What did President Hoover do that directly led the Bonus Army march on Washington in 1932?


Answer 1
Answer: They marched on on Washington D.C. because many of the protesters were WW1 veteran that were promised to be paid for fighting in the war. The government did not pay them and said that they postponed the payment, this was during the Great Depression and therefor the veterans were in great need of the money. 

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The blank
was the first pyramid
designed in ancient Egypt.



The step pyramid of Djoser


It was made in the third dynasty

The Step Pyramid was the first pyramid ever to be built and designed in Ancient Egypt. It still stands today in Saqqara, Egypt. It has been standing for over 4,000 years, making it the oldest remaining stone in known history.

During the Age of Exploration, the vast majority of enslaved laborers were transported between which two locations


During the Age of Exploration, the vast majority of enslaved laborers were transported between Africa and the Caribbean, since the slaves were used there to extract natural resources and work in mills. 

What was the result of the Battle of Stalingrad?A) The starvation of the Soviet troops resulted in their defeat and allowed German forces to capture important oil fields

B) The German forces held out long enough to end the Soviet advance westward

C) The prolonged battle cost the German army profoundly in troops and equipment and enabled a Soviet advance

D) The resolve of the German army lead Stalin to agree to a nonaggression pact with Hitler


C) The prolong battle cost the German army profoundly in troops and equipment and enabled a Soviet advance

When the king retained full control over colonies, and all colonial laws had to be approved by him, the colonies were known as:Charter Colonies.
Proprietary Colonies.
Governor's Colonies.
Royal Colonies.


They were referred to as "Royal Colonies"; it's a term with British origins means those territories not annexed yet under its control.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "Governor's Colonies." When the king retained full control over colonies, and all colonial laws had to be approved by him, the colonies were known as: Governor's Colonies.

Who experienced communist takeover in 1917?


Answer: The Russian Empire


The Russian Revolution in 1917 led to Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate and give up his power to the communists. The USSR took the place of the Russian Empire and it lasted until 1991 where it ended and the Russian Federation was born. That is where we are now.

What method of dating bone would yield the most accurate results?


Radiocarbon dating is the method of dating bone that would yield the most accurate results. This kind of dating technique is used for determining the age of any object that contains organic materials in it. This is the method that was developed by a person named Willard Libby in the late 1940s. Libby got the Nobel Prize in the year 1960 for his great work.

Final answer:

The most accurate method for dating bones is Carbon-14 dating. This method measures the amount of Carbon-14, a naturally occurring isotope, left in the sample to determine the elapsed time since the death of the organism. This technique is commonly used for bones up to 50,000 years old.


The most accurate method for datingbones is radiocarbon dating, also known as Carbon-14 dating. This method works by measuring the amount of Carbon-14, a naturally occurring isotope, left in a sample. All living organisms have carbon-14 in their body, and after death, the amount of Carbon-14 begins to decrease at a predictable rate. By measuring the remaining amount of Carbon-14 in a bone, scientists can estimate the time that has passed since the death of the organism.

It’s important to note that this method is most reliable for bones up to 50,000 years old. Beyond that, the amount of Carbon-14 is so small that it becomes difficult to accurately measure and thus yield reliable data.

Learn more about Dating Bones
