You work in a laboratory that studies the molecular biology of tribbles. [Although tribbles are an alien life form, assume here that the molecular biology of tribbles is identical to that of eukaryotes on Earth.]Your lab has a genomic library of tribble DNA, as well as a cDNA library made with mRNA extracted from whole tribbles. The lab also has a collection of live tribbles that can be used to isolate RNA or DNA, and a supply of fixed tribbles that can be stained for gene expression.Your advisor provides you with a cloned 100 bp DNA fragment that represents part of the protein-coding region of a tribble gene. Using the tools described in the previous paragraph and the molecular biology techniques we have discussed in class, how would you accomplish each of the following aims? Note: try to come up with the simplest and modest direct approach that will give you the desired information.A. Determine the amino acid sequence of the complete protein produced by that gene.B. Determine whether or not the gene contains introns.C. Determine whether the RNA produced by that gene experiences alternative splicing.D. Determine the length of the mature mRNA(s) produced by the gene. This includes the UTRs and the poly-A tail.E. Determine which cells in the tribble body do and do not express mRNA from this gene.F. You discover a blood stain in the lab, and you want to determine whether it is human blood or tribble blood. How can you do this using the molecular biology tools described above?


Answer 1



A) to determine amino acid sequence of the protein produced by that gene. We will use cDNA library, we will hybridize given part of DNA sequence ( as this part only contains exon part). Than we will isolate the hybridize part and translate this sequence using generic coding table.

B) for determine presence or absence of introns in gene used isolated cDNA in first question. Now we will add this cDNA to DNA library. Here cDNA due to complementary mature binds with DNA. If cDNA binds completely with gene with out looping part of gene it shows that gene is having only exons .

And if along with hybridization part some looped part present in between-- it shows both exons and intron are present.

C) for determining alternative splicing we will use cDNA library.

d) to determine length of mature mRNA which includes both the UTR and poly A sequence we will go for cDNA cloning and look for particular cDNA complementary to DNA segments. And later we isolate that cDNA and examine its whole length

E) to determine which cells in the tribble body express this particular mRNA . We use fluorescent tagged small DNA part provided. Then we will add this DNA probe to supplied tribes. The cells which are expressing , will have cDNA will bind to probe and florescent can be detected. Cells which are not expressing that gene, here probe will not bind and no fluorescence.  

F) to determine that whose blood strain is this. We will do VBTR profiling . Which VNTR profiling similar to belief stain help to determine which blood stain is this.

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Does enzyme decreased as our age increased? Discuss.



They have shown in numerous studies that enzyme output gradually decreases with age and may be reduced by more than 60% by the time we reach age 55. At some point in time, we must supplement our enzyme reserves in order to fight the degenerative conditions associated with aging.


Without bacteria in the environment a. adequate amounts of carbon would not be available to living organisms.
b. plants would not be able to grow due to lack of nitrogen.
c. bioremediation would have limited use as a tool to clean up pollutants. .
d. there would be a shortage of decomposer organisms.
e. All of the choices are correct.



e. All of the choices are correct.


Bacteria are present almost everywhere on Earth. Many bacteria like cyanobacteria play an important role in fixing the atmospheric carbon in the form of an organic molecule. These organic molecules then used to gain energy.

Many nitrogen-fixing bacteria like Rhizobium,  Azotobacter, etc plays an important role in providing nitrogen to plants which is important for their growth. Many bacteria decompose organic matter into simpler form and recycle the nutrients present in them.  

So bacteria like Pseudomonas putida decompose waste and clean the environment, therefore, they also help in bioremediation. So the correct answer is e. All of the choices are correct.

Answer: e. All of the choices are correct.

Explanation: Bacteria is an important part of the ecosystem. There are some bacterial species which we called (biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). These bacteria fixes atmospheric nitrogen for higher plants. There are some other bacterial species which feed on dead bodies of living material and helps in cleaning the environment. Due to this decomposition process high amount of carbon is liberated in the atmosphere and used by the plants during photosynthesis.

Determine if the equations represent synthesis reaction, decomposition reaction, single displacement reaction, or double displacement reactions .


