• What areas of the U.S. are connected through transportation by 1840?


Answer 1

Answer: rail roads


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Japan applied a policy of Imperialism, which means they tried to conquer as many lands as possible to gain colonies. These colonies provided the various raw materials to help Japan industrialize.

Which role did Earl Warren play in the Brown v. Board of Education case? A. As Chief Justice, he convinced the other justices to issue a unanimous decision for the sake of national unity. B. As a lawyer representing the NAACP, he argued that segregated schools violated blacks' constitutional rights. C. As the lawyer representing southern schools, he argued that the 14th Amendment allowed segregated education. D. As Chief Justice, he wrote a dissenting opinion stating that "separate but equal" public schools were not a violation of blacks' civil rights.


The correct answer is A. In the Brown v. Board of Education case, as Chief Justice, Earl Warren convinced the other justices to issue a unanimous decision for the sake of national unity.

The ruling was delivered on May 17, 1954, unanimously (9-0) by the Warren Court; and established that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal". With this, the Supreme Court reversed the existing precedents from Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. As a result of this ruling, racial segregation came to be considered as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This ruling opened the way for racial integration and achieving civil rights for African Americans.

A is the corect answer he was none as chief justice Earl Warren.

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Madison disagreed with Jefferson's belief that a bill of rights would protect citizens

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Answer:working class


This doesn't help unless I can see the passage

Treaty of Versailles DBQ documents how did the Versailles treaty help cause world war 2



it places a lot of blame on Germany for WWI


Final answer:

The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the cause of World War II by placing harsh conditions on Germany post World War I. These conditions led to severe economic hardship and humiliation, fostering resentment among the German population, which led to the rise of extremism and eventually, World War II.


The Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in causing World War II. The exceedingly harsh conditions and reparations imposed on Germany after World War I by the Treaty of Versailles led to extreme economic hardship and national humiliation in Germany. This consequently fostered bitterness and resentment among the German populace towards the Allies, particularly France and Britain. This resentment significantly contributed to the rise of extreme nationalism and Adolf Hitler's rise to power, and subsequently, World War II.

For instance, the Article 231, often referred as the 'War Guilt Clause', placed the entire blame for the war on Germany, which was seen as unjust and humiliating by many Germans. The severe economic reparations put enormous strain on Germany's economy, leading to hyperinflation and mass unemployment. This dire economic situation provided fertile ground for extremist political parties, like the Nazis, to rise. Hitler exploited this situation and the resentment towards the treaty to garner popular support.

Learn more about Treaty of Versailles here:



What did the first Americans have to depend on for their survival?A) the environment
B) their enemies
C) dinosaurs
D) religious beliefs


The first Americans - this could be interpreted as the Native Americans who arrived, from Asia via Bering Strait, 12 000 years ago had to depend on their environment: the plants that grew in America, the animals they could find, and they had to devise ways to find those into food and shelter.

