Phineas Gage was a foreman on a railroad crew who suffered brain damage in a blasting accident. After the accident, he lost interest in his job and had difficulty maintaining any goal-directed behaviors but was still able to function and lead a relatively normal life. The capacity of his brain area to take over the functions of the damaged brain areas is known as:


Answer 1

Brain Plasticity


The capacity of his brain area to take over the functions of the damaged brain areas is known as: Brain plasticity.

The frontal lobe of the brain is associated with the cognitive skills of man. His ability to think, memorize, recognize and decide depends on the frontal lobe responses. Located on the anterior part of the brain, the frontal lobe is more susceptible to injuries. Any injury to frontal lobe disturbs the normal cognitive behaviour and motor abilities. So, the changes in Phineas Gage's behavior indicates that the frontal lobe of his brain got injured.

But he could still lead a normal life with a bit of difficulties in work and behavior. This suggest that the functions of the frontal lobe has been taken over by some other part of the brain.

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Anime1life can you list the options so I can refresh my memory and list the correct answer for you.

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rod photoreceptors


The retina of the eye has 2 types of sensory receptors or photoreceptors. They are the rod cells and the cone cells. The rod cells mostly found at the outer edge of the retina of the eye, which are numerous and more sensitive compared to the cone cells. The cone photoreceptors are found in the macula.

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The rod photoreceptors are responsible for processing his ability to see objects in the darkness.

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Chromosomes are inherited from the parents. One chromosome from each of 23 pairs came from each of the parents. The two chromosomes of a pair (except for the sex chromosomes) contain the same genes, but the genes have small differences. The X and Y Chromosomes determine the organism’s sex. One chromosome pair - the sex chromosomes - is unique. Typically females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y. Mothers always pass an X chromosome on to their children. Whether the father passes on his X chromosome (leading to a pair of X chromosomes) or his Y chromosome (making a mixed set) determines your sex. Chromosomes get shuffled when eggs and sperm are made. Though most adult cells contain two sets of chromosomes, sperm and egg cells are different. These special cells have just one chromosome from each pair. Which chromosome they get from each pair is random, making each sperm or egg cell unique. There is also a bit of mixing before the chromosomes are sorted into individual sperm or egg cells. Chromosomes from each pair in a mother or father, respectively, make contact and exchange pieces of DNA, creating hybrid chromosomes. 



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B) Most metals conduct heat readily. In pure elemental forms, theyneither have basic or acidic properties. Other properties includemalleability, high melting points, high densities, and electricconduction.
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     In a stringed musical instrument, the part that vibrates in resonance with the sound waves produced by the strings is called the sounding board. Hope this helped ;)

The answer is C. The sounding board.

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We can say that the water is the solvent, and the powder is the solute. This is also a solution altogether. 

Explanation:- A solute is the thing being dissolved into the solvent. While the solvent is what when the solute is being dissolved in. Together, they make a solution. 

B. the water is the salute.