Hi,how are you today i have in English subject can you please answer the questions for me because i have to send it for the teacher today
Hi,how are you today i have in English subject can - 1


Answer 1

Answer: 1) can

2) can

3) cant



Explanation: i think

Answer 2





Can, then cannot

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Final answer:

The benefits of exploring Mars potentially involve major scientific discoveries and gaining greater understanding of our universe. However, there are also significant risks, including potential radiation exposure for astronauts, contamination of Earth, and high costs. The answer to the question depends on one's evaluation of these risks and benefits.


The question of whether the benefits of exploring Mars outweigh the risks is complex and multi-faceted. On one hand, the risks include potential radiation exposure for astronauts, potential contamination of Earth by returned samples, and the high costs associated with space exploration. According to NASA, astronauts could be exposed to high-energy solar radiation and an ill-timed solar storm could end an astronaut's career. NASA is also committed to the complete biological isolation of returned samples until they are demonstrated to be safe to avoid potential contamination.

On the other hand, important potential benefits include the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life and gaining a greater understanding of Mars. Space scientists are highly intrigued by these possibilities and NASA is investing heavily in research on life in the universe. Discovering evidence of past microbial life on Mars, as a result of ongoing and future missions, would be a major scientific discovery and could lead to increased funding for NASA.

Therefore, the answer to the question largely depends on one's perspective and evaluation of these risks and benefits. The potential risks are significant, but so are the potential rewards of scientific discovery and increased understanding of our universe.

Learn more about Mars Exploration here:



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