(please help me)1. Sonia is adapting the following scene into a sketch for her school’s drama club. Compare her version to the original:


Rory stood pensively before the wall, which towered many dozens of feet high and had, so far as he could tell, no doors, no notches, no features of any kind. How frustrating, and yet, it was certainly a challenge.


(RORY and BELINDA stare up at a wall—it is high enough that its top cannot be seen on stage.)

BELINDA: How many feet high is it, do you think?

RORY: (excitedly) Dozens, I should think! No less than 60.

BELINDA: There must be some kind of door! Or notches, or dents, something to climb . . .

RORY: (gleeful) No, nothing of the sort. No features of any kind—look!

BELINDA (pouting): How tremendously frustrating!

RORY: Ah, but what a delicious challenge!

Which of the following best describes how adding a second character affects the scene?

The second character helps to resolve the conflict.
The second character helps to develop the setting by describing it aloud.
The second character helps develop Rory’s character by acting as a contrast to him.
The second character helps to develop the plot by introducing important background information.

2. Lakshmi’s summer camp is turning the fairy tale “Rapunzel” into a staged drama. Compare the original tale to her adaptation:


How can you dare, said she with an angry look, descend into my garden and steal my rampion like a thief? You shall suffer for it. Ah, answered he, let mercy take the place of justice, I only made up my mind to do it out of necessity. My wife saw your rampion from the window, and felt such a longing for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat. Then the enchantress allowed her anger to be softened, and said to him, if the case be as you say, I will allow you to take away with you as much rampion as you will, only I make one condition, you must give me the child which your wife will bring into the world.

–Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, “Rapunzel.” Grimms' Fairy Tales


ENCHANTRESS: (furiously) Stealing the rampion from my garden, right under my nose? How dare you!

MAN: (desperately) Please forgive me! I know I stole from you; but I only did it because I absolutely had to!

ENCHANTRESS: Had to steal? Ridiculous!

MAN: But I did have to! My wife needed the plant so badly that she was dying! I couldn’t just let her die!

ENCHANTRESS: Fine. Take it! Take all of it, see if I care. But in return . . . you’re going to give me your kid.

Which of the following best describes Lakshmi’s adaptation?

The adaptation shortens and revises the dialogue from the original, making the scene less formal.
The adaptation adds an extra conflict that was not in the original, making the scene more terrifying.
The adaptation adds funny dialogue that was not in the original, making the scene more humorous.
The adaptation reverses the characters’ positions from the original, making the scene more dramatic.


Answer 1





I think this because some are having more conflict from the original and the copy bc they are adding more dialoge and extra trouble

Answer 2

Answer: c

Explanation: The second character helps develop Rory’s character by acting as a contrast to him.

Took the test lol. Good luck everyone!
Brainliest maybe?

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1. How does Justine change in the story “A Birthday Tradition”?She recognizes that her previous behavior was rude and ungrateful.

She decides to be honest with her grandmother about the clothes.

Justine realizes that her grandmother doesn’t like their outings either.

Justine discovers that she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up.

2. Which of the following detail best supports the change in Justine’s character in “A Birthday Tradition”?

Justine dislikes the outfit her grandmother sends.

Justine is eager to spend time with her grandmother after receiving the note.

Justine is relieved about not having to go out with her grandmother.

Justine is surprised when her grandmother writes instead of visiting.

3. Which statement best describes the effect of the narrative point of view in “A Birthday Tradition”?

The third-person omniscient point of view allows the reader to know what every character thinks and feels in this story.

The third-person limited point of view allows the author to focus solely on the inner thoughts and feelings of Justine.

The first-person point of view allows the author to present and describe events in Justine’s voice.

The second-person point of view allows the author to address readers directly at several points.

4. Which statement best describes how the flashback affects the story “A Birthday Tradition”?

They demonstrate why Justine is interested in fashion.

They help develop and explain the anxiety Justine feels.

They reveal Grandma’s feelings about Justine’s embarrassment.

They make clear the odd relationship Justine has with her family.

Read the following sentence from Paragraph 2 of “A Birthday Tradition”. Which of the words or phrases has the same meaning as the word imminent as it is used in Paragraph 2?

Justine reclined on the front porch and looked out at the driveway, awaiting her grandmother’s imminent arrival.

5. Grandmother’s arrival was imminent because it was…

about to happen.

a yearly event.

an event to be dreaded.

previously scheduled.

6. What is the theme in the story “A Birthday Tradition”?

A miracle can happen at any moment.

Beauty is all around.

Friends do not have to be peers

Be careful what you wish for.

7. Which of the following quotations best supports the theme from question 6?

“Justine felt tears well up, even though she realized that this was exactly what she wanted.”

“Justine mumbled, ‘And then after you leave, I’ll incinerate the outfit.’”

“...inside the box was obviously another grandmother-chosen outfit: a fringe-covered, pink leather jacket and sparkly stretch slacks.”

“..you should be thankful for the time you have with her and the effort she puts into selecting those outfits for you.”


1. How does Justine change in the story “A Birthday Tradition”?

Answer: She recognizes that her previous behavior was rude and ungrateful.

Justine has a wake up call on her fifteenth birthday: because her grandmother isn't able to show up this time due to being feeling unwell, Justine remembers her mother's words: "your grandmother won't be around forever",which causes the teenager to reflect upon her past behavior, as in the passage:

"As she stared at the tacky outfit, she realized in retrospect how selfish she had been, and her mother’s words returned to her: “Your grandmother won’t be around forever.”"

2. Which of the following detail best supports the change in Justine’s character in “A Birthday Tradition”?

Answer: Justine is eager to spend time with her grandmother after receiving the note.

