To compare nutritional information of his favorite breakfast cereals, Roman should websites
O edu websites
gov websites
org websites


Answer 1


.com websites


answer on edge

Answer 2


.com websites.


I got it right on the quiz for Edge2020

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A Aufrad with the caption: I 'm youth my life between family and friends 7 series

*Hope that helps and enjoy Brainly :)*
This is what google translate said A Aufrad with the caption: I'm youth my life between family and friends 7 series

Can someone pls explain the imperfect tense (German)



The German imperfect tense is used:

To describe actions in the past which the speaker feels have no link with the present.

Er kam zu spät, um teilnehmen zu können. -> He arrived too late to take part.

To describe what things were like and how people felt in the past.

Ich war ganz traurig, als sie wegging. -> I was very sad when she left.

Damals gab es ein großes Problem mit Drogen. -> There was a big problem with drugs at that time.

To say what used to happen or what you used to do regularly in the past.

Wir machten jeden Tag einen Spaziergang. -> We used to go for a walk every day.

Samstags spielte ich Tennis. -> I used to play tennis on Saturdays.

Note that if you want to talk about an event or action that took place and was completed in the past, you normally use the perfect tense in German conversation. The imperfect tense is normally used in written German.

Was hast du heute gemacht? -> What have you done today?

When using seit or seitdem to describe something that had happened or had been true at a point in the past, the imperfect is used in German, where in English a verb form with had is used.

Sie war seit ihrer Heirat als Lehrerin beschäftigt.-> She had been working as a teacher since her marriage.



Um eine vergangene Handlung oder einen unvollständigen Zustand zu beschreiben, verwenden wir ein Imperfekt. Diese Zeitform weist auf eine Handlung hin, die über einen längeren Zeitraum stattgefunden hat oder häufig vorgekommen ist. Es wird mit 'was/were' + '-ing' oder 'used to' ins Englische übersetzt.




How about this one: A dog

Ein Hund (a dog)

Ein Hund ist der beste Freund des Menschen.

(Dog is a human's best friend). 

Er lebt in Häusern von Menschen, mit seinen Besitzern

He lives in the houses of people, with its owrners

Er hat vier Pfoten, und braucht die alle, um zu gegen.

He has four legs and uses all of them to walk
Er kann schnell laufen, aber wartet normalerweise auf seine Besitzer und läuft nicht weg.

he can run fast, but normally waits for the owners and doesn´t run away
Es gibt Hunde mit verschiedenen Haartypen, zum Beispiel Pudeln haben wolleähnliche Haare

there are dogs with different types of hair, for example poodles have wool-similar hair

Katze (cat)
1) Katzen sind kuschelig, weich und werden amzing Kreaturen
(cats are cuddly, soft and are am amazing creatures)
2) sie haben scharfe Krallen
(they have sharp claws)
3) sie in diferent Formen und Größen
(they come in diferent shapes and sizes
4) sie schnurren und miauen
(they purr and meow)
sie areplayful und kann ein Griesgram sein
(they are playful and can be a grouch)

hope this helps :-)

Looking for someone to give me German lessons. Any takers?If no, what is "Do you speak English?" in german


Sprechen Sie Englisch? (frm)
Sprichst du Englisch? (inf)
= Do you speak english translation
sure, i can give you german lessons.

do you speak english? in german is :
Sprechen Sie Englisch?

Explain why each mineral has its own properties, different from every other mineral.


This is in the wrong section, but each mineral are different because they are made up of atoms and atoms are different from each other. Their differences come from the variability of atoms. 

No atom is alike one another because they have different numbers (protons). Hydrogen is 1, Helium is 2, etc. etc. you get it. Every atom has a different chemical composition, therefore altering a mineral's physical appearance, and other characteristics. 

Pleaseee help me ❤️.............



1. fahren

2. fahrt

3. fährt



6. fährt

Verb Laufen








Here you go. Hope I could help!!


Yeah what they said