Fill the blank with the correct form of the verb \"querer.\" . . Yo _________ir al baile. . . .


Answer 1

The answer is

Yo quiero ir al baile. It is in simple present tense because there is not a preposition of time that indicates another tense.

Answer 2
Answer: It can be either "quería" or "quiero"It depends on what do you want to say.If you want to say "I wanted to go to the dance" use "quería"If tou want to say "I want to go to the dance" use "quiero"Good luck.

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Anita y Lucas han viajado a Hawai para su luna de miel. Ellos han llegado a Honolulu y tienen reservaciones en el hotel allí. Ellos se dieron cuenta que estaban enamorados cuando él la invitó a la playa y al estar allí, la besó. Algunas veces han peleado, pero en general se llevan muy bien. Lucas ha viajado por todo el mundo y ahora quiere que Anita conozca esta isla.¿Cuándo se dieron cuenta que estaban enamorados? Cuando el padre de ella se los dijo Cuando estaban en el carro Cuando él la besó en la playa Cuando estaban en el avión
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Pretérito vs. Imperfecto

Yo tenis hoy en la mañana. (Jugar)



yo juego tenis hoy en la mañana


- jugué. (pretérito)


★. Yo jugué tenis hoy en la mañana.


Read the following sentence and answer the question below.María estudió mucho, pero sacó una mala nota (bad grade) en el examen.
How did Maria probably feel?
A. Orgullosa
B. Desilusionada
C. Entusiasmada
D. Contenta


It’s B because it’s the only one that makes sense she was upset.

Julia is making plans with her friend, Carla. Complete her e-mail with the correct verb. ¿Tú ____________________ con nosotros? a. pierdes c. quieres b. tienes d. vienes


The answere is d. vienes

The correct answer would be d. vienes

¿Tú vienes con nosotros? = Are you coming with us? (in english)

Definite article for montañas


Las is the definite article for plural feminine nouns.
your answer is "las" since "montañas" is plural and feminine.

C. Now write the complete plural form of each word for part B Words are: cartel, teclado,mochila,mes


Carteles, teclados, mochilas, meses.

How would most Spanish speakers ask an elderly person how he/she is doing?



The correct answer is: ¿Cómo está?  or ¿Cómo está usted?  that means How are you?


Most Spanish speakers address formallyto elder people, as a sign of education or politeness, so even if they are referring technically to the singular second person and they could use correctly the pronoun "tú" (you), the pronoun they use is "usted" that follows the rules of the singular third person (she/he). So, when asking how someone is doing in the singular second person would be: ¿Cómo estás?; and in the third person would be ¿Cómo está?

Note that in Spanish is not necessary to include the pronoun in the question, for the conjugated verb refers directly to the subject, but it could be added in terms of emphasis.

So, asking an elder how is doing, would be grammatically as if we would be referring to a third party and therefore the correct answer is: ¿Cómo está?

Now, if we want to emphasize the subject we are referring then it is also correct to ask adding the word "Usted" at the end of the sentence, like this: ¿Cómo está usted?

¿Cómo está usted?- How are you?