Darme / el vestidoXO A. Dadmelo.
B. Dénmelo.
C. Dámelo.
D. Me lo dan.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer will be : damelo
Answer 2

Answer: Denmelo



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It is true miguel de cervantes wrote don quijote


Yeah the correct answer is Trueeee!!!

How do decomposers interact with their ecosystem.


Decomposers interact with the ecosystem by making the solid more fertile.

Decomposers are organism that feed on dead organic matter but they also break down organisms to the their base materials, that is to their organic and inorganic components. Organisms such as fungi take the dead organic matter and after breaking it down to base components release it back into the soil thus fertilizing it and making it possible for a new life to thrive in the ecosystem.

Decomposers get nutrients and energy by breaking down dead organisms and animals wastes.

Ejemplos de Tipos de textos


Ejemplo de texto humanístico:

Textos humanísticos.- Los textos humanísticos se encuentran formados por estudios y publicaciones que imbuyen exclusivamente al ser humano como ente viviente y sus cualidades, son textos de temas como: psicología, sociología, antropología, derecho, espectáculos, biografías e incluso algunas novelas históricas.

Ejemplo de texto administrativo:

Textos administrativos.- Estos textos van dirigidos al ámbito administrativo, su lenguaje es muy técnico y formalizado, puede contener instrucciones, boletines, instancias, saludos, certificados, pedidos, notas, cobros, pagos, etc.

examples of types of text (this is what you said translated, i think thats what you wanted, but im unsure.)

Decide if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.Mi hermano podría ir a la escuela mañana.



The given sentence in Spanish, grammatically is Correct.

Conditional Form in Spanish

The conjugation of the verb "poder" in conditional form, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

  • Yo: podría
  • Tú: podrías
  • Usted: podría
  • Él:podría
  • Ella: podría
  • Ello: podría
  • Nosotros / Nosotras: podríamos
  • Ustedes: podrían
  • Ellos / Ellas: podrían

To identify the appropriate conjugation in each sentence, you must identify the noun in the sentence, replace it with the appropriate personal pronoun, and finally use the corresponding conjugation with the help of the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Conditional Form in Spanish, you can visit the following link: brainly.com/question/12327484

That is Correct, it means my brother will be able to go to school tomorrow

Policías lingüisticos


Linguistic police is the answer

Linguistic Police .....