You observe heat, light, and sound released by a chemical reaction. this reaction isabsorbing energy
consuming energy


Answer 1
Answer: I think exothermic. If net energy is released its known as exothermic

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The concentration pertains to the molarity of the solution with an equation of mol of solution per liter of solvent.  

M (molarity) = moles of solute/L of solvent

M (molarity) = 0.5 mol NaOH / 0.5 L

M (molarity) = 1 M NaOH

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The answer is Solid.

This is on account of the substances that develop a solid are packed in a settled, firmly pressed geometric plan.

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Answer: The given temperature is known as melting point of naphthalene.


Melting point is defined as the temperature at which solid gets converted to liquid.

The temperature remains constant until all the solid has been converted to liquid. At this temperature, solid state and liquid state are present at equilibrium.

\text{Solid state}\rightleftharpoons \text{Liquid state}

We are given:

A solid piece of naphthalene is heated till 80°C until all the solid is melted.

Hence, the given temperature is known as melting point of naphthalene.

If a solid piece of naphthalene is heated and remains at 80 degrees Celsius until it is completely melted, you know that 80 degrees Celsius is the melting point of the solid naphthalene. This is the maximum temperature at which the chromium is in its solid form.

Why is chemistry important?


To study chemistry is to know the structures of bonds and the study of matter. When we study this, we learn about the pure substances and elements that are found on earth. The chemical equations are also important because it improves our math skills. 


Science chemistry is fundamental for meeting our essential requirements of food, clothing, cover, wellbeing, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. Synthetic advancements improve our personal satisfaction in various ways by giving new answers for issues in wellbeing, materials, and energy use.

Here are probably the best motivations to concentrate on science.

Science chemistry assists you with grasping your general surroundings. ...

Fundamental information on science assists you with perusing and comprehend item names.

Science can assist you with pursuing informed choices. ...

Science chemistry is at the core of cooking. ...

An order of science chemistry  can assist with guarding you!


Science chemistry is fundamental for meeting our essential requirements of food, clothing, cover, wellbeing, energy, and clean air, water, and soil. Substance advances improve our personal satisfaction in various ways by giving new answers for issues in wellbeing, materials, and energy utilization.

Instances of Science chemistry in Regular day to day existence

Discolouration of Leaves

Food Processing

Normal Salt

Ice Drifting on Water

Creation of Tears While Slashing Onions




Baking Pop

Food Additives



Science chemistry will assist us with tackling numerous future issues, including practical energy and food creation, dealing with our current circumstance, giving safe drinking water and advancing human and natural wellbeing.

Viewed as the focal science chemistry , Science chemistry includes the investigation of how various substances change tones, shape, size and structures when responded with one more material or a bunch of substances. Besides, the utilization of different Parts of Science across various fields has prompted numerous disclosures and very good quality advancements which has helped humanity in either way. Understanding Science in day to day existence is significant in light of the fact that:

The food we eat, the beauty care products we use or the medications we take, these go through substance responses.

It can assist you with settling on choices connected with a great many things like watering plants in view of seasons, setting the temperature to prepare a cake, picking the right medication for causticity, applying a specific SPF sunscreen, and so on.

It assists you with understanding which component your body needs more. For example, some might require Vitamin D more than others

The nucleus of a radium-226 atom is unstable, which causes the nucleus to spontaneously(1) absorb electrons (3) decay
(2) absorb protons (4) oxidize


Answer: The nucleus of radium-226 is unstable and hence undergoes decay.

Explanation: Radium has many isotopes. One of them is _(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra} which has 88 protons and 138 neutrons. It is a radioactive isotope and undergoes decay process.

This isotope undergoes alpha - decay and produces Radon-222 isotope.

Equation for alpha - decay follows:

_(88)^(226)\textrm{Ra}\rightarrow _(86)^(222)\textrm{Rn}+_2^4\alpha

Hence, the nucleus of radium-226 undergoes decay process.

The answer is (3) decay. An atom whose nucleus is unstable is said to be "radioactive," and its nucleus undergoes nuclear decay.

