What is intramembranous ossification? the formation of bone from preexisting hyaline cartilage models
the formation of bone from preexisting elastic cartilage models
the formation of bone from preexisting fibrocartilage models
the formation of bone from fibrous membranes


Answer 1

Answer is (D)


  • Intramembranous Ossification is the procedure in which development of bones from fibrous membranes.
  • It is engaged with the development of the mandibles,the clavicles and the level bones of the skull.
  • Hardening starts as mesenchymal cells structure a layout of things to come bone.
  • They at that point separate into osteoblasts at the hardening community.
  • Osteoblasts emit the extracellular framework and store calcium, which solidifies the network.

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1. The gametophytes of gymnosperms are found inside reproductive structures called a. flowers.
b. cones.
d. ovules.
2. In gymnosperms, the female gametophyte develops inside the
a. seed.
b. pollen cone.
c. pollen grains.
d. ovules.
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a. pollen grains
b. seed cone
c. seed
d. cone scale


Q1. The answer is b. cones.
Reproductive structures of gymnosperms are cones while reproductive structures of angiosperms are flowers. The gametophytes are found in reproductive structures which are called cones in gymnosperms.

Q2. The answer is d. ovules.
The female gametophyte of gymnosperms develops inside the ovules borne on the surface of ovuliferous scale of an ovulate cone while the female gametophyte of angiosperms develops inside the ovules located inside the gynoecium of the flower. 

Q3. The answer is a. pollen grains.
Nevermind if a gymnosperm or an angiosperm, pollen grains are always haploid structures so when they fuse with haploid female gamete, a diploid zygote is formed.

Lesson 12: Seed plants

1.Seed-bearing plants differ from all other plants in that

C.Their gametes do not require water for fertilization to occur.

2. IN seed plants, what is an important difference between gymnosperms and most angiosperms.

3. The gametophytes of gymnosperms are found inside reproductive structures called  

B. Cones  

4. In gymnosperms, the female gametophyte develops inside the

D. Ovules.

5. Which of the following gymnosperm reproductive structures is haploid?

A. Pollen grains  

!100!% Correct Hope its help

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(B) Grasshopper



(D) Termite




C aphid is the answer for that question


