How did the invention of television change the nature of political communication? A) It made other forms of media like newspapers and the radio obsolete in terms of spreading a message. B) It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions. C) It caused people to spend more time consuming entertainment programming rather than political events. D) It led to the creation of regulatory agencies that prevent news stations from taping public officials' speeches.


Answer 1
Answer: The way in which the invention of television changed the nature of political communication was that it gave the public the ability to to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B".
Answer 2


B) It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions.


The power of conviction that television exerts on voters during an election campaign can become decisive in the triumph or defeat of a particular party or candidate, since for a very large number of citizens it is the only source of information. This mass media supports electoral campaigns, through informative programs and free advertising spaces for political parties.

Thus begins then, a dependence on TV from which virtually no government on the planet can escape. Such is the importance reached by television as a vehicle for the dissemination of ideas, that necessarily the link between public institutions and this medium as an instrument tends to weaken, since the main form of political communication can not, and should not be solely under the control of the power of the state. Private television channels are born as a result of public demand, and public television networks seek information neutrality, which makes them more credible and allows them to enter the ruthless struggle for attraction and attention of viewers.

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B. They opposed it because they feared that Wilson had made too many compromises in the Senate to get it passed.
C. They supported it because they believed it would give the United States more prestige around the world.
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They opposed it because isolationist sentiment was growing and many people feared American involvement in another war and this was how many Americans view President Wilson's goal of establishing an international peacekeeping organization after World War I. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is option "D".


the awnser is just D



the aws d

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Ships known as caravels helped explorers because they held more supplies than previous ships. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "C". These ships were highly maneuverable also. Their agility made them easily navigable. I hope the answer helps you.


They moved faster (A)


i did the Test/Quiz

If Cuba had entered into a trade agreement with an Asian country in 1903 without US approval, which of the following agreements or amendments would that agreement have violated? the platt amendemt


Correct answer: The Platt Amendment

The Platt Amendment was passed on March 2, 1901, having been introduced in the Senate by Senator Orville Platte of Connecticut.  The Platt Amendment was attached to he 1901 Army Appropriations Bill.  The amendment set forth  seven specific conditions in order for withdrawing US troops that were still in Cuba at the end of the Spanish–American War.  The amendment also stipulated that Cuba would be required to sign a treaty accepting these seven conditions.   The conditions stated by the Platt Amendment were:

1. Cuba could not enter into a treaty with any other foreign country that would "tend to impair" the independence of Cuba.

2. The Cuban government could not "assume or contract any public debt."

3. The the Cuban government agreed "that the United States may exercise the right to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence" and for maintaining adequate governance there.

4. "That all Acts of the United States in Cuba during its military occupancy thereof are ratified and validated."

5. The Cuban government would carry out plans for public sanitation in the cities of the island to prevent recurrence of epidemics and infectious diseases.

6. The Isle of Pines would be omitted from the proposed boundaries of Cuba.

7. "That to enable the United States to maintain the independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as well as for its own defense, the government of Cuba will sell or lease to the United States lands necessary for coaling or naval stations at certain specified points to be agreed upon with the President of the United States."

I quoted that last condition in full as a way of showing how the US set itself up in a relationship of dominance over Cuba, asserting "protector" status over the island.

The first provision of the Platt Amendment is the one that would have been violated if (as the question proposed), Cuba sought in 1903 to enter a trade agreement with an Asian country apart from US approval.

The Answer would be The Platt amendment