What are reasons the U.S might win the war of 1812?


Answer 1


The US might win the war of 1812 because the North allows African American slaves to fight in the war, increasing their number against the South.

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How did tacitus influence the romans



Because he was a conscious literary stylist, both his thought and his manner of expression gave life to his work. Greek historiography had defined ways of depicting history: one could analyze events in plain terms, set the scene with personalities, or heighten the dramatic appeal of human action. Each method had its technique, and the greater writer could combine elements from all three. The Roman “annalistic” form, after years of development, allowed this varied play of style in significant episodes. Tacitus knew the techniques and controlled them for his political interpretations; as a model he had studied the early Roman historiographer Sallust.

It is finally his masterly handling of literary Latin that impresses the reader. He wrote in the grand style, helped by the solemn and poetic usage of the Roman tradition, and he exploited the Latin qualities of strength, rhythm, and colour. His style, like his thought, avoids artificial smoothness. His writing is concise, breaking any easy balance of sentences, depending for emphasis on word order and syntactical variation and striking hard where the subject matter calls for a formidable impact. He is most pointed on the theme of Tiberius, but his technique here is only a concentrated form of the stylistic force that can be found throughout his narrative.

Tacitus’ work did not provide an easy source for summaries of early imperial history, nor (one may guess) was his political attitude popular in the ruling circles; but he was read and his text copied until in the 4th century Ammianus Marcellinus continued his work and followed his style. In modern scholarship Tacitus’ writings are studied seriously—with critical reservation—to reconstruct the early history of the Roman Empire. On the literary side they are appreciated as stylistic masterpieces.

What are some examples of people in power using these tactics today


I think this question is related to the movie "Selma:The Bridge to the Ballot".

People in power use laws, custom and procedures to maintain a status quo that favored them. They believe that everyone has a price. They are willing to bribe anyone to either bend some rules, or hasten procedures to get their desired results.

If someone can't be bribed, the family and job opportunities of said individual will be threatened forcing said individual to conform to what the person in power wants to happen.

How did the plebeians gain power in the republic for what changes were they responsible


They gained power by going on strike from serving in the army and left Rome to create their own government..

The changes: They were allowed to form the Council of Plebs and elect their own officials, become consuls, and pass laws.

Final answer:

The plebeians, once considered Rome's lower class, slowly amassed power in the Roman Republic through political changes and reforms, including the establishment of the Council of Plebs, the creation of the Twelve Tables of law, and securing the right to stand for the office of consul.


The plebeians, originally Rome’s general populace, gradually gained power in Ancient Rome's republic through a series of political and social changes. One notable change was the establishment of the 'Council of the Plebs' around 494 BC. This was a result of a 'plebeian strike' where they refused to serve in the military until they were given political representation. The Council held legislative authority and had the power to pass laws that applied not just to the plebeians, but to all Romans.

Another significant development involved the creation of the 'Twelve Tables' around 450 BC. These were written laws that laid out legal rights and responsibilities for all Romans, thereby reducing patrician control over legal interpretation. Furthermore, plebeians gained the right to stand for the office of consul, the highest position in the Roman Republic, through the 'Lex Licinia Sextia' in 367 BC.

Thus, plebeians increased their power in the republic by securing political representation, legislating laws, gaining legal transparency, and securing the ability to occupy the highest political office. These changes reflect the plebeians' struggle to achieve social equality and justice against the ruling patrician class.

Learn more about Plebeian Rise in Power here:



Which is a major problem of the 80s in the 90s that the United States continues to experience to this very day?The mortality rate in the United States decreases.

The federal deficit continues to rise.

The unemployment rate continues to fall.

The graduation rate for high school seniors is at an all-time low.



Its B ) The Federal deficit continues to rise...


The largest economic issues of the 1980s and 1990s "have been the Federal deficit and the Federal debt". The United States government has not had a balanced budget since 1969.

The deficit has been a hot political issue. Congress has several times passed legislation that planned to end the deficits within a specified number of years. However, the debt continues to rise. It has now reached into the trillions of dollars.

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Alexander had previously prepared takeover by defeating the Persian army at Issus and captured the Mediterranean eliminating the threat of a Persian naval invasion. As well as keeping Persian land reinforcements from coming from the West, which was key in focusing on other points.


Alexander had previously prepared takeover by defeating the Persian army at Issus and captured the Mediterranean eliminating the threat of a Persian naval invasion. As well as keeping Persian land reinforcements from coming from the West, which was key in focusing on other points.


In 1988, independent Ross Perot ran against democrat Bill Clinton and republican George Bush? true or false


I think it's false seeing as he ran later.