What is the common name of a biological sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline silica (SiO2) originally formed as shells of living diatoms and radiolarian plankton, compressed into hard, flaky rock that can be used to make tools


Answer 1




Chert is a sedimentary rock composed of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz, the mineral form of silicon dioxide (SiO2). It occurs as nodules, concretionary masses, and as layered deposits.

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As the tempreture of a liquid increases the solubility of a liquid of that liquid


As the temperature increases, the solubility of the solute in the liquid also increases.  This is due to the fact that the increase in energy allows the liquid to more effectively break up the solute.  The additoin of energy also shifts the equilibrium of the reation to the right since it takes energy to dissolve most things and you are adding more of it (this is explained with Le Chatlier principles).

I hope this helps and also I assumed that your question involved the solubility of an ionic substance in a solvent like water.  If that was not your question feel free to say so in the comments so that I can answer your actually question.

as a result of the gold foil experiment it was concluded that an atom (1) contains protons, neutrons, and electrons(2)contains a small, dense nucleus(3)has positrons and orbitals (4)is a hard and invisible sphere


 It showed that the atom contains a small dense nucleus. The reason why this can be concluded is that the experiment showed that alpha particles can for the most part pass right through the foil.  This showed that the nucleus of the atom is very small and takes up a very small portion of the size of an atom since the nucleus is what would reflect the alpha particle.  If atoms were not mostly empty space, the alpha particles would have been bounced back and the opposite of what was observed would have happened (all or at least the majority would be bounced back instead the majority getting through with only a small portion being reflected back).

I hope this helps.  Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.

Final answer:

The gold foil experiment, conducted by Ernest Rutherford, discovered the existence of a small, dense nucleus within an atom, making answer (2) the correct one.


The gold foil experiment was conducted by Ernest Rutherford and led to the discovery of a small, dense nucleus within the atom. This means that the correct answer to your question is (2) contains a small, dense nucleus. Prior to this experiment, the widely accepted model was the 'plum pudding' model, which had negatively charged electrons embedded within a positively charged sphere. The gold foil experiment upended this model as it was discovered that most alpha particles passed through the gold foil undeterred, but a small fraction was deflected at large angles, suggesting that a tiny but dense packet of positive charge — identified as the nucleus — existed in the center of the atom. This discovery led to the formation of the Rutherford atomic model.

Learn more about Gold Foil Experiment here:



For the reaction below, describe the temperature and pressure conditions that would produce the highest yield of the forward reaction. Explain your answer in terms of Le Châtelier's principle.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "CO(g) + 2H2 (g) <---> CH3OH (g) and that the reaction is exothermic (the delta H value is negative). The reaction is exothermic, so lowering the temperature will shift the equilibrium toward the right. Since the reaction uses 3 moles of gas to form 1 mole of gas, increasing the pressure will shift the reaction toward the right. So, low temperature and high pressure will produce the highest yield. Le Chatelier's principle states that when a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the system responds in such a way to minimize the disturbance."

A nondirectional alternative hypothesis claims that no difference will be found between the research variables.a. True
b. False


Answer: The given statement is False.

According to alternative hypothesis, observed difference exists between research variables, which does not occur by chance.

Whereas, a non directional alternative hypothesis has no definite directions of the difference but a certain difference does exist.

Thus, the given statement is False.




How many moles of H2O are produced when 64.0 g C2H2 burns in oxygen


The balanced chemical reaction will be: 

C2H2 + 5/2O2 = 2CO2 + H2O

We are given the amount of C2H2 being burned. This will be our starting point.

64.0 g C2H2 (1 mol C2H2 / 26.02 g C2H2) (1 mol H2O/1mol C2H2) ( 18.02 g H2O/1mol H2O) = 44.32 g H2O.

Thus, the answer is 44.32 g H2O.

A box experiences a force of 2 N to the left and 3 N to the right. Which is true of the box's motion?A) The box will slow down.
B) The box's velocity will be 1 m/s.
C) The box's velocity will not change.
D) The box will experience acceleration.


Answer: Option (D) is the correct answer.


The rate of change in velocity over change in time is defined as acceleration.

Mathematically,          Acceleration = (\Delta v)/(\Delta t)

where         \Delta v = change in velocity

                   \Delta t = change in time

Therefore, when  a force of 2 N to the left and 3 N to the right then box will experience acceleration as velocity is also changing with time.

Thus, we can conclude that a box experiences a force of 2 N to the left and 3 N to the right then it is true that the box will experience acceleration.

Answer choice would be D, answer choice B, is the boxes net force. Velocity = distance/time.    The correct answer is D. I hope this helps!