The famous "Lost Colony" of Roanoke was actually established by the third expedition to reach this location. True False


Answer 1


The Roanoke Colony refers to two attempts by Sir Walter Raleigh to found the first permanent English settlement in North America. The first colony was established by governor Ralph Lane in 1585 on Roanoke Island in what is now Dare County, North Carolina, United States. Following the failure of the 1585 settlement, a second colony led by John White landed on the same island in 1587, and became known as the Lost Colony due to the unexplained disappearance of its population.[

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The correct answer is "B".

The passage is describing the period of time that the US citizen holding the title of President may legally be in the position, as well as the constitution of the Electoral College. An institution that is formed every 4 years with the exclusive purpose of electing the President of the United States. The electoral college currently consists of 538 electors. In order for a candidate to win the Presidency, he or she needs at least 270 votes out of the 538 potential votes that exist.

B the process of electing the president of the United stats

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The New Deal was the name given by the president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to his interventionist policies developed between 1933 and 1938, consisting of a series of programs, public work projects and financial reforms aimed to relief the effects of the Great Depression. Among others, some of the major public programs and agencies were the Social Security Administration, the Farm Security Administration, the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and the Civilian Conservation Corps. Most importantly, the Civil Works Administration played a fundamental role in the economic recovery, directly providing jobs to unemployed Americans; in January 1934, the Agency goal was already fulfilled, having created 4 million jobs for unemployed and vulnerable citizens.

Final answer:

The New Deal era saw the creation of several agencies to aid specific populations. The Social Security Act served the elderly, unemployed, disabled, and young, while the Works Progress Administration provided jobs during the Depression, notably employing a significant number of African Americans and women. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was aimed at assisting the poor to combat poverty.


During the era of the New Deal, several agencies were created to serve specific populations. The Social Security Act was established to help vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the unemployed, the disabled, and the young. It provided pensions for retired people over the age of 65, excluding domestic workers and farmers, hence leaving many women and African Americans beyond its purview. This was funded through a payroll tax on both the employee and employer.

Additionally, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), part of the Second New Deal, was aimed at providing jobs during the Depression. This agency employed a significant number of African Americans, making up nearly 15 percent of its workforce, and women, especially widows, single women, and wives of disabled husbands, who were involved in sewing projects to provide blankets and clothing to hospitals and relief agencies.

Lastly, the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 was designed to assist the poor in fighting poverty and getting jobs by creating programs like the Job Corps and the Neighborhood Youth Corps.

Learn more about New Deal Agencies here: