What are three methods of heat transfer and what are some examples​


Answer 1

Answer: I am studying heat transfer and have learned there are three kinds of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Some examples are:


Touching a stove and being burned

Ice cooling down your hand

Boiling water by thrusting a red-hot piece of iron into it


Hot air rising, cooling, and falling (convection currents)

An old-fashioned radiator (creates a convection cell in a room by emitting warm air at the top and drawing in cool air at the bottom).


Heat from the sun warming your face

Heat from a lightbulb

Heat from a fire

Heat from anything else which is warmer than its surroundings.

Explanation: A good example would be heating a tin can of water using a Bunsen burner. Initially the flame produces radiation which heats the tin can. The tin can then transfers heat to the water through conduction. The hot water then rises to the top, in the convection process.

The atmosphere would be another example. The atmosphere is heated by radiation from the Sun, the atmosphere exhibits convection as hot air near the equator rises producing winds, and finally there is conduction between air molecules, and small amounts of air-land conduction.

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approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
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Identify one similarity between between fission and fusion processes.


Nuclear fusion and fission releases tremendous amount of energy using radioactive material as a fuel.

What are the similarity between fusion and fission?

Fusion and fission are similar in that they both release large amounts of energy.

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two nuclei join to form a larger nucleus.

Nuclear fission is a process in which a nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei.

At first sight, it doesn’t make sense that both fission and fusion release energy.

The key is in how tightly the nucleons are held together in a nucleus. If a nuclear reaction produces nuclei that are more tightly bound than the originals, then the excess energy will be released.

It turns out that the most tightly bound atomic nuclei are around the size of iron-56.

Thus, if you split a nucleus that is much larger than iron into smaller fragments, you will release energy because the smaller fragments are at a lower energy than the original nucleus.

If instead you fuse very light nuclei to get bigger products, energy is again released because the nucleons in the products are more tightly bound than in the original nuclei.

To know more about fusion and fission follow


Answer: C) They both result in products that have less mass than the reactants


A train is accelerating at a rate of 2 km/hr/s.  If its initial velocity is 20 km/hr, what is its velocity after 30 seconds?



11) If Galileo had dropped a 5.0 kg cannon ball to the ground from a height of 12 m, the change in PE of the cannon ball would have been product of mass(m),acceleration(g)and height(h) 

The change in PE =mgh=5*9.8*12=588 J 
12.) The 2000 Belmont Stakes winner, Commendable, ran the horse race at an average speed = v = 15.98 m/s. 

Commendable and jockey Pat Day had a combined mass =M= 550.0 kg, 

Their KE as they crossed the line=(1/2)Mv^2 

Their KE as they crossed the line=0.5*550*(15.98)^2 

Their KE as they crossed the line is 70224.11 J 

13)Brittany is changing the tire of her car on a steep hill of height =H= 20.0 m 

She trips and drops the spare tire of mass = m = 10.0 kg, 

The tire rolls down the hill with an intial speed = u = 2.00 m/s. 

The height of top of the next hill = h = 5.00 m 

Initial total mechanical energy =PE+KE=mgH+(1/2)mu^2 

Initial total mechanical energy =mgH+(1/2)mu^2 

Suppose the final speed at the top of second hill is v 

Final total mechanical energy =PE+KE=mgh+(1/2)mv^2 

As mechanical energy is conserved, 

Final total mechanical energy =Initial total mechanical energy 


v = sq rt [u^2+2g(H-h)] 

v = sq rt [4+2*9.8(20-5)] 

v = sq rt 298 

v =17.2627 m/s 

The speed of the tire at the top of the next hill is 17.2627 m/s 
14.) A Mexican jumping bean jumps with the aid of a small worm that lives inside the bean. 

a.)The mass of bean = m = 2.0 g 

Height up to which the been jumps = h = 1.0 cm from hand 

Potential energy gained in reaching its highest point= mgh=1.96*10^-4 J or 1960 erg 

b.) The speed as the bean lands back in the palm of your hand =v=sq rt2gh =sqrt 0.196 =0.4427 m/s or 44.27 cm/s 
15.) A 500.-kg horse is standing at the top of a muddy hill on a rainy day. The hill is 100.0 m long with a vertical drop of 30.0 m. The pig slips and begins to slide down the hill. 

The pig's speed a the bottom of the hill = sq rt 2gh = sq rt 2*9.8*30 =sq rt 588 =24.249 m/s 
16.) While on the moon, the Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong jumped up with an intitial speed 'u'of 1.51 m/s to a height 'h' of 0.700 m, 

The gravitational acceleration he experienced = u^2/2h = 2.2801 /(2*0.7) = 1.629 m/s^2 

1.) A train is accelerating at a rate = a = 2.0 km/hr/s. 


Initial velocity = u = 20 km/hr, 

Velocity after 30 seconds = v = u + at 

Velocity after 30 seconds = v = 20 km/hr + 2 (km/hr/s)*30s = 

Velocity after 30 seconds = v = 20 km/hr + 60 km/hr = 80 km/ hr 

Velocity after 30 seconds = v = 80 km/hr=22.22 m/s 
2.) A runner achieves a velocity of 11.1 m/s 9 s after he begins. 

His acceleration = a =11.1/9=1.233 m/s^2 

Distance he covered = s = (1/2)at^2=49.95 m

What force keeps you from falling through your bed when you lie on it to sleep


I think it has to do with the electrostatic repulsion of the electrons.
There is electrostatic repulsion between your electrons and those of the floor.

Write a paragraph that explains why hot-air ballons float


       First, they float because of gravity and the air that is in the hot air balloon.The operator of the hot air balloon can steer the hot air balloon so you cam get to where you want to go.

I hope this is good enough.And i hope this helps.

What do tendons connect skeletal muscles to?​



Tendons connect muscle to bone. These tough, yet flexible, bands of fibrous tissue attach the skeletal muscles to the bones they move. Essentially, tendons enable you to move; think of them as intermediaries between muscles and bones.

Hope this helps! (:


Explanation:Tendons connect muscle to bone. These tough, yet flexible, bands of fibrous tissue attach the skeletal muscles to the bones they move. Essentially, tendons enable you to move; think of them as intermediaries between muscles and bones.