Fill in the blanks. The cytochrome b6f is a large multisubunit protein, which accepts electrons from the __________________ . One electron moves linearly toward ____________, while the other goes through a cyclic process, which effectively pumps more ___________ into the thylakoid lumen.


Answer 1


The cytochrome b6f is a large multisubunit protein, which accepts electrons from the PLASTOHYDROQUINONE. One electron moves linearly toward PLASTOCYANIN , while the other goes through a cyclic process, which effectively pumps more PROTONS into the thylakoid lumen.


Cytochrome b6f plays a very important role in photosynthesis reaction in plants.

Cytochrome b6f exists as a dimer and it is an multisubunit protein that can be found in the chloroplasts of plants.

Cytochrome b6f speeds up the movement of electrons plastohydroquinone to plastocyanin during photosynthesis.

Answer 2


The cytochrome b6f is a large multi-subunit protein, which accepts electrons from the plastohydroquinone.

One electron moves linearly toward plastocyanin while the other goes through a cyclic process, which effectively pumps more protons into the thylakoid lumen.


The cytochrome b6f is distributed among both grana and stroma thylakoids equally. They are usually large and embedded in the membrane.

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this is the correct answer

In the case of the peppered moths in England, when Kettlewell set up cameras to document that more white or black moths were eaten by birds on clean or sooty trees, he was verifying which factor involved in evolution by natural selection?



a. The organisms vary in trait

b. The variation is inherited

c. More young are born than can survive

d. Some individuals are better adapted to the environment


d. Some individuals are better adapted to the environment


Kettlewell’s biological experiment, which was conducted in England, was to study the evolutionary changes taking place in trees in relation to the appearance of dark-colored moth.  

It was observed that white moths were more common before the industrial revolution. After the industrial revolution, which changed the background of the environment of the moths due to pollution, the moths became easily seen and obvious to predatory birds.

It was discovered that peppered moths were selectively preyed on by birds depending on their body color, which serves as the most important factor that determines if moths can survive predation by blending with the background of their environment. This led to the evolving of moths of their color to blend with the background of their environment, which makes them hide from the birds that prey on them.

Kettlewell was trying to verify the factor in evolution by natural selection, which says, “some individuals are better adapted to the environment”.

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A catalyst works by lowering the activation energy of a reaction - it will provide an alternative pathway of lower energy for the reaction, meaning that reactant molecules have to collide with less energy to react. This increases the proportion of collisions that are successful, and thus increases the rate of reaction

Which statement describes what occurs in both animal and plant cells? A) Nitrogen is used for respiration and oxygen is a waste product. B) Oxygen is used for respiration and carbon dioxide is a waste product. C) Nitrogen is used for respiration and carbon dioxide is a waste product. Eliminate D) Carbon dioxide is needed for respiration and oxygen is a waste product.


The statement that occurs in both animals and plant cells is letter C,Carbon dioxide is needed for respiration and oxygen is a waste product. Theprocess is known as cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the processof breaking down food such as glucose into carbon dioxide and oxygen. Duringthe process, cellular respiration also releases energy in the form of ATP(adenosine triphosphate) for use by all energy consuming activities of thecell. It is found in the simultaneous process of Gycolysis and Kreb’s cycle.Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose to two pyruvic acids. These two pyruvicacids will be used for the production of carbon dioxide and water in Kreb’scycle.

The structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is shown here. Which statement best explains how energy stored in the chemical bonds of ATP can be released. A) Adenine is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. B) Electrons are removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. D) A phosphate group is added to an ATP molecule with the addition of H2O.


C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule.

* ATP contains Adenine, Ribose sugar, and triphosphate group that contains 3 phosphates. When the third phosphate is broken, it is converted to ADP + P releasing a lot of energy.

The phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from ATP molecules. Thus, energy is stored in the chemical bonds of ATP and released during ATP hydrolysis.

Further Explanation:

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecular currency used for energy transactions. The ATP energy is stored in the bonds between the terminal phosphate groups. These bonds are hydrolyzed by the enzymes to obtain energy for reactions. ATP is an energy caring molecule present in the living cell. It stores energy in the bonds between the phosphates produced by the breakdown of food molecules. It releases energy required for the chemical reaction, and hence, it is known as an effective energy donor.

ATP is made of three main structures:

  • Sugar (ribose)
  • Nitrogenous base (Adenine)
  • Three phosphate group

The main energy source in ATP is phosphate tail. The energy is stored in the bonds present between the phosphates groups and release when these bonds are broke down. This process is referred to as ATP hydrolysis in this addition of water occurs. When the one phosphate is removed from ATP, then it is converted into ADP.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about cellular respiration
  2. Learn more about diffusion
  3. Learn more about phospholipids bilayer

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Membrane Biology


ATP, enzymes, bonds, chemical reaction, energy, phosphate group, ADP, food molecule, breakdown, donor, sugar, ribose.

The oral contraceptive pill, informally called "the pill" contains an estrogen and progesterone or a synthetic mimic of this hormone. The combination of these two hormones taken in the pill and circulating in the blood works becauseSelect one:a. The hormones cause the woman's body to mimic the activities of a pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle, preventing ovulation.b. The hormones cause a thickening of the mucus plug at the cervix that prevents sperm from penetrating the womb and reaching the ovulated egg.c. The hormones create an acid condition in the vagina that acts as a spermicide.d. The hormones prevent the proliferative or secretory phase of the menstrual cycle and the embryo will have no place to implant.


Answer:a. The hormones cause the woman's body to mimic the activities of a pregnancy and disrupt the ovarian cycle, preventing ovulation


Pills either as real subtance or synthetic form(Placebo) exhibit effect on ovulation ,by suppressing it thereby mimicking pregnancy.

Since ovulation is suppressed fertilization can not take place,no egg/ovum is released to be fertilized by the sperms.

Final answer:

The pill works by releasing estrogen and progesterone into the body. These hormones prevent ovulation and thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it harder for sperm to reach the egg.


The oral contraceptive pill, also known as 'the pill', contains hormones that have two main effects. The first is that they change the hormonal balance in the woman's body, making it behave as if it is already pregnant. That's because the hormones estrogen and progesterone prevent ovulation—the release of an egg from the ovaries. Without an egg to fertilize, pregnancy can't occur.

The second effect is that these hormones change the lining of the womb to make it less likely to accept a fertilized egg, and they thicken the mucus plug at the cervix, making it more difficult for sperm to reach an egg in the uterus. So, the correct answers to your question are a and b.

Learn more about Oral Contraceptive Pill here: