To calculate the change in kinetic energy, you must know the force as a function of _______. The work done by the force causes the kinetic energy change.'


Answer 1

Answer: The force is as a function of Distance


The force and distance must be parallel to each other. Only the component of the force in the same direction as the distance traveled does any work. Hence, if a force applied is perpendicular to the distance traveled, no work is done. The equation becomes force times distance times the cosine of the angle between them.

where both the force F and acceleration are vectors. This makes sense since both force and acceleration have a direction.

On the other hand, the kinetic energy


looks completely different. It doesn't seem to depend on the direction.

Answer 2




dW = F. dx

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Hope this helps.

(a) Determine the electric field strength between two parallel conducting plates to see if it will exceed the breakdown strength for air (3 ? 106 V/m). The plates are separated by2.98 mm and a potential difference of 5575 V is applied. (b) How close together can the plates be with this applied voltage without exceeding the breakdown strength?



(a) 1.87×10⁶ V/m

(b) 1.12 mm closer



Electric Field = Electric potential/distance.

E = V/d ................... Equation 1

Where E = Electric Field, V = Electric potential, d = distance.

Given: V = 5575 V, d = 2.98 mm = 0.00298 m.

Substitute into equation 1

E = 5575/0.00298

E = 1.87×10⁶ V/m


without exceeding the breakdown strength,

make d the subject of equation 1

d = V/E.............. Equation 2

Given: E = 3×10⁶ V/m, V = 5575 V

Substitute into equation 2

d = 5575/3000000

d = 1.86 mm.

the plate will be = 2.98-1.86 = 1.12 mm closer

What is the frequency of a photon that has the same momentum as a neutron moving with a speed of 1.90 × 103 m/s?


The mass of a neutron is:
m=1.67 \cdot 10^(-27)kg
Since we know its speed, we can calculate the neutron's momentum:
p=mv=(1.67 \cdot 10^(-27)kg)(1.90 \cdot 10^3 m/s)=3.17 \cdot 10^(-24) kg m/s

The problem says the photon has the same momentum of the neutron, p.  The photon momentum is given by
p= (h)/(\lambda)
where h is the Planck constant, and \lambda is the photon wavelength. If we re-arrange the equation and we use the momentum we found before, we can calculate the photon's wavelength:
\lambda= (h)/(p)= (6.6 \cdot 10^(-34)Js)/(3.17 \cdot 10^(-24) kg m/s)=2.08 \cdot 10^(-10) m

And since we know the photon travels at speed of light c, we can now calculate the photon frequency:
f= (c)/(\lambda)= (3 \cdot 10^8 m/s)/(2.08 \cdot 10^(-10) m)=  1.44 \cdot 10^(18) Hz

What is the difference between V(peak voltage) and Vrms (root-mean-square) of AC voltage source?



V(peak voltage) is the highest voltage that the waveform will ever attain and the Vrms(root-mean-square) is the effective voltage of the total waveform representing the AC source.

A construction foreman exerts 1300 Newtons of force trying to move a 1200-kg block of concrete. How many Joules of work does he perform?


He does no work until the block starts to move ... an unlikely event.

If it ever does move, then the work he does is

                   (1300) x (the distance the block moves, in meters) .

The unit is 'joules.

Anatomy of a Wave worksheet can someone help me out with the answers????


Part 1: here are the answers in order