Why were foods so important to the exchange between worlds


Answer 1

"Why is maize so important to the world? ... slavery many freed slaves were brought in ... important factor in the Columbian Exchange is the new food that has been ..."

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What is the purpose of the Gettysburg Address?


Lincoln's main purpose was to urge everyone to honor those who had died at Gettysburg by striving to maintain the kind of nation imagined by America's founders.

President Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.   in the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln affirmed the principle stated by the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal.  The massive number of casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg  gave impetus to Lincoln's words about preserving the Union and government of the people, by the people and for the people, but those ideas had been central to Lincoln's worldview before Gettysburg.  

His closing words of the speech are powerful:  

  • It is for us, the living ... to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced ... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
The speech that everyone remembers Lincoln was not featured speaker that day the honor was to Edward Everett and both Lincoln and Everett traveled to Gettysburg to dedicate a national cemetery

When you touch a hot pot or pan, energy moves from the pot to your hand. This is calleda.
magnetic energy.
indirect evidence.
heat transfer.


d heat transfer because when u touch the pan it moves one thing that was hot is now two thing because if u touch it again it will not be as hot

Im pretty sure it is D heat transfer.

Which describes tentant farmers?


I would say either a or b


Tenant farmers live on are rented land and farm it. They are allowed to keep some of the profits/crops but pay a portion of it to the landowner to pay them back. This method got fairly popular after slavery as it allowed land to still be worked and the landowner still kept the majority of the profit

Brainlest!How did Buddhist and Shinto teachings affect Japanese culture during the Heian period?

a They introduced a new writing system.
b They influenced the style of sculptures.
c They inspired people to dress differently.
d They encouraged a change in the government.


B is your answer I think


Upper-class Japanese began traveling to China and Korea, where they learned about ... Later rulers went much further in bringing Chinese-style changes to Japan. ... The influence of Chinese culture brought Buddhism to Korea. ... Meanwhile, Buddhism was inspiring new subjects for sculpture on the Asian mainland.


hope this helped

Rights are preserved in American documents to prevent the government from infringing on the rights of citizens?


Trur the founding father George Washington and some other people didn't wantthe government taking over our right they wanted the people to have a say in what they do in what they believed in and their religions

What are 7 qualities about Moses


Moses was the first great Israelite prophet. He is also one of the greatest leaders in human history. Yet, had God read Moses’ resume before hiring him, God would not have likely been impressed. Moses was born a slave. He has a stutter and a temper. And the only work he did before God called him was caring for his father-in-law’s sheep. Yet, Moses goes on to challenge the world’s most powerful ruler, and lead a people from oppression to freedom. He brings down the Torah and teaches the people the Ten Commandments. He is the protagonist of a story told around the world to this very day.
What made him such an outstanding leader? From one perspective, we might simply say God. God chose Moses. God guided Moses. God stood behind Moses. This is all true. But Moses also knew how to lead. Moses displayed qualities that impressed those who did not believe in the God he represented. In other words, Moses’ leadership displayed universal truths and insights. He can teach people of all faiths.