Characteristics of membrane protein:____________. 1. Membrane proteins transfer genetic information to the cytoplasm.
2. Membrane proteins act as receptors to molecules like hormones.
3. Membrane proteins form junctions between cells.
4. Membrane proteins serve as enzymes.


Answer 1

Answer: Membrane proteins act as receptors to molecules like hormones.


Membrane proteins are proteins that are closely associated with a cell membrane. On the cell membrane, they could act as receptors to molecules like hormones that need to be transported across the hydrophobic lipid bilayer.

A good example of membrane proteins is sodium channel, that acts as receptor to neurotransmitters.

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b. the rotary flagella to change their rotation to allow the bacterium to change direction randomly


The bacterial flagella are made up of flagellin protein. The bacterial flagella is divided into three parts hook, filaments, and the basal body. Rotor is present in bacterial flagella which extends to the cytoplasm and makes C ring.  

C ring contains several switch proteins that change the rotation of the flagella instantly in response to repellent or attractant which allows to change the direction of bacteria randomly. Bacterial Flagella can move clockwise and counterclockwise. Therefore the right answer is B.

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The structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is shown here. Which statement best explains how energy stored in the chemical bonds of ATP can be released. A) Adenine is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. B) Electrons are removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. D) A phosphate group is added to an ATP molecule with the addition of H2O.


C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule.

* ATP contains Adenine, Ribose sugar, and triphosphate group that contains 3 phosphates. When the third phosphate is broken, it is converted to ADP + P releasing a lot of energy.

The phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from ATP molecules. Thus, energy is stored in the chemical bonds of ATP and released during ATP hydrolysis.

Further Explanation:

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecular currency used for energy transactions. The ATP energy is stored in the bonds between the terminal phosphate groups. These bonds are hydrolyzed by the enzymes to obtain energy for reactions. ATP is an energy caring molecule present in the living cell. It stores energy in the bonds between the phosphates produced by the breakdown of food molecules. It releases energy required for the chemical reaction, and hence, it is known as an effective energy donor.

ATP is made of three main structures:

  • Sugar (ribose)
  • Nitrogenous base (Adenine)
  • Three phosphate group

The main energy source in ATP is phosphate tail. The energy is stored in the bonds present between the phosphates groups and release when these bonds are broke down. This process is referred to as ATP hydrolysis in this addition of water occurs. When the one phosphate is removed from ATP, then it is converted into ADP.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about cellular respiration
  2. Learn more about diffusion
  3. Learn more about phospholipids bilayer

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Membrane Biology


ATP, enzymes, bonds, chemical reaction, energy, phosphate group, ADP, food molecule, breakdown, donor, sugar, ribose.

A genetic factor for a trait that is always expressed when it is present is best described as _____.


- -  A genetic factor for a trait that is always expressed when it is present is best described as dominant

Final answer:

A genetic factor exhibiting a trait even in the presence of alternative forms is described as a dominant allele. Dominant alleles express over recessive genes, as exhibited in the height trait of pea plants.


A genetic factor for a trait that is always expressed when present is referred to as a dominant allele. In genetic terms, alleles are variations of a gene. In a pair of alleles, one can be dominant and the other recessive. When an individual possesses both the dominant and the recessive allele, the trait associated with the dominant allele gets expressed. For example, for the gene concerning height in pea plants, the allele for tallness is dominant over the allele for shortness. Thus, when a plant inherits the tall and short alleles together, the tall trait is expressed due to the dominance of the tall allele.

Learn more about Dominant allele here:


Select all that apply. Plant and animal cells both have _____. a cell wall a cell membrane a large central vacuole endoplasmic reticulum cytoplasm chloroplasts ribosomes Golgi complex cytoskeleton


Plants and animal cells share a lot of similarities since they both belong to a same group of cells which is the eukaryotic cells. One similarity they share is the cell membrane. This is the part of the cell which surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell.

Cell Membrane

Endoplasmic Reticulum



Golgi complex


Name two ways fore limbs are different than hind limbs


The fore limbs has the (humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals), and digits. While the hind limbs characteristics are the (femur, patella, fibula, tibia,  tarsals, metatarsals), and digits.
The fore limbs tend to be sturdier,stronger and longer.
The hind limbs are more firmly attached to the spine.