Why are voluntary muscles also known as skeletal muscles?


Answer 1


Skeletal muscle is called voluntary because you can control this type of muscle. You can voluntarily choose to move them. These muscles attach to bones, move the skeleton, and are found in the arms, legs, neck, or anywhere you can voluntarily move a body part. These muscles produce strong contractions.


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Some important minerals are stored in the bones.



Final answer:

Our bones serve as storage for crucial minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are significant for various bodily functions, confirming the trueness of the statement.


The statement, 'some important minerals are stored in the bones', is true. The human body uses bones as a reserve for minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. These minerals contribute to the strength of our bones, and are also essential for numerous functional roles in the body. For example, calcium is necessary for muscle contraction and neuron function. Phosphorus, on the other hand, forms part of DNA and cell membranes, and also helps regulate the body's pH balance.

Learn more about Minerals in Bones here:



The oxygen content in the atmosphere of the early Earth is thought to have increased significantly once which of these developed?


Oxygen content increased after photosynthetic algae developed.

The algae is able to use solar energy, water, and carbon dioxide to synthesize sugars for its own energy. During the process, oxygen is released as a byproduct.

Why is killing its host usually disadvantageous for a parasite?


It leaves the parasite stranded in the host making it tough to survive!
But also nature can take it's natural course and solve the problem by
-- You Guessed It -- Mutation, adapting to the problem. By mutation 
the parasite may be able to make itself air-borne, spreading from host
to host!
sometimes the parasite might live off of the host.

The _____ store(s) more carbon than the atmosphere. 1).trees 2).soil 3).oceans 4).rock


3) Oceans
The oceans are a massive carbon sink, and part of the positive reinforcement of the greenhouse gas cycle is that, as the oceans become warmer, then tend to release more carbon dioxide dissolved in the water which in turn drives temperatures warmer.

The is Answer is The Oceans

Approximately 90 to 100 Pg of carbon moves back and forth between the atmosphere and the oceans, and between the atmosphere and the land biosphere. Although these exchange rates are large relative to the total amount of carbon stored in the atmosphere, the concentration of CO 2 was constant

Marine plants and animals play a role in the uptake and release of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Plants, primarily phytoplankton but also macrophytes such as this seaweed, take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which oxygen-dependent animals need to survive.

Marine plants and animals play a role in the uptake and release of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Plants, primarily phytoplankton but also macrophytes such as this seaweed, take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which oxygen-dependent animals need to survive.

at 280 parts per million (ppm) by volume for at least 1,000 years prior to the industrial era. Atmospheric concentrations of CO 2 were constant because the carbon being removed from the atmosphere in some places exactly matched the CO 2 being added to the atmosphere in other places.

Today, CO 2 concentrations in the atmosphere are increasing as a direct result of human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels (e.g., coal and oil). Over the past 150 years, CO 2 concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by as much as 30 percent (from 280 to 370 ppm).

All trees, nearly all plants from cold climates, and most agricultural crops respond to increasing atmospheric CO 2 levels by increasing the amount of CO 2 they take up for photosynthesis . It is believed that the increased uptake in land plants from rising atmospheric CO 2 levels roughly counterbalanced the CO 2 released from cutting down tropical rain forests and other agricultural practices in the decade of the 1980s. In the 1990s, the land biosphere was estimated to take up approximately 1 Pg more CO 2 than it released each year.

Most of the CO 2 released from the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities (e.g., cement manufacturing) is stored either in the atmosphere or in the oceans. The CO 2 that remains in the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas, absorbing long-wavelength radiation (heat) in the atmosphere. CO 2 taken up by the oceans does not affect the Earth's heat balance, so an understanding of the air-sea exchange of CO 2 is an essential part of understanding the Earth's climate system and the potential impact of future CO 2 emissions.

A person exhibiting a recessive characteristic must be heterozygous for that gene. True or False



Explanation: cause heterozygous means that 2 or more of offspring genes are recessive

Glucose derivatives can produce a number of different molecules, including sugar acids. Below are three sugar acids. (1) Indicate which carbon has been oxidized in glucose to produce the sugar acid and (2) match the function of the sugar acid by selecting the letter associated with a description. This will require you to investigate functions!a. This sugar acid is used as a substrate in glucuronosylation reactions to modify other insoluble molecules, forming glucuronides that are water soluble and can be more efficiently eliminated from the body as waste. b. Produced in small amounts in mammals, but found in higher amounts in fruits, including apples and grapefruits. This sugar acid has been shown to limit hormone-dependent cancers through inhibition of β-glucuronidase. c. Found in honey, where the pH is kept acidic to inhibit growth of microorganisms. This sugar acid is produced by the enzyme glucose oxidase and serves to enhance flavor.
i. Gluconic Acid: oxidation at __________, function description letter ____ ii. Glucuronic Acid: oxidation at _________, function description letter ____ iii. Glucaric Acid: oxidation at _________, function description letter ____


Gluconic Acid: oxidation at carbonyl (1st) carbon, function description letter c.
Glucuronic Acid: oxidation at last (6th) carbon, function description letter a.
Glucaric Acid: oxidation at both carbonyl and last carbon, function description letter b.

According to the site of oxidation, sugars are classified into different groups. The name of the sugar suggest which group it belongs:
1. Aldonic acids - carbon is oxidized at carbonyl carbon -  e.g. gluconic acid.
2. Uronic acids - carbon is oxidized at last carbon - e.g. glucuronic acid. 
3. Aldaric acids - carbon is oxidized at both carbonyl and last carbon - e.g. glucaric acid.