Explain the 2 pros and 2 cons of having only three requirements to be president of the United States


Answer 1
Answer: The requirements of a candidate who’s goal is to become president is:

•be a natural-born citizen of the United States
•be at least 35 years of age
•be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years

The pros of this are that the age requirement was set in to place because the Founding Fathers believe that a middle aged person has fully developed and matured. And that’s true (but not all the time). The requirements also do not eliminate any person of any race or religion or sexual preference from becoming president. Any one can become president!
The cons of this are that it kind of excludes immigrants who dream as serving as president as this requirement was put into place so as not to be influenced by foreign administration.
I only have two pros and one con, sorry...

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4. To persuade


In this excerpt, Otis's purpose is most likely to persuade. Otis tells us that no person should be able to take another person's property without their consent. He believes this is what happens with the taxes the British take from the colonists. As the colonists have not been able to vote for the British representatives, this means that they have not consented. Otis wants to persuade the audience that this is an unfair situation.

Number 4 because he is persuading the Americans to see that the taxing of the Brittish is not fair.

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