The graph above displays the heights of an average population of humans. Use C.E.R. (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) to answer the following question:Why is human height expressed in the pattern shown in the graph?

Be sure to identify the inheritance pattern and thoroughly explain how genes & alleles interact to produce this phenotype pattern.

The graph above displays the heights of an average population - 1


Answer 1


The graph shows the height in inches of determined human population and the pattern it shows is due to the height variations that exist between individuals, due to different factors, where the average height in the population is close to 69 inches, and most of the population has heights between 67 and 72 inches.


The height of individuals is the measurement, from head to toe, which is made standing up and barefoot.

The graph shows the frequency of people who have a specific height, where:

Claim: According to the graph, most people are between 67 and 72 inches tall. Heights below 63 and above 72 inches are less frequent and the average person is about 69 inches tall.

Evidence: The data provided by the graph support the claim that there is variation in height in the human population. When data on anthropometric parameters are to be obtained, a sample is chosen, measured under the same conditions and then taken to a graph showing the results.

Reasoning: variations in human height respond to several factors, mainly genetic and environmental factors.

Inheritance plays an important role in determining an individual's height, although it is a polygenic pattern of inheritance, where multiple genes determine the height an individual will have.

In general, the height between men and women differs but, in addition, the inheritance of this parameter is linked to race. There is no single gene that determines whether a person will be tall or short, nor are there dominant or recessive alleles.

The combination of information from several genes will result in the phenotypic expression of height in an individual and can increases the genetic variability for this trait. It should also be taken into account that genetic disorders can affect the development of normal height.

Environmental factors and habits, especially food and family environment, are determinants of the height a particular individual will have.

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893 snakes after first year


total population= 900

death = 30 per year    left=  900-30= 870

birth each year= 20 per year      so 870 +20= 890 snakes

6 snakes migrate into the population = 890 + 6= 896 snakes

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Final answer:

After accounting for annual birth rate, death rate, and net migration, the snake population after one year would be 893 individuals.


To find out how many individuals are in the population after the first year, we start with the initial count of 900 snakes. We then subtract the death rate, or number of snakes dying per year (30), add the birth rate, or number of snakes being born per year (20), then also add the net migration, or difference between snakes moving into and out of the area (6 entering - 3 exiting = 3 net influx).

So the calculation would look like this: 900 (initial population) - 30 (death rate) + 20 (birth rate) + 3 (net migration) = 893

Therefore, after one year, there would be 893 snakes in this population.

Learn more about Population Dynamics here:


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Interaction between hydrophobic (nonpolar) amino acid side chains is due to hydrophobic interactions.

Repulsion between negatively charged backbone of DNA double helix is due to electrostatic repulsion forces.

Interaction between water and carbonyl oxygen of guanine is due hydrogen bonding


The hydrophobic effect refers to the tendency of non-polar substances forms aggregates in an aqueous solutions in order to avoid interactions with water molecules. This results in a favorable entropy increase.

For non-polar amino acids, hydrophobic interactions are important in stabilizing their structure wherein they are densely packed within the core of a protein while those with with polar groups are found in the exterior.

The phosphate backbone of DNA is negatively charged. Since like charges repel, therefore, electrostatic repulsion forces of the ions are responsible the repulsion of the backbone DNA double helix.

Hydrogen bonds are formed between electronegative oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms of neighboring molecules due to the partial negative and positive charges on each of the atoms.

This hydrogen bonding is responsible for the interaction between water and carbonyl oxygen of guanine as the hydrogen atoms of the water molecules are attracted to the oxygen atoms of the guanine molecules due to the partial charges on each of the atoms.

Micah has straight hair. If he is homozygous for the gene that determines straight hair, what is true of his parents?



They have contributed same allele for straight hair.


There are two conditions homozygous and heterozygous. In homozygous conditions both the allele of a particular gene is same in an offspring which means the offspring got two same alleles from its parent for a particular gene and if an offspring is heterozygous for a gene that suggests that the parent has contributed two different alleles for that gene in the offspring.

So If Micah is homozygous for straight hair then it can be concluded that his parents have contributed two same alleles for straight hair genes.

Final answer:

If Micah is homozygous for the straight hair gene, both of his parents must have contributed an allele for straight hair. They could be homozygous or heterozygous for this trait.


If Micah is homozygous for the gene that determines straight hair, it means he has two of the same type of allele for that gene - in this case, the allele for straight hair. This indicates that both of his parents must have contributed an allele for straight hair. The simplest scenario is that both of his parents are also homozygous for the straight hair allele. However, it's also possible that one or both parents are heterozygous, possessing one straight hair allele and one potentially recessive curly hair allele. In this scenario, they would have each passed the straight hair allele to Micah.

Learn more about Genetics here:


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Using microscopy methods such as fluorescence microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).


A bacterium that is viable but non-culturable refers to those bacteria that are in a very low metabolic state (dormant state) that don’t grow but is alive. Methods based on culture will not be able to detect a viable but non-culturable bacteria, because these bacteria will not grow and in few cases if the bacterium could be cultured, it only grows in very specific conditions. The most common methods used to check for the presence of bacteria that are viable but non-culturable is the fluorescence microscopy. The disadvantage of this technology is that don’t discriminate between live and dead cells, it only detects its presence. Another common technology is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), that detects DNA, but this technique also doesn’t discriminate between living or dead cells. But usually is combined with stains to detect a damaged of the membrane, this damage refers to nonviable bacteria.

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What is the cause of his symptoms. Explain the mechanism.



The lower back pain and bilateral leg pain is due to over and intense physical activity which causes stretching of ligaments and muscles resulting in back and leg pain. Such pain can be managed by limited or by reducing physical activity.  The dark color of urine is due to the presence of bile (bilirubin) in the urine. Here the patient has a past medical history of alcohol abuse. Excessive alcohol intake enhances gut permeability resulting in enhanced absorption of bacterial endotoxins. Excessive endotoxins in the liver cause damage of the kupffer cells in the liver, resulting in the release of bilirubin in the blood which ultimately passes through kidneys into the urine.
