Listen and choose the option with the correct price 849.000 859.000 749.000 759.000 *spanish*


Answer 1


I listened to the audio

Answer 2


Its 849.000 I did the test and got it right


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Translate pls, and help solve..?
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Answer by YourHope:

Hi! :)

This translates to:

Angel and Charlie share a desk in Science class. The teacher asks the class to do an experiment with a classmate. Angel would like to do an experiment on people, while Charlie wants to do one on landforms. How can they reach an agreement?


Angel and Charlie share a desk in science class. The teacher asked the class to do an experiment with their partner. Angel would like to do an experiment of the people while Charlie would like to do one of landforms

How can they get into an agreement?

And to solve...