Choose the word that best fits in this sentence: Este _______ es Africa.A. nave espacial
B. océano
C. río
D. continente


Answer 1
Answer: ANSWER :  Este continente es África 
Answer 2
Answer: D because Africa is a continent.

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Which sentence correctly conveys the same meaning as this sentence? Ella tiene compasión.

Más alta que tan alta como menor que mayor que mejor que peor que tan saludable(healthy) como más larga que A) La comida frita es ________ la asada(roasted) para la salud(health). B) La leche es ________ la soda para la salud(health). C) La serpiente es________el pollito. D) El pescado es ________ el pollo para la salud. E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es ______ Alejandro. F) La jirafa es _________ la gallina. G) La cebra es _______el caballo. H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es ______ Sofia. Select the right expression to complete the sentences.


The right expression is bolded in each sentence and the sentence is then translated into English so you understand what it means.

A) La comida frita es peor que la asada(roasted) para la salud(health).

  • Fried food is worse than roasted for your health.

B) La leche es mejor que la soda para la salud(health).

  • Milk is better than soda for your health.

C) La serpiente más larga que es el pollito.

  • The snake is longer than the chicken.

D) El pescado es tan saludable como el pollo para la salud.

  • Fish is as healthy as chicken for your health.

E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es menor queAlejandro.

  • Carlos is 10 years old and Alejandro is 17 years old. Carlos is younger than Alejandro.

F) La jirafa es más alta que la gallina.

  • The giraffe is taller than the chicken.

G) La cebra es tan alta comoel caballo.

  • The zebra is as tall as the horse.

H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es mayor que Sofia.

  • Sofia is 6 years old and Marisol is 9 years old. Marisol is older than Sofia.


The correct comparative form in each case is:

A) La comida frita es peor que la asada para la salud.

B) La leche es mejor que la soda para la salud(health).

C) La serpiente es más larga queel pollito.

D) El pescado es tan saludable como el pollo para la salud.

E) Carlos tiene 10 años y Alejandro tiene 17 años. Carlos es menor que Alejandro.

F) La jirafa es más alta que la gallina.

G) La cebra es tan alta como el caballo.

H) Sofia tiene 6 años y Marisol tiene 9 años. Marisol es mayor que Sofia.


The translation of the sentences is:

A) Fried food is worse than roasted for health.

B) Milk is better than soda for health.

C) The snake is longer than the chick.

D) Fish is as healthy as chicken for health.

E) Carlos is 10 years old and Alejandro is 17 years old. Carlos is younger than Alejandro.

F) The giraffe is taller than the chicken.

G) The zebra is as tall as the horse.

H) Sofia is 6 years old and Marisol is 9 years old. Marisol is older than Sofia.

You can regularly make three types of comparisons:

  • Comparisons of inferiority: where it is mentioned that a noun is inferior in one characteristic than another.
  • Comparisons of equality: where it is mentioned that two nouns are equal in a given characteristic.
  • Comparisons of superiority: where it is mentioned that a noun is superior to another in a particular characteristic.

As you can see in the English translation, in each case the type of comparison was used to maintain the meaning of the sentence, for which they were chosen.

Arrange the cues provided in the correct order in order to form complete sentences.(Make all neccessary changes)
[Tarea/ los/ hacer/ sábados/ nosotros/ la]


The correct order to form complete sentences using the cues provided is "Nosotros hacemos la tarea los sábados." This sentence can be broken down into the following parts:

1. "Nosotros" is the subject pronoun, which indicates who is performing the action.
2. "Hacemos" is the verb, which indicates the action being performed.
3. "La tarea" is the direct object, which indicates what is being done.
4. "Los sábados" is the time indicator, which indicates when the action is being performed.

By arranging the cues in this order, we can create a complete and grammatically correct sentence. It is important to make sure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number and person, and that all necessary changes are made to ensure that the sentence is coherent and logical.

See more about sentence in:



Nosotros hacemos la tarea los sábados.


This is one of the correct orders. (There’s multiple but this would be just fine!)

Javier y Ana acaban de casarse y han comprado (they have bought) una casa y muchas otras cosas. Combina sus declaraciones para formar una sola oración con los pronombres relativos que, quien(es) y lo que.1.Tenemos una cafetera nueva. Mi prima nos la regaló.
2.Tenemos una cómoda nueva. Es bueno porque no hay espacio en el armario.
3.Esos platos no nos costaron mucho. Están encima del horno.
4.Esas copas me las regaló mi amiga Amalia. Ella viene a visitarme mañana.
5.La lavadora está casi nueva. Nos la regalaron mis suegros.
6.La vecina nos dio una manta de lana. Ella la compró en Méx


We use Relative Pronouns (Pronombres Relativos) when introducing a clause that describes a previously mentioned noun which is called the antecedent. We use this type of pronouns to connect sentences or phrases, In Spanish, there are four sets of relative pronouns: que, quien,el que, el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual. There is a great variation in the use of them but there are general patterns:

a. Que: This is the most common and the preferred relative pronoun in spoken or informal contexts. This is often used when there is nothing between it and the antecedent and can be used to refer a person, place or thing and means that, which, who, or whom.

b. Quien: It is most often used when there is a preposition or a comma between it and the antecedent. It is commonly used after prepositions like para and con. Its plural form is quienes.

c. el/la/los/las que and el/la/los/las cual: They are less common in spoken speech, though very common in written and more formal contexts. They are used with antecedents that are persons or things and agree in number and person with the antecedent.


In this way, we can use each sentence to write the following paragraph:

Tenemos una cafetera nueva que mi prima nos regaló. También tenemos una cómoda nueva la cual es buena porque no hay espacio en el armario. Adicionalmente, esos platos no nos costaron mucho, los que están encima del horno. Además, esas copas me las regaló mi amiga Amalia quien viene a visitarme mañana. Por otro lado, La lavadora está casi nueva, la que nos regalaron mis suegros. Finalmente, la vecina nos dio una manta de lana lacual compró en Méx.

To know the name of the capital city of Spain.
A. Saber
B. Conocer


If you know the capital city of Spain, you say: Yo conozco Madrid.

So conocer is the answer.
Neither? It's Madrid.

Montevideo es la ciudad capital de Uruguay
True or false





the answer is true for this question

Es increíble que tú estás aquí. Correct Incorrect


Is incorrect.
The correct sentence should go like this.

Es increíble que tú (estés) aquí.




for it to be grammatically correct estás should be estés