  

Keywords: Cyclohexane, planar, chair conformation, axial positions, equatorial positions, steric repulsion, high energy, 1, 3-diaxial interaction, 1, 3-diaxial strain.

Final answer:

In a substituted cyclohexane, 1,3-diaxial interactions happen between groups on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this scenario, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 would interact with the methyl group, causing steric strain.


In a substituted cyclohexane compound, 1,3-diaxial interactions occur between groups that are on the same side of the ring but are two carbons apart. In this case, the question focuses on the steric interactions with the methyl group. Assuming that the methyl group is on carbon-1 of the ring, the hydrogen atoms on carbons 3 and 5 (both axial positions) on the same face of the ring would sterically interact with the methyl group in a 1,3-diaxial fashion. This steric interaction leads to steric strain, which destabilizes the compound and promotes a conformational flip to relieve this strain.

Learn more about Steric Interactions here:


Martin uses 5/8 of a gallon of paint to cover4/5 of a wall. What is the unit rate at which Martin paints in walls per gallon



Unit rate at which Martin paints in walls per gallon is (32)/(25) wall/gallon.


Rate is defined as ratio between two quantities with different units.

Gallons of paint used by Martin = (5)/(8) gallons

Portion of wall Martin wishes to pint = (4)/(5) wall

Rate at which Martin paints the wall:

Rate=\frac{\text{Portion of wall covered}}{\text{Paint used}}

Rate=((4)/(5) wall)/((5)/(8) gallon)=(32)/(25) wall/gallon

Unit rate at which Martin paints in walls per gallon is (32)/(25) wall/gallon.

Match each molecular formula to the corresponding empirical formula. 1) C₄H₈O₂ 2) C₄H₁₂O₄ 3) C₂H₁₀O₂ A) CH₃O B) CH₅O C) C₂H₄O


So empirical formulas would be the most simplified version where the proportions of the elements are the most simplified version. The best way to think of this would be like a recipe. If you want to make one cake and it says use two eggs then when you want two cakes you use four eggs. Each element works similarly. 1) divide by two as the greatest common factor (GCF) between 4,8, and 2 is 2 making 1) simplify to C2H4O so 1) C4H8O2 is the molecular formula of C)C2H4O. Then for 2) C4H10O4 we think of the GCF again. Biggest factor or GCF between 4,12,and 4 is 4, so divide the numbers in C4H12O4 by 4 making CH3O which is choice A) CH3O making 2) the molecular formula of A). Lastly do the same thing but from process of elongation 3) would be the molecular formula of B) CH5O. :) hope this helps :)))

Final answer:

The molecular formula C4H8O2 corresponds to the empirical formula C2H4O, C4H12O4 corresponds to CH3O, and C2H10O2 corresponds to C2H5O.


In chemistry, an empirical formula represents the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, while a molecular formula represents the actual number of atoms in a molecule of the compound. To match each molecular formula to the corresponding empirical formula, divide the subscripts in the molecular formula by their greatest common factor. Hence:

  1. C4H12O4 matches with B) CH3O
  2. C2H10O2 fits with C) C2H5O

Learn more about Empirical and Molecular Formulas here:


Explain the cause of the daily tides and give two examples of human activities affected by tides.


Tides are caused by the specific alignment of the Moon, Earth, and Sun.
When aligned a certain way the the gravitational pulls basically share and add on to each other creating tidal waves.

An example of a certain alignment would be spring tides, which happen during a New or Full moon.

Examples: Boat sailors must watch out for tides and make sure to plan their sailing journeys according to the tide. They don't want to be caught against a tide, especially small board sailors.

Also fisherman keep note of tides since some sea life rely on tides for survival and feeding or some fish simply follow the movement of the tides. Fisherman use tides as an indication of when it'd be best to go fishing.