Based on the sign of E cell, classify these reactions as spontaneous or non spontaneous as written.? assume standard conditions. Ni^2+ (aq) + S^2- (aq) ----> + Ni (s) S (s) (nonspontaneous)? Pb^2+ (aq) +H2 (g) ----> Pb (s) +2H^+ (aq) (nonspontaneous)? 2Ag^+ (aq) + Cr(s) ---> 2 Ag (s) +Cr^2+ (aq) (spontaneous?) Are these correct?


A electrochemical reaction is said to be spontaneous, if E^(0) cell is positive. 

Answer 1:
Consider reactionNi^2+ (aq) + S^2- (aq) ----> + Ni (s) + S (s) 

The cell representation of above reaction is given by;
S^(2-)/S // Ni^(2+)/Ni

Hence, E^(0)cell = E^(0) Ni^(2+/Ni) - E^(0) S/S^(2-)
we know that, {E^(0) Ni^(2+)/Ni = -0.25 v
and {E^(0) S/ S^(2-) = -0.47 v

Therefore, E^(0) cell = - 0.25 - (-0.47) = 0.22 v

Since,  E^(0) cell is positive, hence cell reaction is spontaneous

Answer 2: 
Consider reactionPb^2+ (aq) +H2 (g) ----> Pb (s) +2H^+ (aq)

The cell representation of above reaction is given by;
    H_(2) / H^(+) // Pb^(2+) /Pb

Hence, E^(0)cell = E^(0) Pb/Pb^(2+) - E^(0) H_(2)/H^(+)
we know that, {E^(0) Pb^(2+)/Pb = -0.126 v
and {E^(0) H_(2)/ H^(+) = -0 v

Therefore, E^(0) cell = - 0.126 - 0 = -0.126 v

Since,  E^(0) cell is negative, hence cell reaction is non-spontaneous.


Answer 3
Consider reaction2Ag^+ (aq) + Cr(s) ---> 2 Ag (s) +Cr^2+ (aq)

The cell representation of above reaction is given by;
    Cr/Cr^(2+) // Ag^(+)/Ag

Hence, E^(0)cell = E^(0) Ag^(+)/Ag - E^(0) Cr/Cr^(2+)
we know that, {E^(0) Ag^(+)/Ag = -0.22 v
and {E^(0) Cr/ Cr^(2+) = -0.913 v

Therefore, E^(0) cell = - 0.22 - (-0.913) = 0.693 v

Since,  E^(0) cell is positive, hence cell reaction is spontaneous

Answer: Ni^(2+)(aq)+S^(2-)(aq)\rightarrow Ni(s)+S(s)  : non spontaneous

Pb^(2+)(aq)+H_2(g)\rightarrow Pb(s)+2H^+(aq)  : non spontaneous

2Ag^(+)(aq)+Cr(s)\rightarrow 2Ag(s)+Cr^(2+)(aq)  : spontaneous


a) Ni^(2+)(aq)+S^(2-)(aq)\rightarrow Ni(s)+S(s)

Here S undergoes oxidation by loss of electrons, thus act as anode. Ni undergoes reduction by gain of electrons and thus act as cathode.

E^0=E^0_(cathode)- E^0_(anode)

Where both E^0 are standard reduction potentials.



E^0=E^0_([Ni^(2+)/Ni])- E^0_([S^(2-)/S])


As value of E^0 is negative, the reaction is non spontaneous.

b)Pb^(2+)(aq)+H_2(g)\rightarrow Pb(s)+2H^+(aq)

Here Hydrogen undergoes oxidation by loss of electrons, thus act as anode. Pb undergoes reduction by gain of electrons and thus act as cathode.

E^0=E^0_(cathode)- E^0_(anode)

Where both E^0 are standard reduction potentials.



E^0=E^0_([Pb^(2+)/Pb])- E^0_([H^(+)/H_2])


As value of E^0 is negative, the reaction is non spontaneous.

c) 2Ag^(+)(aq)+Cr(s)\rightarrow 2Ag(s)+Cr^(2+)(aq)

Here Cr undergoes oxidation by loss of electrons, thus act as anode. Ag undergoes reduction by gain of electrons and thus act as cathode.

E^0=E^0_(cathode)- E^0_(anode)

Where both E^0 are standard reduction potentials.



E^0=E^0_([Ag^(+)/Ag])- E^0_([Cr^(2+)/Cr])


As value of E^0 is positive, the reaction is spontaneous.