1. Define: popular sovereignty, limited govern- ment, rule of law, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, unconstitutional, federalism 2. What two factors led the Framers to create a federal system of government


Answer 1


Popular Sovereignty is a belief that the authority of its government are formed and maintained by people's support through their representatives.

Limited government: This is type of government that is empowered and restricted by law

Rule of law: This is a well-defined and established laws that restrict people and institutions and fairly applied and enforced

separation of power: A situation in which the three arms of government are kept separate.

checks and balances: A situation where each branch of government is empowered prevented from other branch's actions

Judicial review:  This is the power given to a court to decide whether government decision or law is constitutional.

Unconstitutional : An action which violate the authority and rights stated in the constitution.

Federalism: This is type of government in which power is divided between national and state and local government.

2. Threat to liberty and Abuse


All these are very important to know in government and adhered to as a citizen.

popular sovereighty where authority is formed and maintained by people's surport through their represeentatives. Limited power, power is given but restricted by constitution. Rule of law is very important for fairness, everybody is accountable by law. In separation of power, Federal, state and local government are kept separate and check and balance applied here.

In judicial review, government are being cautioned by judicial who decide whether the action taken is constitutional and when an action parformed is not in the written constitution, then it is unconstituonal.

Threat to individual liberty and abuse of power led to creation of federal system of goverment.

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you are driving in the right lane on an interstate highway and there seem to be a lot of vehicles passing you. you should



continue driving in the right lane


The right lane is the right most lane on in a two or three way expressways. It is the most safest way to drive. In this lane, the car drivers drives with the slower speeds. It may also be used for entering and also exiting the expressway.

The left lanes are used for passing or for driving at high speeds. If we are driving at a speed which is below the traffic speed, we should always use the right lane and keep on driving in the right lane.

Final answer:

If vehicles are passing you on an interstate highway, maintain a steady speed and stay in your lane. Check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.


If you are driving in the right lane on an interstate highway and there seem to be a lot of vehicles passing you, it is important to maintain a steady speed and stay in your lane. Do not panic or feel pressured to speed up. Remember, it is always better to drive at a comfortable and safe speed that follows the speed limit and traffic conditions.

Additionally, make sure to regularly check your rearview mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes. If you notice a long line of vehicles behind you, you can consider moving to the rightmost lane to allow faster traffic to pass. However, only do this if it is safe to do so and if there is enough space for you to merge into the other lane.

Lastly, always follow the rules of the road and drive defensively. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, use your turn signals properly, and be aware of the actions of other drivers on the road.

Learn more about Driving here:



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Answer: Option (B) is correct.


Latent functions are known to be social scientific notion which was created by Bronislaw Malinowski, an anthropologist, while researching about Trobiand Islanders in part of Western Pacific. This notion was later on modified by Robert K. Merton for the discipline of sociology. Merton tended to appear interested in polishing the conceptual structure that was employed in functional analysis.  These functions are unintended, unconscious, and beneficial.

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Answer: Kant's Categorical Imperative

Explanation: For Emmanuel Kant the Categorical Imperative is a philosophical center of his fundamental principle of the moral concept and duties. It can also apply our human reason to determine the right, the rational.

Kant had this kind of vision in his philosophy, that could determined what are the morals and duties of society.

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Currently it's the U.S President Barack Obama, but from January 20th, it will be Donald Trump
The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

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Answer: Balance

Explanation: The equilibrium model states that social change happens because society seeks balance. According to this model, society in its natural state is stable and balanced. That is, society moves toward balance. Social problems in one aspect of society require adjustments in other social aspects.

Balance. It says equilibrium so that's what I assume.