Define BAC. List the symptoms of impairment for the BAC levels listed. (Circle the BAC that is considered the “legal limit”)a. BAC-
b. .01
c. .02
d. .03
e. .04
f. .05
g. .07
h. .08


Answer 1
Answer: The bac legal limit is 0.8

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The Michigan forests contain a variety of tree species. What happens to the tree population when a forest losses its diversity; when only one tree species dominates an area? Students in biology class conducted the following simulations to predict the effects oon one tree species due to the presence of an invasive insect species: the hemlock woolly adelgid. Simulation #1 - 1. 28 students were given a card marked with H for hemlock 2. Each student moves around the room to meet three other students and write their names on their card. 3. The teacher represents the hemlock woolly adelgid.. He touches one student who dies and sits down. That student reads the names on his/her card. 4. Each student named, also dies and also reads the names on their cards. 5. Continue to all the students sitting have read the names on their cards. Count the number of students still standing. Simulation #2 1. Students are given cards marked H - hemlock; JP - jack pine; F - balsam fir; A - aspen; B - birch. 2. Repeat steps #2 - #5 from Simulation #1. 3. This time ONLY the students marked H will sit down. The other species of trees do not die. Based on the students' simulations, what conclusion can be drawn?A)Biodiversity halts the impact of disease and/or insect damage in an ecosystem.B)Planting hemlocks in stands by themselves will save the other tree species growing throughout Michigan.C)By planting a variety of tree species, you reduce the impact of specific insect damage on a forest ecosystem.
Please help me with my science homework?
Animals are associated with ___and plants are associated with
What is a cell wall? What is it made of in plant and in fungi?

Before DNA was discovered, in which materials did scientists think the genetic material was stored?


Answer: We all know that DNA act as repository of genetic information in most organism. But before the discovery of DNA it was thought that proteins act as a genetic material because protein is the final product of the cell dogma of cellular system and proteins helps in the formation of tissues and organs.

How is a tendon different from a ligament? A.
A tendon joins a bone to a bone; a ligament joins a muscle to a bone.

A tendon joins a muscle to a bone; a ligament joins a bone to a bone.

A tendon covers a bone; a ligament supplies nutrients to a bone.

A tendon supplies nutrients to a bone; a ligament covers a bone.
Please help me.


A tendon joins a muscle to a bone; a ligament joins a bone to a bone. The correct option is C.

What is a ligament?

A ligament is a fibrous connective tissue that connects bones and serves to hold structures together and keep them stable.

Ligaments frequently connect two bones, especially at joints: They act similarly to strong, firmly attached straps or ropes in stabilizing the joint or holding the ends of two bones together.

Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that connect muscle to bone. Tendons can also connect muscles to structures like the eyeball. A tendon moves the bone or structure.

The simplest way to remember the distinction between tendons and ligaments is as follows: Ligaments connect two bones. Tendons connect a muscle to a bone.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding ligament, visit:


i just did this test and it would be a tendon joins a muscle to a bone and a ligament joins bone to bone

When genes are shared across two different organisms we refer to this as an event of


The  answer is; horizontal gene transfer

The other form of gene transfer is the vertical gene transfer where genes are transfers from parents to offspring. Horizontal gene transfer is common in bacteria and is significant in transferring favorable genes such as antibiotic resistance in a bacteria population. An example of this horizontal gene transfer in bacteria is conjugation and transformation.  

7. The role of an organism in the ecosystem is called its​


Answer: The role of an organism in the ecosystem is called its NICHE.

Explanation: The niche (pronounced 'neesh') of an organism is the specific function and purpose of the organism within its environment, ecosystem or food-web or food-chain.




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The pores that present in the plasma membrane acts on....... A) the transfer of DNA molecules into the cytoplasm to synthetesize the protiens
B) the transfer of RNA molecules into the cytoplasm to synthetesize the protiens
C) the transfer of DNA and RNA molecules into the cytoplasm to synthetesize the protiens
D) the transfer of ribosomes into the nucleus to synthetesize the protiens​



DNA does not move from the limits of the nuclear membrane. The genetic information on the DNA strand is translated into proteins through the mediation of messenger-RNA. DNA is transcribed into mRNA that crosses the pores of the nuclear membrane to the cytoplasm. The mRNA directs how the ribosomes will manufacture particular proteins based on the coded information from the DNA.


The nuclear membrane protects the genetic material by regulating the types of substances that can cross into and out of the nucleus. This ensures that DNA maintains its integrity which is critical for the proper function of the cell.

Learn More:

For more on the significance of the nuclear membrane check out;