The reaction of calciumsulfate is double displacement reaction, the reaction of copper and oxygen is synthesis reaction. The reaction of copper oxide and oxygen is single displacement reaction.

What is chemical reaction?

When atoms establish or break chemicalbonds, chemical processes take place. Reactants are the substances that begin a chemical reaction, while products are the compounds that are created as a result of the reaction.

Combination, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion are the five fundamental types of chemicalreactions. You can classify a reaction into one of these groups by looking at the reactants and products.

Calcium sulphate undergoes a doubledisplacement reaction, whereas copper and oxygen undergo a synthesis reaction. Copper oxide and carbon is single  displacement reaction.

Thus, first is double displacement reaction, second is synthesis reaction, as well as third reaction is single displacement reaction.

For more details regarding chemical reaction, visit:


The organisms of which domain are organized according to their shape? A. Bacteria B. Archaea C. Eukaryota


The three domain system is develop by Carl Woese and is used to classify biological organisms. Under these would be bacteria,archaea and eukaryota. There are also kingdoms namely archaebacteria,fungi, plantae, etc.The answer on this question would be letter b. archaea

Landforms is a physical feature on earth's surface true or false


The correct answer is True


In geography, the term "landform" refers to a natural shape or form that can be found on the surface of Earth such as mountains, hills or canyons. All of these are formed through different processes such as movement in tectonic plates. Additionally, these are considered as a physical feature of Earth as landforms define the shape and features of the Earth's surface and also influenced other physical phenomena such as weather or wind patterns. According to this, it is true landforms is a physical feature on Earth's surface.




A pharmaceutical company wanted to test a new drug developed to lessen the effects of the common cold. To test this drug, scientists tested 50 volunteers, each of whom was suffering the effects of a cold. Twenty five of the people were given the drug, while the other 25 were given a placebo, a sugar pill. None of the participants knew who was taking which pill. All participants received a pill at 8:00 am daily for the first three days of the study. All participants lived in the same environment, with the same climate, eating the same diet, and having the same level of activity. The severity of the cold, hence the effectiveness of the pill, was determined by the number of tissues each person used within 24 hours. At the end of a seven day period, it was concluded that those with the sugar pill had their symptoms disappear as well as those who had taken the new wonder drug. The executive committee decided to produce the drug anyway thinking that the public would do anything to relieve the symptoms of a cold. Type of Variable Description Dependent Variable that the researchers actually measurers, counts or observes. It is what the researcher thinks will change in response to the experimental treatment. Independent Variable that is intentionally changed by the researcher. Standardized or Controlled These variables are held constant between each group to help prevent these factors from influencing the dependent variable. Table Source: CA Surmacz (2004) Inquiring Minds Want to know: Introducing Freshmen to Experimental Design. In Tested studies for laboratory teaching. MA O'Donnell, Ed. Vol 25 Mini Workshops. Assoc. Biology Laboratory Education pp. 316-327. 1) State the research question the study aimed to address
2) What is the hypothesis?
3) Identify the independent variable versus the dependent variable.
4) What variables were held constant in this study?
5) What was the control group?
6) What data was collected during the study?
7) What this data qualitative or quantitative?
8) What was the study's conclusion?



1. Research question is a question which is the aim of any experiment or research, in this case, the question addressed by the study is -  Testing the effects of a newly developed drug to lessen the effects of the common cold.

2. Hypothesis is an explanation for the reason for any problem it does not need the evidence and completely based on logic.

The newly developed drug is able to lessen the symptoms of a common cold.

3. Independent variable is a variable manipulated or changed during the experiment:

Administration of drug or placebo (sugar pill)

4. Dependent variable is the response to the effect of the independent variable:

Number of tissues for each volunteer

5. Control group is available that remain constant throughout the study or used to compare the results:

Administration of sugar pill to 25 volunteers

6. Data is the result that the study generated -

At the end of the 7 days or one week period, symptoms of common cold disappear in both sets of volunteers who had taken either the drug or the placebo.

7. Data in this study is found is Qualitativedata as the drug is not administrated in doses.

8. Conclusion of the study is that the Placebo effect present as sugar pills relieve the common cold so This drug needs even more analysis.