Balance this chemical reaction H2+N2–> NH3


Answer 1


3H2+N2-> 2NH3


This is the balanced chemical equation for the above reaction

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Can you describe how mixtures relate to substances?


A substance in chemistry is a form of matter consisting having fixed chemical composition (like water). A mixture is a material made up of two or more substances (like water with sugar) - mixed, but not combined with chemical bonding.
A substance is a pure form of matter in which all the constituent particles are the same in their chemical nature, while a mixture is a combination of two or more substances. A substance cannot be separated into other kinds of matter by any physical process. But a mixture can be separated into pure substances  by appropriate separation techniques such as filteration, sedimentation, evaporation, crystallisation, etc..

A chemical formula is shown. what do the subscripts in a chemical formula represent? select TWO answers.★ the number of atoms.

★ C = 1, H = 6, O = 5

★ C = 6, H = 6, O = 1

★ the number of molecules.


It would be the number of atoms and C=6 H=6 and O=1


The subscripts in a chemical formula represent two things:


The subscripts in a chemical formula represent two things:

1. The number of atoms: The subscripts indicate the number of atoms of each element present in a compound. For example, in the chemical formula H2O, the subscript "2" indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms in each water molecule.

2. The number of molecules: The subscripts can also represent the number of molecules in a compound. However, it's important to note that this is not always the case. In most cases, the subscripts in a chemical formula specifically indicate the number of atoms rather than the number of molecules.

To clarify the examples given:

- The statement "★ the number of atoms" is correct. Subscripts in a chemical formula do represent the number of atoms.

- The statements "★ C = 1, H = 6, O = 5" and "★ C = 6, H = 6, O = 1" are not relevant to the question as they do not pertain to the role of subscripts in a chemical formula.

What is a particle diagram to illustrate the composition of air


A particle diagram showing the composition of air would represent various gases like nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide as spheres of different colors. The proportions between these gases would be shown by having a majority of nitrogen and oxygen spheres as they make up most of our atmosphere. The diagram may also include symbols for dust particles and particulate matter.

A particle diagram to illustrate the composition of air would visually represent the mixture of gases that comprise our atmosphere. Primarily, the atmospheric mix includes nitrogen (N₂; 78.6 percent), oxygen (O₂; 20.9 percent), water vapor (H₂O; 0.5 percent), and carbon dioxide (CO₂; 0.04 percent).

Each of these gases exist as molecules, with nitrogen and oxygen being diatomic. In other words, their molecules consist of two atoms.

In such a diagram, each type of atom would be represented as a sphere of a different color, for instance, nitrogen atoms might be blue, oxygen red, hydrogen white, and carbon grey.

The proportions would be represented by having a larger number of nitrogen and oxygen spheres compared to water vapor and carbon dioxide.

Furthermore, there might be additional entities in the diagram to represent dust particles or other environmental particulate matter suspended in the air. This allows us to get a qualitative understanding of the composition of Earth's atmosphere and mechanisms that drive gas exchange.

Learn more about composition of air here:


A diagram of the composition of air would be the air's chemical formula and it's structure. 

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Antigens are molecules capable of stimulating an immune response. Each antigen has distinct surface features, or epitopes, resulting in specific responses. Antibodies (immunoglobins) are Y-shaped proteins produced by B cells of the immune system in response to exposure to antigens.

How did atomic theory develop and change?


The atomic theory develop and change as the from the Bohr's model is that how electrons occupy the space using the scientific method from the philosophy.

The John Dalton develop the Proust's work and then change the atomic philosophy of the into the scientific theory. Scientists did not believe that the electrons move in the regions not in the orbits and then they uses the mathematics and quantum numbers for the explanation.

The Bohr's model is to describe the chemical properties of an atom. The experiments demonstrated that atoms of the same element contains the different masses as the number of the neutrons can vary and called as the isotopes of the same element.

To learn more about atomic theory here


The atomic theory started with Democritus, who stated that all space was made up of indivisible particles called atoms, though Aristotles refuted that statement by saying that matter didn’t exist, he believed in the four elements: air, fire, water, and earth. Then came Dalton, who revived Democritus’s ideas and proposed the law of multiple proportions, he revived the idea that all space was made of atoms. Soon after, J.J Thompson discovered the electron by using cathode rays. Max Planck developed the quantum theory by stating that electromagnetic radiation could only be emitted in quantized form (later called quanta). Einstein furthered this idea with studies of light. Robert Millikan eventually measured the charge of a single electron. Ernest Rutherford used a gold foil experiment and discovered the nuclei, considering his alpha particles were deflected by some object. Niels Bohr made the atomic model with electrons spinning around an atom’s nucleus, Erwin Schrodinger describes how electrons have wave like properties. James Chadwick then discovers the neutron!

There ya have it!