Which BEST describes rhetoric used this poem? A) zeugma and allegory B) anadiplosis and expletives C) extended metaphor and zeugma D) extended metaphor and rhetorical question


Answer 1


B) anadiplosis and expletives

Explanation: Anadiplosis is a figure of speech in which a word or group of words located at the end of one clause or sentence is repeated at or near the beginning of the following clause or sentence. This line from the novelist Henry James is an example of anadiplosis: "Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.

 Anadiplosis is the literary term for a rhetorical device in which a writer or speaker uses a word near the end of the clause and then repeats that word to begin the next clause. The repetition of the word calls attention to it as a main point of the text or speech.

Answer 2

Answer:the correct answer is D


I just did it

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The correct answer is:  

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electric stoplight



i say the first one


From what language does the phrase non sequitur originate, and what does it mean? A. It comes from Greek, and in English it refers to the school from which someone graduates. B. It comes from Latin, and in English it refers to something that feels out of place or illogical in a certain context. C. It comes from Spanish, and in English it refers to someone's mother. D. It comes from Italian, and in English it refers to someone's mother.


The answer is B. Latin, and in English it means to refer to something that feels out of place or illogical in a certain context. The "non-" prefix means not, it is a negative word. Sequitur refers to the sequence or follows/following. Originate means the beginning, it's origin. Therefore it literally means something that does not come from its origin. More simply put, it can be an answer given to a question that does not at all relate to the question, there is no logical place for that answer or statement to come from what was given.




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Table Of Contents

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