“Things to Do If You Are a Subway” compares the subway to a:a. Worm
b. Locomotive
c. Dragon
d. New pair of shoes


Answer 1


C. Dragon

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Answer 2

C. Dragon

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In 1930 Mohandas "Mahatma Gandhi led a nonviolent march in India protesting Britain's colonialtriggering moment for the targer civil disobedience movement that eventually con todas las pendencefrom Britain in 1947. Shortly before the Salt March, Gandhi had written to Viceroy Lord Irwin, therepresentative of the British crown in India. The passage below is the conclusion of that letter. Read thepassage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Gandhi makes to convey hismessage to Lord Irwin that the taxes should be reversed.I know that in embarking on non-violence, I shallbe running what might fairly be termed a mad riskthough they undoubtedly are for the consideration ofany scheme of Government they have little bearingBut the victories of truth have never been wonwithout risks, often of the gravest character,on the greater problems which are above communitiesConversion of a nation that has consciously orand which affect them all equally. But if you cannotunconsciously preyed upon another, far moresee your way to deal with these evils and my lettermakes no appeal to your heart, on the eleventh daynumerous, far more ancient, and no less culturedthan itself, is worth any amount of riskof this month, I shall proceed with such co-workers of50 the Ashram' as I can take, to disregard the provisionsI have deliberately used the word conversion. For of the salt laws. I regard this tax to be the most10 my ambition is no less than to convert the Britishiniquitous of all from the poor man's standpoint.people through non-violence, and thus to make them As the independence movement is essentially for thesee the wrong they have done to India. I do not seek poorest in the land, the beginning will be made withto harm your people. I want to serve them even as I 55 this evil. The wonder is that we have submitted to thewant to serve my own. I believe that I have always cruel monopoly for so long. It is, I know, open to you15served themto frustrate my design by arresting me. I hope thatI served them up to 1919, blindly. But when my there will be tens of thousands ready, in a disciplinedeyes were opened and I conceived non-co-operation, manner, to take up the work after me, and, in the actthe object still was to serve them. I employed the 60 of disobeying the Salt Act, to lay themselves open tosame weapon that I have, in all humility, successfully the penalties of a law that should never have20 used against the dearest members of my family. If I disfigured the statute book.have equal love for your people with mine, it will notI have no desire to cause you unnecessarylong remain hidden. It will be acknowledged by them, embarrassment, or any at all, so far as I can help. Ifeven as members of my family acknowledged, 65 you think that there is any substance in my letter, andthey had tried me for several years. If the people if you will care to discuss matters with me, and if to25 join me, as I expect they will the sufferings theywillthat end you would like me to postpone publicationundergo, unless the British nation sooner retraces its of this letter, I shall gladly refrain on receipt of asteps, will be enough to melt the stoniest hearts.telegram to that effect soon after this reaches you.The plan through civil disobedience will be to70 You will, however, do me the favour not to deflect mecombat such evils as I have sampled out. If we want from my course, unless you can see your way to30 to sever the British connection it is because of suchconform to the substance of this letter.evils. When they are removed, the path becomes easy. This letter is not in any way intended as a threat,Then the way to friendly negation willbe open. If but is a simple and sacred duty, peremptory on a civilthe British commerce with India is purified of greed, 75 register. Therefore, I am having it specially deliveredyou will have no difficulty in recognizing ourby a young English friend who believes in the Indian35 independence. I invite you then to pave the way for cause and is a full believer in non-violence and whomProvidence seems to have sent to me, as it were, forimmediate removal of those evils, and thus open athe very purpose.way for real conference between equals, interestedonly in promoting the common good of mankind1 A spiritual retreat or monastery for a community of Hindusthrough voluntary fellowship and in arranging terms2 The India Salt Act (1852) enforced the British colonial government's monopoly on40 of mutual help and commerce equally suited to both.the collection, manufacture, and sale of salt in InduYou have unnecessarily laid stress upon communalproblems that unhappily affect this land. Importantafter the

Which lines in this excerpt from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" best reflect the theme of chaos and excitement in creation?But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
{Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place! as holy and enchanted}
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
{By woman wailing for her demon-lover!}
And from this chasm, with {ceaseless turmoil seething,}
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
{A mighty fountain momently was forced :}
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail :
And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
{It flung up momently the sacred river.}



  • ceaseless turmoil seething,
  • A mighty fountain momently was forced :
  • It flung up momently the sacred river.


