Can somoene help me with this question??How might the history of the U.S. have been different if the original thirteen states had been guaranteed a perpetual majority of the representation in Congress?


Answer 1
Answer: It cannot be guaranteed that the history of United States would have been any different if the original thirteen states had been guaranteed a perpetual majority of the representation in Congress. Probably the revolution could have been delayed, but the revolution definitely would have happened. At that time the colonists always were angry whenever something did not happen as per their expectation. The colonists always had a tendency of asking more than they had and this would only have been possible if the colonists had their own country.   

Answer 2
Answer: Since the 13 colonies were colonies, they would have eventually revolted against the British rule, like how the rest of the British colonies. If they gave them more representation, then the revolution would have only been delayed, but at the end there would still be a revolution and the creation of the United States of America.

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