The gifts she'd been given ever since she was five- the dreadful outfits- made Justine see the yearly visit her grandmother paid her as a real burden, since she'd have to walk around wearing those weird clothes. Nevertheless, after learning her grandmother is unwell, Justine even calls the old woman and makes future plans with her, as seen in the following passage:

"She called and thanked her grandmother and rescheduled the trip to the movies so she could wear her new clothes and continue the birthday tradition."

3. Which statement best describes the effect of the narrative point of view in “A Birthday Tradition”?

Answer: The third-person limited point of view allows the author to focus solely on the inner thoughts and feelings of Justine.

The author focuses on Justine's point of view. We learn her impressions, thoughts and feelings regarding the birthday tradition. It's a third-person limited point of view, since we only know how Justine's mother feels about her daughter's behavior due to Justine's remembering her words, as shown in the following passage:

"Later that night when Justine had complained to her parents about the embarrassment of going to the movies in her birthday outfit every year, her mother simply told her that she should be grateful. “Your grandmother won’t be around forever; you should be thankful for the time you have with her and the effort she puts into selecting those outfits for you. Cherish your moments with her,” her mother said."

4. Which statement best describes how the flashback affects the story “A Birthday Tradition”?

Answer: They help develop and explain the anxiety Justine feels.

The flashback affects the story in the sense that it shows the reader why Justine feels so anxious, in a negative way, about the birthday tradition. We learn the teenager had been through awkward, embarrassing situations due to the outfits she'd been getting over the years. We can see that in the passage below:

"Justine felt as though she not only sparkled but also glowed in the dark, and later at the theater, the outfit was so itchy that she was scratching and thrashing around throughout the whole motion picture."

5. Grandmother’s arrival was imminent because it was…

Answer: about to happen.

That's what the word "imminent" means: liable to happen, about to occur. We know it never happened that day, but since Justine didn't know it when she reclined on the front porch and looked out at the driveway, the word "imminent" was used with the meaning above.

6. What is the theme in the story “A Birthday Tradition”?

Answer: Be careful what you wish for.

Justine didn't feel like going to the movies with her grandmother at all, and was hoping she wouldn't have to. Then, unexpectedly, she learned it wouldn't be necessary or even possible to do that due to her grandmother's poor health condition in that particular day. Justine felt very sad about it and even regretted her previous rudeness and ungratefulness.

7. Which of the following quotations best supports the theme from question 6?

Answer: “Justine felt tears well up, even though she realized that this was exactly what she wanted.”

We can't say Justine experienced a feeling of bittersweetness; actually, she was plain sad, just an immature teenager who was starting to learn the hard way about the complexity of human feelings.

Final answer:

In the story 'A Birthday Tradition', Justine goes through a change of heart, recognizing her previous behavior was rude and ungrateful. The narrative point of view is told in Justine's voice, allowing the author to present events from her perspective. The theme of the story is that a miracle can happen at any moment.


1. In the story “A Birthday Tradition”, Justine changes by recognizing that her previous behavior was rude and ungrateful.

2. The detail that best supports the change in Justine’s character is that she is eager to spend time with her grandmother after receiving the note.

3. The effect of the narrative point of view in “A Birthday Tradition” is that it allows the author to present and describe events in Justine’s voice.

4. The flashback affects the story by revealing Grandma’s feelings about Justine’s embarrassment.

5. In Paragraph 2 of “A Birthday Tradition”, the word that has the same meaning as “imminent” is “about to happen”.

6. The theme in the story “A Birthday Tradition” is that a miracle can happen at any moment.

7. The quotation that best supports the theme is “...you should be thankful for the time you have with her and the effort she puts into selecting those outfits for you.”

Learn more about Character development here:



what is the reader first introduced to in john steinbeck's "the chrysanthemums"? a. the author b. the conflict c. the setting d. the climax




The setting



How does a website address help you evaluate the reliability of a website?A. Certain website addresses guarantee that the information is reliable.

B. The website address provides clues about the expertise of authors.

C. When a website is published by a university, the information is always reliable.

D. Some website addresses are considered more reliable than others.


B is the most reasonable answer.

Have a nice day!

5. From which point of view is the following passage written? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Stephen tried his best, but the sum was too hard and he felt confused. The little silk badge with the white rose on it that was pinned on the breast of his jacket began to flutter. He was no good at sums, but he tried his best so that York might not lose.


it spoken from a third person point of view omniscient because not from anyone specific view and being told from a anonymous reader.

Head's writing has been described as "having the dimensions of a parable" - a short, simple story illustrating amoral or spiritual truth. What simple truth does Head illustrate in "The Prisoner Who wore Glasses"? Why is it
particularly meaningful given her cultural point of view? Cite evidence from the story to support your thinking.


One of the moral truths that is highlighted in the story "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses" is how people are able to achieve so much more when they work as a group, as opposed to acting individually.

In this story, we learn about a group of prisoners in a South African jail. They are political activists, and enjoy a good degree of freedom. However, this is threatened with the arrival of a new, strict warden. The group, however, is able to fight against this new authority due to the fact that they always operate as a tight group, and that there is rarely any conflict among themselves.

This truth is particularly meaningful in this context, as the prisoners are being punished for their social and political ideas and activism. The prisoners have a deep care and concern for society and they want relations among people to become fairer and more peaceful. However, they also act in accordance to this principle, as they attempt to create peaceful and cooperative relationships both among themselves as well as with the authorities. This is examplified by how the group always replies in unison, or by the fact that the warden joins the prisoners in working at the farm.