The gap certainly is a reference to Chaos, the Greek void condition of the Cosmos before creation. Turmoil does really mean gorge in old Greek. Tumult in Greek folklore was the confounded condition of issue and psyche. A kind of primordial scramble which contained everything that would and could be. As per Greek folklore it was likewise "fuming with constant unrest", implying that the majority of its components were topping off with vitality and going to rise up out of it into creation.

At that point the Earth is and it is "taking in quick thick jeans", at the end of the day the Earth is palpitating with the strife of creation, life and matter and water, and winds spouting and hurrying everywhere throughout the outside of the planet.

Coleridge is clearly utilizing Kubla Khan's Xanadu as a purposeful anecdote for Creation.


the answers are CDE. It's right on plato/edmentum.


A division between two opposite characteristics is known as a(n) _____. Select the best answer choice. dichotomy personality type interest inventory introvert


The correct answer is dichotomy.

Dichotomy can be used for anything that is at the opposite ends of some scale, or exclusive. For example:the difference of  good and bad is a dichotomy, and so is cold and hot.

(Some of the other words: inventory is the mass of goods that a company keeps. An introvert is a person who keeps to themselves and is likely to talk only very little)

The answer is Dichotomy Hope I helped even though it was already answered but it always helps to double check

The morning dawned dark and gloomy, then rain began to pour. This was the one day out of the year that Shelby, a weather forecaster, had taken off work to go camping. Which literary device did the author use in the passage?a. understatement
b. paradox
c. irony
d. allegory


The literary device the author used in the passage is c) irony.
It is quite ironic that the weather forecaster, who is supposed to know about the weather, chose just one day in the year to go camping, and it started raining. 

The right answer is IRONY (C). As a literary device, irony is a contrast or absurdity between expectations for a situation and what is reality. It can also be a difference between what can be expected to happen and what occurs. In this excerpt we can notice the use of irony because it says Shelby is a weather forecaster and it the very day she left, weather became rough, meanig it is ironic how the the first event conditionated the following.  

You are researching a public essay on growing Internet censorship. Which of these sources is the most relevant and credible?


In academic writing, a credible source refers to an article or book that is written by one who is an expert in a particular field or subject area. Such materials are often edited and peer reviewed by other experts in order to ensure that the information contained in the material are accurate. 
For someone who is carrying out research on internet censorship, the best source to use out of the options given is that of a news agency who recently carry out a research on that topic. 

The correct answer for this question is this one: "C. a recent survey by a news agency showing that most parents across the country favor Internet censorship"

Here are the following choices:
A. a list of signatures from people who are against restrictions proposed in new Internet laws
B. an anonymous article in a local county newspaper supporting harsher Internet censorship laws
C. a recent survey by a news agency showing that most parents across the country favor Internet censorship
D. an article on an Internet blog that describes how the act of Internet censorship encroaches on the First Amendment

Which parts of this passage contain a biblical allusion?So lived the clansmen in cheer and revel
a winsome life, till one began
to fashion evils, that field of hell.
Grendel this monster grim was called,
march-riever mighty, in moorland living,
in fen and fastness; fief of the giants
the hapless wight a while had kept
since the Creator his exile doomed.
On kin of Cain was the killing avenged
by sovran God for slaughtered Abel.
Ill fared his feud, and far was he driven,
for the slaughter’s sake,
from sight of men. Of Cain awoke all that woful breed,
Etins and elves and evil-spirits,?


1 "On kin of Cain was the killing avenged

by sovran God for slaughtered Abel."

2 from sight of men. Of Cain awoke all that woful breed,

"On kin of Cain was the killing avenged
by sovran God for slaughtered Abel."

This, of course, refers to Cain and Abel from the Bible. According to the Bible, they were two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain killed his own brother, Abel, and thus further cursed the mankind.

How does regular exercise improve cardiovascular function during times of stress? A. It reduces the amount of endorphins released in the body.
B. It increases oxygen supplies and lowers triglyceride levels.
C. It increases the level of hormones circulating in the body.
D. It reduces carbon dioxide supplies and raises triglyceride levels.


The right answer is B. It increases oxygen supplies and lowers triglyceride levels.

Sport lowers your triglyceride levels. Running at a moderate pace is the ideal sport to start. 3 studies confirm that regular exercise significantly reduces triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol. Athletic training can lower blood cholesterol levels by 12%, triglycerides by 22% and high blood pressure by 10%.