(korean) how long does it take to learn korean?


Answer 1
Answer: depends on how well you can pick up information
Answer 2


Advanced Korean, more around 3 years, simple Korean, around 6 - 4 months.


If you can see and know information at a basic level.

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나는 먹는 한국 음식 에 익숙하지 않아요naneun meogneun hangug eumsig e igsughaji anh-ayo


한국 음식을 많이 먹지 않아요.


This is basically the polite way to say "I don't each much Korean food". An easier way to pronounce this is : hangug (korean) eumsig-eul (food) manh-i (A lot of) meogji anh-ayo (I don't eat).

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Dickinson’s poem is written in PAST tense.

The past tense in this poem is PERFECT

Whitman’s poem is written in  PRESENT tense.

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Just did the intrusction on edge

Although I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, it looks like you'e been waiting a while so I'm gonna give it a shot. At the beginning of it, It says began to rock which is present tense so it makes it sounds as if it is happening as we read it but then threw is past tense which makes it sound like it already happened.

Again I'm just pretty much guessing but that's all I got. Sorry if it didn't help but I tried.

A boy sees a snake lying still in the road. He bends close to look at it. Suddenly, the snake moves. the boy jumps back. A. a boy sees a snake lying in the road
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Please Help


A. A boy sees a snake lying still in the road
the right answer is A. because the boy sees the snake lying in the road 

hope this help you out

good luck 

Can you translate this to English without google translate


no you can't translate this into english because it's already in english


Miyaad tan ugu tarjumi kartaa Ingiriis adoon google tarjumin


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