Decision making is part of


Answer 1

Answer: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Hope this helps you out

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Hey There! 

The age that determines difference between the average height boys and girls, is 5 to 8.

Have A Brainly Day :)

Which medium caused the most bending of light as it passed through?


Light doesn't bend as it passes through a (homogeneous) medium. It only bends at the spot where it crosses a boundary between one medium and another one. The amount of bend depends on what BOTH of them are, and you haven't told us ANY of them.
The question can't really be answered, you didn't give any information as to which three medians it was passing through. If you still need help, message me and I'd be happy to help. 

if two objects at different temperatures are in contact with each other, what happens to their temperatures.


Okay, let me reword this.  Heat flows to areas that are cool, however, once the heated area begins to cool, the other area begins to warm up. Then there comes a point when there is no energy being transmitted into the two areas. When that happens the two areas obtain/are at the same temperature.

For example, you let the warm are escape your kitchen and go into the cold garage. You leave the kitchen door open and the heat continues to flow into the cold garage. After a while you will begin to notice that the kitchen feels noticeably cooler and the garage feels somewhat warmer. Then you wait a while longer and realize that both of the rooms feel like they are at the same temperature. They have then reached equilibrium.

-- When the objects come in contact, heat energy begins to flow from the
warmer one to the cooler one. 

-- The warmer one cools as it loses heat energy, and the cooler one warms
as it gains heat energy. 

-- The flow of heat energy stops when the temperatures of both objects are equal.

Many countries have water conservation techniques in place. The United States has lagged behind in the area of water conservation, but recently many local governments have encouraged water conservation methods. Which method is NOT a way to conserve water? A) low-flow toilets B) water reclamation tanks C) not fixing leaky faucets and pipes D) odd and even day lawn watering schedules


Answer: C). not fixing leaky faucets and pipes.


Water is a necessary ingredient that is required by all living beings in the world. Due to increase in population of humans all over the world the demand for water is also increasing. As a result of this the concentration of water in water bodies depeleting. Therefore, special initiatives should be taken to conserve water.

Among the options given, not fixing leaky faucets and pipes is the correct option. This is because of the fact that leaky faucets and pipes may lead to the loss of useable freshwater. This is against conservation of water.

I'd say C because a lot of water wastage come from broken faucets/pipes.

Why is chemical energy a form of potential energy


Chemical Potential Energy is a form of Potential Energy related to the structral arrangment of Atoms or Molecules.

If a droplet has three extra electrons, what is it’s measured charge?


The charge of a droplet having 3 extra electrons is 3

Let the number of proton and electron of the droplet at ground state be 1

  • From the question given above, we were told that the droplet now have 3 extraelectronsi.e

Proton = 1

Electron = 1 + 3 = 4


The charge on the droplet can be obtained as follow:

Charge = Proton – electron

Charge = 1 – 4

Charge = –3

Therefore, the droplet has a charge of –3

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Each droplet should have an integer multiple of the elementary charge. The smallest charge measured is the charge of an electron.