What idea separated the two sides in "All Summer in a Day"?


Answer 1

The theme deals with isolation, bullying and jealousy


  • The story is about a group of children who bully a girl, from Earth. A girl named Magot who has moved to venus from the earth tells them about the sun. The children in the venus who have never seen the sun bully her saying she was lying.
  • The children on venus are jealous of her experience on earth and were bulying her. Just when the sun was about to appaer, they said her predications were wrong and shut her in a room.
  • Magot isolates from the children and feels that the children on earth are better.

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B=Research on the history of the area
C=a list of people he went with.
D=Examples of his experiences





because he discusing the many new things he experienced therfore giving examples of his experiences will guve us better understanding of those experiences




edge 2020

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Dear grandma,

Online school is stressful. They always want my camera on even when I look bad and sometimes when they call my name and I just don't respond because it's weird and I have to practice whatever I have to say before saying it to everyone. I just want to finish it and get it over with. And the schoolwork is A LOT to handle but I'm trying...

Love you, (my name)

He has become an extremely unpopular celebrity. Is this an example of oxymoron or paradox? Explain your answer


Answer:it is an example of oxymoron

Explanation: oxymoron means when two terms having opposite meaning come together

Here unpopular celebrity is an oxymoron.

celebrity as the name suggests is a person who is well known and popular among people. oxymoron is often used in poetry to enhance the poetic language..it is a phrase that consists of two unrelated words. So here celebrity is attributed with the adjective unpopular which is very controversial.

Hope it helps ❤️

Answer:what can't take a joke big boi

Explanation:not weeb

Which of the following is an example of a vivid phrase? A) Red sky B) orange trees C) Scarlet clouds D) calm winds


From the options given the best representation of A vivid phrase is: "red Sky" (Option A). Vivid is an adjective that is used to ascribe strength and vigor to a subject.

What is the definition or meaning of "Phrase"?

A phrase Literature describes a group of words which which standing alone, have no complete meaning except they are connected to an object or subject.

Hence it is right to state that the example of a vivid phrase is: "red Sky" (Option A).

Learn more about phrases at;

calm wind is a example of vivid. phrase

As he sat and regained his breath, he noted that he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He was not shivering, and it even seemed that a warm glow had come to his chest and trunk. Then the thought came to him that the frozen portions of his body must be extending, and he made another wild run along the trail. And all the time the dog ran with him, at his heels.What is the character’s motivation in the excerpt?

The man is internally motivated by his loyalty to the dog.
The man is internally motivated by a survival instinct.
The man is externally motivated by the hope of peer recognition.
The man is externally motivated by the urgings of the dog.


Answer: The second opinion


He was comfortable so it couldn’t have been external and him and his dog was doing fine but he knew he was alarmingly cold

The second opinion

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Answer: Every day, Brahmadatta came to the park and killed a deer, which was taken by the cook to prepare dishes for the king's table. Sometimes, if the king was very busy, it was the cook himself who gave the order to the chief of the guard to kill a deer. But as soon as the deer saw the bows and arrows, they panicked. So the people builded a stockade to prevent him from hunting poor animals.