The expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derived significant inspiration from


Answer 1


Social Darwinism, imperialism, and Anglo-Saxon superiority


This is what the expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derived significant inspiration from. During these years, many countries engaged in projects of imperialism and expansion. These were often driven by the belief that white people had a responsibility towards other countries and peoples of bringing civilization and advancement to those who did not enjoy it. It was also underpinned by a belief in the evolutionary superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

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China was easily defeated by the British in the first Opium War because China's navy was so inferior for Britain's advanced weaponry. The  most significant result of the Opium Wars was that it  increased Britain's influence in China.
China was easily defeated by the British in the first Opium War because China's navy was so inferior for Britain's advanced weaponry. The most significant result of the Opium Wars was that it increased Britain's influence in China.
Learn about the events resulting in conflict between the United Kingdom and China with this clip from The Story of China. Imports into China rose from two hundred chests in 1729 to forty,000 chests in 1838. China was aware, not solely of the damaging effects on its individualshowever conjointly of the drain on its silver reserves, and tried to ban the controlled substancehowever, the extremely profitable trade continuing. In 1839, Chinese official Commissioner Maya Lin Zexu demanded the outsider's fork over their controlled substances stocks, and destroyed them. British business interests pushed for war with China, and also the British sent in gunboats. In what became referred to as the primary controlled substance War.

Which religion says that by following the teachings of Jesus and living the way he taught, people can be saved and enter heaven?A.





 the answer is Christianity


c  its really easy you going have to use your brain a little more


Tenement apartments at the beginning of the twentieth century were?


Tenement apartments at the beginning of the twentieth century were typically overcrowded, poorly maintained, and often lacked basic amenities.

They were a common form of urban housing in many American cities during this time period. Here are some key characteristics of tenement apartments in the early 1900s:

  1. Overcrowding: Tenement apartments were known for their high population density. Families and sometimes multiple families would often share small, cramped living spaces, leading to overcrowding and unsanitary conditions.
  2. Poor Sanitation: Tenements often lacked proper sanitation facilities. Indoor plumbing and bathrooms were often absent, forcing residents to use communal outhouses or share bathroom facilities with multiple other families.
  3. Lack of Ventilation: Many tenement apartments had poor ventilation, leading to stuffy and unhealthy living conditions. Limited access to fresh air and natural light contributed to health problems among residents.
  4. Fire Hazards: Tenement buildings were often constructed with cheap, flammable materials, and they lacked adequate fire safety measures. This made them susceptible to fires, and tragic fires were not uncommon in these buildings.
  5. Deteriorating Infrastructure: Many tenement buildings were old and poorly maintained, with landlords often neglecting necessary repairs and renovations. This resulted in deteriorating infrastructure and unsafe living conditions.
  6. Immigrant Populations: Tenements were frequently occupied by immigrant families, as they were often the most affordable housing option for newcomers to the United States. These buildings became centers of immigrant communities in cities like New York.

Learn more about amenities:


in the beginning of 20th century, tenement apartments were smaller and dangerous. Back then, tenement apartments are usually resided by people that's considered in lower class economy. 1 Apartment usually consisted of 2 or more family and a lot of crime happened in Tenement Apartments' area

Please help with english 2 4.08 . Was Brutus a betrayer or a patriot? Make a claim and counterclaim. I believe he was a betrayer but I need help making the claim & counterclaim .


Brutus was a betrayer. He was a killer and a liar. Brutus killed Caesar as he stabbed him. Killing Caesar whom was his friend showed that he's not a good friend as he's a betrayer.

On the other hand, Brutus can be seen to be a patriot as he sacrificed his good friend and therefore saved Romans from the bad acts of Caesar. He showed that Romans came first even at the expense of killing his friends. Therefore, he's patriot.

Read related question on:

Here is what I wrote:

Brutus was a betrayer, not only by murdering his best friend Caesar, but because he claimed to do it for all the people of Rome, besides murdering someone should not be the only way for Rome to be a free country. Many people will argue that Brutus is a patriot because of his hard decisions to make and because he was trying to save Rome. However, these intentions don’t seem correct, you should not kill someone for a country to be free, and you should not kill anyone at all.

For how many years did the reign of terror last


Period of French Revolution was known as ‘Reign of Terror’ and this period lasted for one year.  

Further Explanation:-

Reign of terror is known as period of ‘French Revolution’. This period begun just after First French Republic was established and after its establishment, many massacres and Public executions took places which were in response to a revolutionary fervor. During the period of reign of terror, French people who were not in support of revolution were executed. It was the thought f Enlightenment which emphasized the importance in regards to rational thinking and because of that, Challenge in terms of legal as well as moral foundations of the society was started. This thought of enlightenment provided leaders of terror with new Ideas which were about the role and structure that was there in the government.  

When the French Revolution just started, the monarchs that were ruling Europe did not showed any seriousness to this issue and most of the monarchs even ignored this revolution during its initial period and they were shocked to see the pace and support which French revolution gained within some frame of time. During the period of Reign of Terror, around 16,594 deaths were recorded in France and out of these 16,594 people around 2600 deaths were registered only in Paris.  

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Reign of Terror

Keywords-Reign of Terror, Europe, France, Paris, Support, Favor, Importance, Enlightenment, Government, French Revolution, Monarchs.

The reign of terror lasted for 1 year. 1793-1794